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PacificStar48's photo
Thu 09/10/15 10:11 AM
Generally one of the first things I ask is if someone is 420 friendly. Sometimes they will admit it some times they will not. Then I make it very clear I am not either way they get it legally or some other way. I also tell them I find out they are lying I will vanish and I keep my eyes and ears open to clues which often are pretty obvious.

It does seem to narrow down the number of people to date but I would rather be alone than be stuck with a stoner. They are boring and usually spend way to much on it so they can't afford to do anything else. And it seems I always have to hear some dumb diatribe about how it is this or that. Probably all the free brainwashing that is done to promote it.

I have found that buy meeting people in activities that are not associated to the 420 crowd you have a better chance of meeting the pot-free crowd. Seems like pot and alcohol cohabitate a lot.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 09/10/15 10:14 AM
Humm it is your home people will do what you let them do there...

Either speak up and let them know how you feel or they will continue...

I've never understood why people don't just speak up?

Queene123's photo
Thu 09/10/15 10:30 AM
my parents never smoked
cigs and of course never touch
a drug unless it was from the doc

my sisters all smoked pot

that was the thing in the past

when my daughter was little
i would buy those candy ciggs
i didnt think it would be a problem

heck my mom blew up
took those away and said
it would incourage her to smoke

LOL!!!!! that never happen

my kids are totally against drugs
and they never smoked

my son very first sip
of a alcohol drink
he hated it
never tried a drink again

no photo
Thu 09/10/15 10:45 AM
I am a smokersmokin , but 420 is something else. noway
I never tried it and have no intention to tolerate it at my place.

mysticalview21's photo
Thu 09/10/15 11:06 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Thu 09/10/15 11:09 AM
op maybe u have the best stash laugh that's what they expect for you... to bring it out ... then they share theirs after ... I do not smoke reefer... hate the affects of it ... but yea ... that's how they look at coming to your place ... is it not the same at theirs ... when u visit them ... or are they greedy...:wink:

willn1k's photo
Thu 09/10/15 02:15 PM
The first time around I had cancer I smoked it
It helped with chemo when I dropped down to 84 pounds and couldn't eat..

Now I have no desire to and if my friends do it they don't do it around me.

If they don't respect your wishes find new friends

they are not being disrespectful, they go outside to smoke, but thats all they do. they spend all their money on weed and can't do anything else. I will never try it and I will never understand why people do it.

1onlyaname's photo
Thu 09/10/15 02:20 PM
why is it that when someone comes to visit me or I ask friends to hang out all they want to do is smoke? is that all people do now?

Chicago decriminalized pot its not just at your house u can smoke it pretty much anywhere in Chicago. they are just more open about it now.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 09/10/15 02:44 PM
Well then I think I would do what it takes to make my place less hospitable to hang out. If you have your own place but only require them to go hang out in your back yard to smoke I think I would make smoking not allowed on the premises.

Do you really need a bunch of stoners hanging around driving off the good people you would enjoy?

Believe me if they are spending all their money on pot sooner or your stuff is going to start disappearing when they need money for "stuff".

And it is a good way for your neighbors to complain about you and your landlord to not renew your lease which would be a drag since I imagine moving would disrupt your life.

You are at the age that you may have to move on up away from some of your friends and family that seem to have stalled out in their lives. It is tough to do and I know is going to make you think about loyalty but are they really being loyal to you if they are trying to force their lifestyle on you that is pretty dead end behavior?

SitkaRains's photo
Thu 09/10/15 05:42 PM

The first time around I had cancer I smoked it
It helped with chemo when I dropped down to 84 pounds and couldn't eat..

Now I have no desire to and if my friends do it they don't do it around me.

If they don't respect your wishes find new friends

they are not being disrespectful, they go outside to smoke, but thats all they do. they spend all their money on weed and can't do anything else. I will never try it and I will never understand why people do it.

I believe when anyone allows anything to take over their life to the point they can't afford the most basic things that is just sad.
As you have stated you don't smoke it.
Then don't allow it in your home. You have that right...
Back when I did I never smoked around others. I kept it a private affair. I never denied it I just didn't advertise it.

And now I recently found out one of my friends smoke weed recreationally I have known them for 30 years. Just doesn't do it around me ..
I think it is a respect thing if you know someone doesn't want it around don't do it.

Rock's photo
Thu 09/10/15 07:48 PM
I simply do not allow dopeheads, or dope of any kind, in my home.
The few who have tried, were told to leave.

2469nascar's photo
Thu 09/10/15 07:57 PM

I am grateful that neither of my parents smoked. I have dated a few guys that smoked and I was really repulsed by it. Cigarettes really, really make me feel sick, so I can never date a man who smokes.
I just quit for that very resone,that and for my kids !!!!

Queene123's photo
Thu 09/10/15 08:06 PM
when my oldest nephew was about
2yrs old my sister and brother nlaw would
smoke pot
the part of the reason
they quit
my nephew would walk around
the house and say
stone mommy
lite one
bong hit

and they didnt want him
to be incourage to smoke

but he did
he quit the pot

but he smokes cigs

he quit for awhile
but yet i havent seen him
smoke in awhile either

he doesnt smoke in his house'
as he respects everyone

and he has a son that is 8yrs old
that he wont smoke in front of

no photo
Sun 09/13/15 03:38 AM
I don't know. I myself don't smoke. Smoking must be a big part of their lives for your friends. Has to be why they want to do it anytime they visit you.

no photo
Tue 09/15/15 09:34 PM
when i was 12 years my dad told me that if i did drugs i would never be able to have good job. iam 66 now and iam glad i did what my dad said. cause he was a MP in ww2. so i thought my dad was the whole world. but i started smoking a pipe 4 years ago. but a pipe is so much different than cigarettes. i smoke less than 7-8 bowels a week. i just dont need much tobacco over all with a pipe. way less than cigarettes would be.

no photo
Sun 09/20/15 09:09 AM
Why Not?

TrystaBella85's photo
Sun 09/20/15 03:12 PM
I can't smoke or be around cigarette smoke because it makes me sick. I agree that people only do in your house what you allow them to do. Anyone who comes to my house can smoke across the street, because it makes me sick as a dog when I have to smell it. Yuck.

Runaway1962's photo
Sun 09/20/15 05:19 PM
Sounds like a smoker's linch mob. Smokers are people too. I smoke on occasion and have been for several years. It doesn't make me a bad person or someone that you need to stay away from.

no photo
Sun 09/20/15 05:24 PM

Sounds like a smoker's linch mob. Smokers are people too. I smoke on occasion and have been for several years. It doesn't make me a bad person or someone that you need to stay away from.

u go girl!!!

willn1k's photo
Mon 09/21/15 06:29 PM
Sounds like a smoker's linch mob. Smokers are people too. I smoke on occasion and have been for several years. It doesn't make me a bad person or someone that you need to stay away from.

I never said smoking is bad or people who smoke is bad, all I was saying is that people only want to smoke weed lately

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 09/21/15 11:22 PM

Sounds like a smoker's linch mob. Smokers are people too. I smoke on occasion and have been for several years. It doesn't make me a bad person or someone that you need to stay away from.

There is no lynch mob here. It is after someone else.

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