Topic: GOP- A Campaign Against Political Correctness | |
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Fri 10/09/15 02:23 PM
In GOP race, a campaign against political correctness
- The Boston Globe By Jill Terreri Ramos GLOBE CORRESPONDENT OCTOBER 09, 2015 If there'��s anything Donald Trump supporters love, it's their candidate'��s embrace of the politically incorrect. They are happy ' eager '�� to denounce what they see as hypersensitivity about race and gender, especially by the political left, 'elites,'�� and the media. Trump’s unapologetic bluntness has drawn coverage from reporters at the expense of his GOP competitors, and it has helped him rise to the top of the Republican field. He’s also used it as a defense against charges of sexism and racism. 'I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,' Trump said, after a now-famous debate episode when he was asked about unflattering statements he'd made about women's looks. The audience cheered. He went on to say that he doesn'��t have time for '��total political correctness.' Trump's emphasis on not being politically correct has his competitors struggling to catch up. As a result, in the early months of this season'��s Republican campaign, candidates are as likely to rail against political correctness �� or even revel in their own 'incorrectnes'�� as they are to beat the drum against taxes or the Affordable Care Act or Hillary Clinton. Consider: - Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, blamed political correctness on criticism he received after he said on NBC 'Meet the Press'�� that he would 'not advocate that we would put a Muslim in charge of this nation.' Two days after the interview, he said that 'P.C. culture says that whenever you're asked a question, it has to be answered a certain way.' - �Ted Cruz agreed with Fox News host Bill O'��Reilly, who suggested that 'political correctness'�� was to blame for his limited screen time during the Sept. 16 GOP debate. Cruz, O'Reilly suggested, was victimized because he is a '��hard-right guy.' - Rand Paul blamed political correctness on what he viewed as the Centers for Disease Control amd Prevention's reluctance to talk about the potential for an Ebola outbreak in the United States. - �Jeb Bush dismissed critics of Democratic candidate Martin O'Malley after O'Malley caught grief for saying, 'Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter.' 'We'are so uptight and so politically correct now that we apologize for saying 'lives matter'? Bush asked during a stop in Gorham, N.H., according to the Washington Post. But what is political correctness, really? Though the term had appeared earlier, it emerged in the 1980s 'as a sarcastic characterization of the attitudes and language expected of a good citizen in the modern multicultural society,' writes Herbert N. Foerstel in his 1997 book, '��Free Expression and Censorship in America: An Encyclopedia.' Conservatives of that era 'rejected the preachiness of liberal do-gooders,' Foerstel writes. The dynamic is similar today, as conversations about race, gender, and sexuality provoke a tug of war over what words are acceptable and who gets to define those, such as 'anchor babies'�� or 'Black lives matter.' Guy Benson, coauthor of '��End of Discussion: How the Left's Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes America Less Free and Fun,' said the emphasis on political correctness comes at the expense of a meaningful exchange of ideas. 'It's an epidemic of assuming the worst about the motives of whom you disagree,' he said. Michael Jeffries, associate professor of American studies at Wellesley College, agreed that it can shut down debate in a harmful way — but also said anti-PC sentiment is rooted in a resistance to societal change. 'People who apply the charge of political correctness are those who benefit from patriarchy & white supremacy,' he said. The popularity of candidates who are not part of the political mainstream, such as Trump, Carson and Carly Fiorina, is part of the same dynamic that makes political correctness detestable to some voters, said Iva E. Deutchman, professor of political science at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. 'I think what people are attracted to is they're not the traditional politician,' Deutchman said. '��The idea is that because you aren'��t one of them, you're free to speak your mind.' For Republican voters, this is appealing. |
I'm a bit slow when it comes to politics (politricks) ....
So is mmmm trump on a winner? Gosh..... Hahaha .... I know as much abiut amrikan politics as i do about the financial prospects of outer Mongolia hahaha ![]() ![]() |
Trump has about a five or six point lead over Ben Carson, right now.
can I coin the phrase 'political correct' card?
lol, to be used whenever someone claims an opinion or position is about political correctness,, as opposed to the subjective or well thought out opinion or position of that someone,,,, |
what is political correctness, really?
An insult to adults. No different than trying to censor yourself around kiddies because you want them to think and behave a certain way and you don't think they can handle adult things. No different than spelling out w a l k because your dog is going to go apeshyt when it hears the word. |
Trump has about a five or six point lead over Ben Carson, right now. to bad trump doesn't have Carson's brilliance... or Carson doesn't have trump's flair... |
The GOP is irrelevant. Sorry. Trump is relevant, not the weak-kneed party.
I have what seems to be a subtle disagreement with many people in this subject area.
"Political Correctness," as in the artificial limits placed on what people say and how they are supposed to say it, is indeed a problem. HOWEVER. It is also a concern to me, that just as the people who "invented" political correctness, only disguised rather than solved problems, so too, many of (especially the more boisterous) ANTI-political-correctness advocates, are playing a sort of reverse cover-up game with us. Too often, the people who say they are "not politically correct," are stopping there, as though the only problem is the funny labels. They have great fun pointing and laughing at their opponents, but the problems remain unsolved. I personally think what's really frustrating most Americans isn't the lingo. It's the failure to actually address the real problems we are struggling with today. The "politically correct" advocates, let the obstacle of speech patterns get in the way of action. The ANTI-"political correctness" people too often think it's enough to decry PC, and STILL don't address our concerns. I think what Trump has been saying, has shown that he actually intends to do something practical, and not just talk. That's what people like about him. |
I have what seems to be a subtle disagreement with many people in this subject area. "Political Correctness," as in the artificial limits placed on what people say and how they are supposed to say it, is indeed a problem. HOWEVER. It is also a concern to me, that just as the people who "invented" political correctness, only disguised rather than solved problems, so too, many of (especially the more boisterous) ANTI-political-correctness advocates, are playing a sort of reverse cover-up game with us. Too often, the people who say they are "not politically correct," are stopping there, as though the only problem is the funny labels. They have great fun pointing and laughing at their opponents, but the problems remain unsolved. I personally think what's really frustrating most Americans isn't the lingo. It's the failure to actually address the real problems we are struggling with today. The "politically correct" advocates, let the obstacle of speech patterns get in the way of action. The ANTI-"political correctness" people too often think it's enough to decry PC, and STILL don't address our concerns. I think what Trump has been saying, has shown that he actually intends to do something practical, and not just talk. That's what people like about him. yea, obama has been saying crap for years now. and none of his talk panned out in any good... after the bush and obama, 16 years of lying and deceit, i don't really care what any of them have to say now, i'll wait and see what they do... |
Carson is like Cauncy, the Gardner with common sense.
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Carson is like Cauncy, the Gardner with common sense. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Breitbart -10-11-2015
By Alex Swoyer RIDING HIGH IN POLLS, ABOVE 30 PERCENT, DONALD TRUMP STORMS THE AMERICAN SOUTH TO OVERFLOW CROWDS IN GEORGIA GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, who recently hit more than 30 percent support in a New Hampshire poll, headed South to a packed campaign rally in Norcross, Georgia at the North Atlanta Trade Center on Saturday with between five to 10,000 supporters. POLLS, ABOVE 30 PERCENT, DONALD TRUMP STORMS THE AMERICAN SOUTH TO OVERFLOW CROWDS IN GEORGIA GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, who recently hit more than 30 percent support in a New Hampshire poll, headed South to a packed campaign rally in Norcross, Georgia at the North Atlanta Trade Center on Saturday with between five to 10,000 supporters. Sen. David Perdue (R-GA)67% wasn’t able to be there, but addressed the audience with a video message before the event. “You’re going to hear from two great Americans and two friends of mine. Donald Trump has struck a nerve in America,” Perdue said, “He’s inspiring all of us to Make America Great Again!” reported that Trump called Perdue last month to discuss being an outsider and how to win over Georgia voters. Herman Cain introduced the billionaire to the crowd, and it’s reported that Trump will meet privately with Cain and African American pastors. Trump set a record for attendance at a GOP presidential candidate event in August with roughly 30,000 people in Mobile, Alabama. “Look, the idea that only Southerners appeal to Southerners and Northerners appeal to Northerners is overdone,”Alabama-based political consultant David Mowery told Newsday. “He may not sound like us, but he’s saying the things that people in the Republican base — and even disaffected, frustrated voters outside that base — want to hear.” ----------------------------------- The Hill - 10/10/2015 By Bradford Richardson Donald Trump and Ben Carson combine for nearly half of the total GOP primary vote, according to a poll released by Fairleigh Dickinson University on Friday. The poll finds Trump still in the lead with 26 percent support, followed closely by Carson with 22 percent support. The poll was conducted before Carson made his controversial comments about guns this week. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) finishes third in the poll with 8 percent support, followed by Carly Fiorina, another candidate with no elected office experience, who ties with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for fourth in the poll with 7 percent support. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee finishes just outside of SWO p five with 6 percent. The poll was conducted before Carson made his controversial comments about guns this week. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) finishes third in the poll with 8 percent support, followed by Carly Fiorina, another candidate with no elected office experience, who ties with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for fourth in the poll with 7 percent support. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee finishes just outside of the top five with 6 percent. The poll surveyed 305 Republicans from Oct. 1 – 5. The survey is the New Jersey-based university's first national poll of the 2016 election cycle and comes with a relatively high margin of error, compared to other national polls, of 5.6 percent. |
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Sun 10/11/15 06:03 AM
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Sassy: pardon, but I can't figure out why you posted this latest excerpt from somewhere about Trump in the polls. Are you trying to imply something in particular?
This is why I wish anyone who does post other peoples' writings, adds a note saying WHY they did, what it means to them. |
Sassy: pardon, but I can't figure out why you posted this latest excerpt from somewhere about Trump in the polls. Are you trying to imply something in particular? This is why I wish anyone who does post other peoples' writings, adds a note saying WHY they did, what it means to them. Hectic holiday weekend... GOP & Politically Correct. Trump & Carson are of course Republican. I see them as very 'odd couple' if in fact then end up together, on the same ticket. Idk..maybe if Carson relays all the messages overseas/ ambassador type & Trump stays local & is a global enforcer. " Get the wall done or your fired " ![]() And Trump is most definitely politically incorrect. |
I like Both Carson and Trump. If I had to choose one, I prefer Carson.
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Sun 10/11/15 02:05 PM
I like Both Carson and Trump. If I had to choose one, I prefer Carson. I like Carson & I agree with most of what he has said so far, however he does not have ' the presence' or the voice. Can this guy yell ? Can he be assertive or aggressive? I want to see it. IMO he is either too passive or a closet maniac. ![]() |
The GOP establishment is really starting to try and sandbag Trump now. Video online of recent GOP event has questions from the audience.
Slightly built redhead, (who looks amazingly like Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme) asks Trump questions about women's rights, equal pay, abortion, etc. Turns out she's actually a paid Bush staffer, and has posted all kinds of social media stuff about working Bush events. She's on stage with a Jeb! shirt on, she's walking the line handing out Jeb! buttons, etc. There's lots of 'me wall' pics with high ranking GOP party members, and other candidates like Rubio. Jeannie Moos of CNN did a Trump 'hit piece' about how Trump is not really pro woman, and this young lady is prominently featured for her questions to Trump. It's replete with her death stares, hands on hips, and raised eyebrows directed at Trump, with isolated video images of her negative body language. It's like they knew she would provide these camera friendly responses while Trump is answering. Kind of becoming obvious that the GOP brain trust has had enough of The Donald hurting the 'brand', and is now actively engaged in the character assassination phase of removing him as a candidate. That's usually followed by money related scandals, sex scandals, questionable business practice scandals, and finally the innuendo of 'anonymous' whistle blowers providing vague information of some unforgivable sin Donald may or may not have committed. The idea is to slowly shift the numbers elsewhere, so that it's not obvious to most voters about how the system has been used to squash Trump like a bug. Oh sure, he can fund a campaign himself to go to the convention, but when he drops below say 20%, the media and GOP itself will really hammer home the 'why is he hanging around, it's embarrassing' narrative. |
The GOP is irrelevant. Sorry. Trump is relevant, not the weak-kneed party. Yep,Trump of Eminent Domain-Fame! Some would call it Looting,though! |
Fox News Poll:
Carson giving Trump a run for his money in GOP race |