Topic: Black Lives Matter/Hate Group & Text Book
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Tue 09/08/15 01:11 PM

"A hate group is an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, nation, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other designated sector of society."

Now this is from wiki but I think it sums it up well and fits BLM

people once said that about the tea party movement too,, but apparently you are all wrong,,,,

there is no HATRED or HOSTILITY or VIOLENCE involved anymore than with any other political group (ie tea party movement) that advocates for changes in the system,,,

BLM is NOT a political group. It just wants to be. No one ... wants to affiliate with race-haters & baiters.
Not the Dems or Repubs or Independents or Libertarians or Constitutionalists or Patriots... NO ONE.

Nice...Marxist troll try through laugh

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/08/15 09:32 PM

"A hate group is an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, nation, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other designated sector of society."

Now this is from wiki but I think it sums it up well and fits BLM

people once said that about the tea party movement too,, but apparently you are all wrong,,,,

there is no HATRED or HOSTILITY or VIOLENCE involved anymore than with any other political group (ie tea party movement) that advocates for changes in the system,,,

The BLM "movement" advocates lynching cops etc. The tea party is like any other political party...they are all ridiculous. BLM is no different than the KKK or Aryan Nation and they are hate groups. But even if there was an Irish Lives Matter...people would scream rascist and hate group even without advocating violence

and what 'source' do you SPECIFICALLY identify as the 'movement'? where has this 'movement' advocated lynching cops?

and I dont mean individuals with internet who used #blacklives matter

I mean the OFFICIAL movement, its original creation, and official mantra...

BLM is NOTHING like kkk or aryan nation, and people screaming 'racist' doesnt make it so

there is nothing in the OFFICIAL Black Lives movement creators material that advocates any type of hate or violence

I think people should try to learn more than what they hear in news snippets about things like this,,,,,,

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/08/15 09:34 PM

"A hate group is an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, nation, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other designated sector of society."

Now this is from wiki but I think it sums it up well and fits BLM

people once said that about the tea party movement too,, but apparently you are all wrong,,,,

there is no HATRED or HOSTILITY or VIOLENCE involved anymore than with any other political group (ie tea party movement) that advocates for changes in the system,,,

BLM is NOT a political group. It just wants to be. No one ... wants to affiliate with race-haters & baiters.
Not the Dems or Repubs or Independents or Libertarians or Constitutionalists or Patriots... NO ONE.

Nice...Marxist troll try through laugh

nice repetition of baseless statements,,, I do enjoy confronting race baiters feigning contempt for race baiting,,,lol

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/08/15 09:35 PM

Ahhh hell...Texas Live Matter....forget the rest of you laugh

YES , texas lives do matter, and I dont feel thats the least bit HATEFUl

how about that

mightymoe's photo
Tue 09/08/15 09:38 PM

Ahhh hell...Texas Live Matter....forget the rest of you laugh

YES , texas lives do matter, and I dont feel thats the least bit HATEFUl

how about that

were not calling for the killings of anyone...

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/08/15 09:42 PM

Ahhh hell...Texas Live Matter....forget the rest of you laugh

YES , texas lives do matter, and I dont feel thats the least bit HATEFUl

how about that

were not calling for the killings of anyone...

neither is black lives matter

mightymoe's photo
Tue 09/08/15 09:43 PM

Ahhh hell...Texas Live Matter....forget the rest of you laugh

YES , texas lives do matter, and I dont feel thats the least bit HATEFUl

how about that

were not calling for the killings of anyone...

neither is black lives matter

if you say so...whoa

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/08/15 09:49 PM

Ahhh hell...Texas Live Matter....forget the rest of you laugh

YES , texas lives do matter, and I dont feel thats the least bit HATEFUl

how about that

were not calling for the killings of anyone...

neither is black lives matter

if you say so...whoa

my thoughts exactly,, everytime I read one of these threads with disparaging claims and either no proof or irrelevant tangents

mightymoe's photo
Tue 09/08/15 09:57 PM

Ahhh hell...Texas Live Matter....forget the rest of you laugh

YES , texas lives do matter, and I dont feel thats the least bit HATEFUl

how about that

were not calling for the killings of anyone...

neither is black lives matter

if you say so...whoa

my thoughts exactly,, everytime I read one of these threads with disparaging claims and either no proof or irrelevant tangents

nope, no proof whatsoever... we whites are just making it up for no apparent reason... don't tell the other white people i told you, they would kick me outa the white club...

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/08/15 09:58 PM

Ahhh hell...Texas Live Matter....forget the rest of you laugh

YES , texas lives do matter, and I dont feel thats the least bit HATEFUl

how about that

were not calling for the killings of anyone...

neither is black lives matter

if you say so...whoa

my thoughts exactly,, everytime I read one of these threads with disparaging claims and either no proof or irrelevant tangents

nope, no proof whatsoever... we whites are just making it up for no apparent reason... don't tell the other white people i told you, they would kick me outa the white club...

no, not whites,, just some of the people here,, repeating something they 'heard' from someone who 'heard' it from someone,, but never bother to verify its veracity,,,

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:21 AM

Ahhh hell...Texas Live Matter....forget the rest of you laugh

YES , texas lives do matter, and I dont feel thats the least bit HATEFUl

how about that

That was a joke to lighten the mood.

How about that whoa

There are many articles about it. A simple google search will pull up a bunch

The media dubbed it a movement, not me

IMO they aren't any different then the KKK, Aryan Nation, Black Panthers or any other hate group, movement or whatever you want to call it

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:28 AM
and it is a movement

the opinion shared is not an educatd one

I am trying, I am clicking the links that allegedly support this opinion and none of them do

just because a headline states it doesnt make it true, the above link, like those before it,, have nothing in them that support the claim in their headline

the FYF movement is something I ONLY Heard about here,and is not the BLM movement

also MEMBERS of a group is not the same as the group

members of every race do horrible things, are those individuals proof of the GROUPs values as a whole?,,,no

so why is anyone that can type '#' automatically representative of what a movement stands for,?

its nonsense

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:28 AM
and it is a movement

the opinion shared is not an educatd one

I am trying, I am clicking the links that allegedly support this opinion and none of them do

just because a headline states it doesnt make it true, the above link, like those before it,, have nothing in them that support the claim in their headline

the FYF movement is something I ONLY Heard about here,and is not the BLM movement

also MEMBERS of a group is not the same as the group

members of every race do horrible things, are those individuals proof of the GROUPs values as a whole?,,,no

so why is anyone that can type '#' automatically representative of what a movement stands for,?

its nonsense

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:31 AM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Wed 09/09/15 06:33 AM
That is your opinion. I have the opposite opinion. Part of the benefit of free speech huh

I remember when the tea party started and those crazy few that claimed to be part of the tea party movement said things questionable. People sure pounced on that. Did they know the tea party secret hand shake? Have a membership card? No

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:32 AM
there is opinion,, and there is EDUCATED opinion

free speech includes it all, and yes it is a nice benefit for people to say what they 'think' even if they havent bothered to verify,,,

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:34 AM

there is opinion,, and there is EDUCATED opinion

free speech includes it all, and yes it is a nice benefit for people to say what they 'think' even if they havent bothered to verify,,,

I stand corrected. Apparently others and myself aren't educated enough for an opinion laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:36 AM

You realize That arguement can be used for any debate to those that don't agree? I'm right and you're wrong has been the arguement here since I started in 07

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:36 AM

there is opinion,, and there is EDUCATED opinion

free speech includes it all, and yes it is a nice benefit for people to say what they 'think' even if they havent bothered to verify,,,

I stand corrected. Apparently others and myself aren't educated enough for an opinion laugh

I didnt stutter or generalize,

I will repeat,, there is an opinion, and there is an EDUCATED opinion

I have no clue the educational level of anyone here,,but regarding tHIS SPECIFIC opinion in THIS SPECIFIC thread, ,those repeating that BLM is anything like a hate group in the category of KKK,, have not EDUCATED themselves about the GROUP (as opposed to random INDIVIDUALS who are claimed to be part of the group) or its origins and goals,,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:40 AM


You realize That arguement can be used for any debate to those that don't agree? I'm right and you're wrong has been the arguement here since I started in 07

I do, but sometimes its provable, if something is 'right'

for instance, IF I say, I believe tomato is a vegetable, and you say I believe tomato is a fruit

one of us IS actually right and the other one not

although , it would be understandable for me to BELIEVE the tomato to be a vegetable if thats all I have heard and I never did due diligence to research its factual basis,,,

mysticalview21's photo
Wed 09/09/15 08:23 AM
I heard that ... about the group ... but also heard some blacks are taking on their own justice which has nothing to do with the group but these people try and say they are in this group when their not ... one reason why the group is getting a bad rap ... even being peaceful ...