Topic: Subliminal End Time Movies...You Make The Movie!...! | |
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Wed 11/18/15 09:37 AM
Good Day my good friends of M2, once again my forums are steady hits thanks to you keep posting and following me. for those been with me at least 6 months to year that's post answers my topics I will soon have a gift surprise for you to show my gratitude. meanwhile, like I promising this ending year to all through next year I bringing controversy like bringing potato salad at a bar b que. America, have you notice the movies today getting real subliminal lately. I give you a example, some movies are going post apocalyptical films like " After Earth", " The Day After Tomorrow Series'," Terminator Series" and more. Other movies tells us about our E.T Cousins, you know the aliens returning or planning to invade. Films like " Independence Day', " Battle of Los Angeles", " War of the Worlds" and more. Then its the other films which is quite entertaining but its saying something. these other films talks about cloning, talks about rise of power within politic industry. I give you example, the film called " Hostel" rent it or check it out on YouTube. "Hostel" show a lot of truth, what if people really get abducted and toking to underground cloning labs to not just to be cloned but to be consume for human meat sources to this scientists. What id " Eyes Wide Shut " is real. Check that out too...Why is it in your opinion, holly weird doing so many end time movies. I got to admit that I like to expand my mind to vision what life would be like in 5, 10, 15 years from now or even 30 years. Will we evolved to synthetic human kinds? Will the working man be replaced with androids and computers?
Do you ever think that you a clone of somebody back in 1920's or times B.C.?. Is these movies teaching our kids and even some of you folks that's not too much into the subliminal agenda in holly weird. maybe You say,"2fLY, It's just a mere coincidence that these films all coming with the apocalyptical theme or E.T / Cloning Themes. it only entertainment, who don't want to see the world about to blow up and there's always a hero to save us from that event." Now let me ask you this what's your favorite " End Time " movie and ii was putting out a "end Time "movie? if I have an interest in you in a movie, question, "what kind of movie theme would you want me to do and who would be the stars you would love to see in it with and wy?. I give you my example, if I did a movie, first the theme would be " Enslavement F.E.M.A. Camps! It would start me 2Fly Co Starring with Harrison Ford, Nicholas Cage, and Selma Hayek. The storyline would be about a reenactment of the flight plane that disappears from the Malaysia, but instead of the plane vanished in thin air, the plane would be rerouted off course to a remote island , somewhere not heard of and the plane lands and instantly people would be enslaved in these FEMA camps to be never heard of again. But a hero will emerge from the ashes to save the folks on this island and this hero will take down the leaders who run this program and somehow return the plane back to civilization. Not a bad story huh? my imagination runs wild every now and then. so give me a taste of how you perceive this , lets talk Later! |
No. Errrr what? Ummmm, no. Wait a minute.... hmmmmmm, maybe?
![]() Can someone give me a summary in two sentences or less? |
oh okayyyyyyyy111..
![]() Sorry...Too much reading and I am lazy! |
What does that say about Zombie shows....
![]() ![]() |
I guess a summary in two sentences or less is not possible. Anyone have the Cliff's Notes?
I love zombie flicks . are you saying we all walking |
nancy19961 sum it up what's your take on end time movies and if you had a chance to create a end time movie what would it be like? |
nancy19961 sum it up what's your take on end time movies and if you had a chance to create a end time movie what would it be like? Same as most any other genre. If they are good movies I usually like them. If they suck then not so much. I'd like to acquire the rights to Fallout 4: The Movie... ![]() |
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Thu 11/19/15 09:32 AM
to waterloosunset,
wouldn't that be great a fallout movie! I follow the fallout series on my xbox and I love them. let me ask you this, do you think its some truth behind a apocalyptical game like fallout? |
I think there are certain elements of the games that might come to pass in a post-apocalyptic world.
to waterloosunset,
I agree with you. I got to admit end time games and movies are fun to watch and play! it arouse your mind to the fact some old dude with power sitting somewhere in the world just itching to push that deadly red button of destruction.. |
Oki.... I managed to read the whole entry 2Fly4Wings38. And some how I agree with you but I think I have a sort of clue. Here is my hypothesis:
a) We are talking about Hollywood films. b) The politics in recent times have been strongly influenced by Neo-cons and American fundamentalist Christians c) And, who pays (or has the power) decides... ;) Consecuence: -Films about the Rapture as subject (tones of them, even series like "The Departed") -Films about "fear" to an undisclosed enemy (better aliens than jihadists). But always "alien" to those that pay (let me see... any film where the "bad guys" are from Israel, for example). -Films about the horrors of "human" cloning (it is a sin!!! Nothing good can come from there, but if Monsanto clones GMOs is fine). -Films with great catastrophes: Climate change is a "natural" event and the Koch Bros have nothing to do with it. So, become a "prep"... More fear. May be I clarified something.... or make more mess :) BTW for Zombi lovers I recommend "Fido" |
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Sun 11/22/15 08:57 AM
i believe end times movies have been done since forever, but people just have imagined different things as technology has developed
your idea started me thinking of the Langoliers,, with the objects that literally eat time,,,, but back on point,,,,favorite end time movie ? The Stand,, by far,, the depth and realism(spread of virus, good vs evil where good faces struggles and consequences alongside evil) as for your idea,, ID go watch it without doubt I was thinking of an idea to call the Naturals, or something like it,, where we are in a time that people who embrace their own gender/body parts/hair color,,etc,,, are called 'naturals', they have nuclear families that have a clear mother and father and still use gender terms (Which have been labeled as a form of discrimination and prosecuted as hate speech) and they are the outcasts and criminals of society because they are seen as hateful and a danger to the majority who all opt in to the system where its the expectation to make yourself 'better' by altering your natural physique everyone goes to surgeons the way we all attend school in the modern world but something like Resident Evil, it comes to be that there is a virus amongst several of the tools used in these alterations which ends up killing the 'altered' humans and the 'naturals' whilst hated and hunted, work diligently to simultaneously hide away those who are too scared of the virus to go through alterations and to find a cure for those who continue to alter ,,,, probably better as a miniseries, though special interests would probably have it killed,, lol my mind runs loose with ideas too,,, |
Why is it in your opinion, holly weird doing so many end time movies.
Because they are the ultimate in herd mentality? If one thing makes (or has high potential to make) money...then repeat it over and over and over again until it stops making money. It's how you get movies like white house down and olympus has fallen out near the same time. They are also doing a lot of superhero movies. Remember when Michael Moore got kinda big (in reputation, not pant size) and there was a huge rush in documentaries being made and shown in theaters, like inconvenient truth? Or when you went to a video store and it seemed that 90% of the new releases were horror movies and there were 3 or 4 horror movies opening in theaters every week, like "Saw?" You could say the same thing about 1984. Red Dawn came out, along with Neverending Story, and Ghostbusters, and Terminator, and 2010, and The Last Starfighter, and Buckaroo Bonsai, and Repo Man, and Night of the Comet, all of which have something to do with the world in danger, ending, global conflict and crap. It's easy to pick and choose movies and think "it must mean something!" It's no different than when people look for "signs" from god. "I stubbed my toe yesterday, I saw someone stub out a cigarette, and I found an old ticket stub, the sequel of which is coming out tomorrow! God's telling me I need to go see that movie!" Other than that, why I think so many people pay to see "end of world" movies is because "holly weird" tends to spend a lot of money on the effects. Since there's Netflix, and Hulu, and Cable, and HBO, and Redbox, people that want to feel like they got their moneys worth are going to the movies with the most visually appealing value. |
what's your take on end time movies My take: End Time Movies show cases what are the pertinent & relevant fears of what is happening around the globe or what humanity is facing at that specific time the movie is made. It is a form of suggestion to the masses of what could be a possible outcome/scenario. Exaggeration, embellishments & even outrageous ideas runs amok in these kind of films, that it always boils down to how the plot & cinematography can be commercially viable. I love Interstellar, Contagion, Book of Eli, Ultra Violet, & Edge of Tomorrow because it suggests and teases one's mind like end time movies but viability of logic is still challenging. if you had a chance to create a end time movie what would it be like? More of a cross between: 1.Satirical scenario of the privileged hovering over the impoverished Earth in "Elysium" of Matt Damon 2.Ambitious yet marginal probability in "Waterworld" of Kevin Costner 3.Brazen silliness of metal Unobtainium in "The Core" of Aaron Eckhart. |