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Topic: How Do You feel right now? - part 5
no photo
Mon 03/28/16 12:59 AM
Im feeling rather tired at said juncture...

adivorcedone's photo
Mon 03/28/16 01:04 AM
I feel that is my cue to visit Gracie....

no photo
Mon 03/28/16 01:40 PM

adivorcedone's photo
Mon 03/28/16 02:36 PM
no confusion, perfectly clear, but a bit un-balanced...all in all ...sweet...

no1phD's photo
Mon 03/28/16 02:43 PM
.. I feel pissed off..
I hate getting under bid on a contract..
Grrrrrr..mf.ers... want to work for free...hmmm.. time to get lean and mean.. sharpen my pencil....
Ohhh.. and by that I actually mean my pencil... not..ohhhh.. nevermind!! I'm too upset.. to be dirty...grrrr

no photo
Mon 03/28/16 02:52 PM
Optimistically cautious...

adivorcedone's photo
Mon 03/28/16 02:56 PM

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 03/28/16 03:49 PM

.. I feel pissed off..
I hate getting under bid on a contract..
Grrrrrr..mf.ers... want to work for free...hmmm.. time to get lean and mean.. sharpen my pencil....
Ohhh.. and by that I actually mean my pencil... not..ohhhh.. nevermind!! I'm too upset.. to be dirty...grrrr

Oh no ... don't you go digging up my silver patio now to pay the bills though!! I love it when the full moon shines on it. Just sell the car. And the boys' Xboxes, Playstations and computers. They'll manage, teach them Monopoly and patience.
Oh, and you can sell the goat you keep in your freezer too! The boys have time on their hands without their computer chit. They can cut it up, make satay out of it and sell it alongside the street. BBQed lamb satay will sell for sure!
THere. That's your solution :) Glad we got that sorted. Phew ... almost lost me patio there! Where's a girl to dance in the full moon's light ...

CanBeOnlyOne's photo
Mon 03/28/16 05:44 PM
Awnry, don't ask if I spelled that right. I'm loaded up on coffee and ready for anything!

single_1984's photo
Mon 03/28/16 07:49 PM
I am feeling bored in a cold night without someone to hug and talk.

no1phD's photo
Mon 03/28/16 08:34 PM

.. I feel pissed off..
I hate getting under bid on a contract..
Grrrrrr..mf.ers... want to work for free...hmmm.. time to get lean and mean.. sharpen my pencil....
Ohhh.. and by that I actually mean my pencil... not..ohhhh.. nevermind!! I'm too upset.. to be dirty...grrrr

Oh no ... don't you go digging up my silver patio now to pay the bills though!! I love it when the full moon shines on it. Just sell the car. And the boys' Xboxes, Playstations and computers. They'll manage, teach them Monopoly and patience.
Oh, and you can sell the goat you keep in your freezer too! The boys have time on their hands without their computer chit. They can cut it up, make satay out of it and sell it alongside the street. BBQed lamb satay will sell for sure!
THere. That's your solution :) Glad we got that sorted. Phew ... almost lost me patio there! Where's a girl to dance in the full moon's light ...
..ohh.. not to worry.. far far from resorting to such measures..lol

no photo
Mon 03/28/16 08:56 PM
Pretty gosh darn good... Sans coffee... grumble

no photo
Mon 03/28/16 09:14 PM
Like a wet noodle whoa

Kathyzee's photo
Mon 03/28/16 09:25 PM
I feel awkward cuz my son's friends single father just texted me saying he would like to know if I would be interested in hav din with him some evening. ........So not appropriate in my eyesfrown

Annierooroo's photo
Mon 03/28/16 09:39 PM

My car sounds awesome

Annierooroo's photo
Mon 03/28/16 09:40 PM

I feel awkward cuz my son's friends single father just texted me saying he would like to know if I would be interested in hav din with him some evening. ........So not appropriate in my eyesfrown


no1phD's photo
Mon 03/28/16 09:55 PM

I feel awkward cuz my son's friends single father just texted me saying he would like to know if I would be interested in hav din with him some evening. ........So not appropriate in my eyesfrown
..wow..so ends..are romance..
Lol....but then again..your kids aren't friends with my kids ..soooo..how you doin...wink wink..

Kathyzee's photo
Mon 03/28/16 10:09 PM
Your sain it all wrong. It goes like this....
Hooowww yoouuu doooiiinnn??????laugh

Kathyzee's photo
Mon 03/28/16 10:14 PM

I feel awkward cuz my son's friends single father just texted me saying he would like to know if I would be interested in hav din with him some evening. ........So not appropriate in my eyesfrown


I don't think it's proper for me to date my son's friends fathers. Just the line I choose not to pass. Nothing good to come out of doin that.

no1phD's photo
Mon 03/28/16 10:31 PM

Your sain it all wrong. It goes like this....
Hooowww yoouuu doooiiinnn??????laugh
..liked it my way better..:tongue:

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