Topic: 4:20... | |
Damn! A guy can get a contact high in here and I've got drug testing yet to do! Hard to see from all the smoke..... Is my sweetie in here? (((Vanessa))) baby? Come give me a BIG hug and a kiss sweetheart! I need some CPR!
hugs..& sorry..for..all..the.smoke...... don',... So, |
| Good..Night...Ken.... Good..Night.."Waltons"... Good...night...John..Boy... and..maryellen.. |
you do need me to come save the day huh? Well, being your white knight would be my extreme pleasure my beautiful Vanessa, Princess of my day
of..the..very..rare..breed..Ken.. Attentive..Chivalrous..Kind..Handsome.. Poetic..Romantic..sensitive..Talented... |
My sweetheart.... with all that you'll make my head swell and I'll never get my helm to fit
You go sleep, I'll call you tomorrow Sweet dreams my precious one |
Good..Morning... and..east..coast..stoners... at..both..ends..tonight... it' and..your...sunrise... ..east..coasters.. |
Blast,Alone ,ran out of books.Threads are interesting. Nighthawk;>) for You.
What is up all you stoners??? Im getting ready to go and be violated by the doctor I'll be back soon.......well maybe not my sweetie is here. Hey guess what I got a new tatt last night! I did it myself! I might put a picture of it on here but not too sure yet. Love you guys!
"Runs in drops a bag, says hi all, runs back to the door, saying there have a blast on me
but she also drop something, ohhhhh, a message lays on the floor, read... !!!Good Morning!!! , When your on the internet, do you enjoy games, a place to even find long lost friends from school, places you've worked, join networks, support causes, etc, cause if you do, then you can, go to, there you can sign up for free, find me in search as "Alice Cooper"... after, add me as a friend, it's loads of fun, you can send photos, of anything, videos, do things to your friends.. I think, that maybe with this connection, mostly due to getting to know a wider range of people there, one can maybe find whom they are searching for, but it's the interactions with these people that helps break the ice, truly letting you know what the other person is into, gives out quite the view of the whole being...if you know what I mean, besides theres so much to do there. |
WHAT IS UP PEOPLE??? Im back from the doctor and everything went great! The cyst is no longer there and so did my fears! now its time to sit back and smoke one and party like a rck star!
I...had...all..of..maybe..5..hours... My..friend...says..he' ...."Great..white...north....thunderf---!!!!... Hey..all... pass...~~~~~>>>>> |
Thanks Noden! You are the bomb!!! Rapunzel...sorry you didn't get that much sleep! Hit one of your friends up and get your smoke on!!!
Good~Morning~Friend~ You~are~The~Bomb Thank~you~for~the~awesome~lady~you~are Oh,i~Know~we~would~love~ALL~to~See~your~New~Tattoo... You'll~have~to~show~us~a~picture~~~ Maybe~we~can~Somehow~arrange~ for~you~to~do`"925"~Lonny's~Lion~Tattoo~ andothers~wouldn'tthatbecool??? You~never~know??? Networking~is~cool To~all~of~othere~new~friends......Greetings~~~ I~Love~You~All ~ pass~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>>>>>>> |
pass --------> would love to but can't. How about akiss from those sweet lips tho, that I could use to start my day!
Good morning Beautiful (((Vanessa))) Call you in a while sweetie |
noden>>>> and..i..could~use~the~help~of~a.. ~very~kind,~very~cool ~very~compassionate~ ~very~charismatic~ ~Co-host~of~this~thread ~I~am~wondering~if~ ~anyone~would~be~willing~ ~and~available? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I~was~thinking.... perhaps.... Noden.... Do~you~have~some~time????? perhaps? and~if~not~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whoooooooooooooooooooo said~the~Wise~Owl... |
I~am~Not~saying~names.... but... you~know~who~you~are whoever~has~been~getting~on~MY~friends'cases.... Laying~your~self~righteous~trip`on~my~friends... I~wholeheartedly~encourage~to~get~a~Serious~life... and~Some~Backbone~ ....Some~Integrity~ If~You~think~you~are~such~a~big~man~on~Campus... Sending~private~criticisms! ~judgements~on~my~friends~or~to~Me.... Then,~why`don't~you`have~the~b----... To~come~to~this`thread!~ and~state~your~opinion....... don't~be~a~weasle~and~a~coward.... bring~it~on~to~all~of~us....dude...... IF~you~have~something~worth~listening~to Then~this`is`the~place~for`it.... so~we~can~all~deal`with~you..... do~not~cast~vicious~judgement~ on~tender~gentle~loving~people |
It was indeed a pleasure and delight to have a chance to speak with you Rap, and if I can help you in any way plz....feel free to knock on my door at anytime...most willing just let me know what it intails, I will do my very best...hugs to you V.
Rapunzel I would love to do that! I want to improve on what I know now about tattoos. I think with the right teacher and some one who is willing to sit down and walk me through the ends and outs of tattooing I could be really good. I know that this one aint the best out there but its my first one tha I did on myself and the 2 that I did on my moms boyfriends he is really happy with. I think that I have a tallent and want to see where it takes me. My friend stopped by and asked me to touch up her tatt and she was happy with the out come