Topic: Kanya West Presidential Candidate 2020
mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/31/15 07:53 PM

including Trump?


i guess, as thuggish as he is... maybe emminem can be his VP?

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/31/15 07:54 PM

at least we provide a good laugh for the rest of the western world,,,

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/31/15 08:14 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Mon 08/31/15 08:15 PM


at least we provide a good laugh for the rest of the western world,,,

since obarry, i'm sure the whole world is still laughing...

we need a good alien attack to help straighten things out...

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/31/15 08:17 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 08/31/15 08:18 PM
nah, 'barry' actually had some type of political experience, and experience trying to help someone besides himself,

not straight from self serving billionaire who can buy his way with the family name to leader of the free world,,,,,

Rock's photo
Mon 08/31/15 08:18 PM
Kanye made that hurricane attack New Orleans.

InvictusV's photo
Mon 08/31/15 08:20 PM
I like a good freak show..

You don't even have to pay to see this one..

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/31/15 08:21 PM
kanye is another self made man, one who came from nothing though

and , like many rich people, he feels free to say whatever he thinks,,,regardless what people may think or say,,,,

I wouldnt vote for either him nor Trump, I dont feel either have a clue of how the government works,, just what they want to see happen in the country(like most americans)

no photo
Mon 08/31/15 08:27 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Mon 08/31/15 08:28 PM

kanye is another self made man, one who came from nothing though

and , like many rich people, he feels free to say whatever he thinks,,,regardless what people may think or say,,,,

I wouldnt vote for either him nor Trump, I dont feel either have a clue of how the government works,, just what they want to see happen in the country(like most americans)

What, exactly, DID Kanye say last night that brought about this stupid headline? Heres a transcript of his "speech".....

"" Bro, bro, listen to the kids. Jeremy, I got
to put it down for a second, it's beautiful,
Jeremy Scott designed... First of all, thank
you Taylor for being so gracious and giving
me this award this evening. And I often
think back to the first day that I met you.
Also, you know, I think about when I'm in
the grocery store with my daughter and I
have a really great conversation about
fresh juice, you know, and at the end they
say, "You're not that bad after all." And I
think about it sometimes, like it crosses
my mind when I go to a baseball game and
60,000 people boo me. It crosses my mind
a little bit.
And I think, if I had to do it all again, what
would i have done? Would I have worn a
leather shirt? Would I have drank half a
bottle of Hennessy and given the rest to
the audience? Y'all know you drank that
bottle too. If I had a daughter at that time,
would I have went on stage and grabbed
the mic from someone else's...
You know this arena, tomorrow, it's gonna
be a completely different set up or
something like that. This stage will be
gone. After that night, the stage will be
gone, but the effect it had on people will
remain. The problem was the contradiction.
The contradiction is: I do fight for artists,
but in that fight I somehow was
disrespectful to artists. I didn't know how
to say the right thing, the perfect thing. I
just... I sat at the Grammys and saw Justin
Timberlake and Cee-Lo lose. Gnarls Barkley
and the Future Sex album...
Justin, I ain't trying to put you on blast
but I saw that man in tears, bro. And I was
thinking like, he deserves to win album of
the year. And this small box that we are in
as the entertainers of the evening. How
could you explain that? Sometimes I feel
like, you know, all this bull shite that they
run about beef and all that, sometimes I
feel like I died for the artist's opinion. For
the artists to be able to have an opinion
after they were successful. I'm not no
politician, bro. And look at that. You know
how many times MTV ran that footage
again? 'cause it got them more ratings.
You know how many times they announced
that Taylor was gonna give me the award?
'cause it got them more ratings. Listen to
the kids, bro.
I still don't understand award shows. I
don't understand how they get five people
who worked their entire life one sold
records, sold concert tickets, to come
stand on a carpet and for the first time in
their life be judged on a chopping block
and have the opportunity to be considered
a loser. I don't understand it, brah. I don't
understand when the biggest album and
the biggest video... I've been conflicted,
bro! I just wanted people to like me more.
frick it bro.
Two thousand and fifteen. I will die for the
art, for what I believe in. The art ain't
always gonna be polite. Y'all might be
thinking right now, "I wonder, did he
smoke something before he came here?"
The answer is yes, I rolled up a little
something to knock the edge off. I don't
know what's gonna happen tonight. I don't
know what's gonna happen tomorrow, bro.
But all I can say to my artist, my fellow
artist, just worry about how you feel at the
time man. Just worry about how you feel
and don't never... I'm confident, I believe
in myself. We the millennials, bro. This is a
new mentality. We're not gonna control
our kids with brands. We're not gonna
teach low self esteem and that to our kids.
We gonna teach our kids that they can be
something. We're gonna teach our kids
that they can stand up for themselves.
We're gonna teach our kids to believe in
themselves. If my grandfather was here
right now he would not let me back down.
I don't know what I'm finna lose after this,
but don't matter though cause it's not
about me. It's about ideas bro, new ideas
bro. People with ideas. People who believe
in truth. And yes, as you probably could
have guessed by this moment, I have
decided in 2020 to run for president.""

Please translate....cuz Im lost.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/31/15 08:30 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Mon 08/31/15 08:33 PM

kanye is another self made man, one who came from nothing though

and , like many rich people, he feels free to say whatever he thinks,,,regardless what people may think or say,,,,

I wouldnt vote for either him nor Trump, I dont feel either have a clue of how the government works,, just what they want to see happen in the country(like most americans)

Jaden Smith seemed to like KW... but how could anyone have a better pair in the white house, Kanye and Kimmy? if they have a son named Kurt, or adaughter named Katrina, we could say KKK all the way! a good slogan for them...

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/31/15 08:56 PM
for those who dont understand slang,,, Kanye said

pay attention to the children.

Thank you Taylor for having the grace to participate in honoring me

I think about when I first met you, I think about when I'm doing normal things in a store and people say In not so bad after all

and I also think about when I'm in a stadium with thousands of others booing me

I wonder if I would have done everything the same way had I had a child before

Tomorrow this venue will look completely different, the appearance will be gone but the effect will remain

The contradiction I struggle with is in fighting for artists but I was doing it by disrespecting other artists

I remember seeing Justin lose, I dont mean to embarass him, but I saw him cry,, and I thought he deserved to win

I feel like its messed up to have four or five put in a little box to be judged against each other,,,

I feel like they (media) sensationalize our opinions to keep things going between us and to get ratings

Do you know how many times they ran that Taylor was going to introduce me?

I dont really understand award shows, when people that have worked hard their whole lives can , for the first time, be put on a chopping block to be labeled as losers

Ive been torn, and I just wanted people to like me more,, F it

in 2015, I am always going to fight for ART, for the right to an opinion, an opinion that might not be polite

and you are probably wondering if I smoked something,, yeah, I had a little weed to knock the edge off,,,

I dont know whats coming tonight or tomorrow, but I will say to the artists, live in the moment, believe in yourself, be confident,

we are a new generation with a new mentality, our kids wont be commercialized , they arent going to feel inferior,

they will know they can be anything and stand up for themselves
my grandfather would never let me quit

and I dont know what consequence I will face for this speech, but it doesnt matter cause its not about me

its about creativity, creative people with creative ideas, people who beleive in honesty

and if you havent guessed, yes , I am running for president in 2020

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/31/15 08:59 PM

for those who dont understand slang,,, Kanye said

pay attention to the children.

Thank you Taylor for having the grace to participate in honoring me

I think about when I first met you, I think about when I'm doing normal things in a store and people say In not so bad after all

and I also think about when I'm in a stadium with thousands of others booing me

I wonder if I would have done everything the same way had I had a child before

Tomorrow this venue will look completely different, the appearance will be gone but the effect will remain

The contradiction I struggle with is in fighting for artists but I was doing it by disrespecting other artists

I remember seeing Justin lose, I dont mean to embarass him, but I saw him cry,, and I thought he deserved to win

I feel like its messed up to have four or five put in a little box to be judged against each other,,,

I feel like they (media) sensationalize our opinions to keep things going between us and to get ratings

Do you know how many times they ran that Taylor was going to introduce me?

I dont really understand award shows, when people that have worked hard their whole lives can , for the first time, be put on a chopping block to be labeled as losers

Ive been torn, and I just wanted people to like me more,, F it

in 2015, I am always going to fight for ART, for the right to an opinion, an opinion that might not be polite

and you are probably wondering if I smoked something,, yeah, I had a little weed to knock the edge off,,,

I dont know whats coming tonight or tomorrow, but I will say to the artists, live in the moment, believe in yourself, be confident,

we are a new generation with a new mentality, our kids wont be commercialized , they arent going to feel inferior,

they will know they can be anything and stand up for themselves
my grandfather would never let me quit

and I dont know what consequence I will face for this speech, but it doesnt matter cause its not about me

its about creativity, creative people with creative ideas, people who beleive in honesty

and if you havent guessed, yes , I am running for president in 2020

lol...June Cleaver... she spoke Jive too... (reference from the movie Airplane)

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/31/15 09:01 PM
haa, what can I say

some of us are multi dialectual,,,

no photo
Mon 08/31/15 09:14 PM

haa, what can I say

some of us are multi dialectual,,,
laugh Or speak "bull$hitese

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/31/15 09:18 PM

haa, what can I say

some of us are multi dialectual,,,
laugh Or speak "bull$hitese

a dialect one must know well to read through the mingle threads,,,lol

no photo
Mon 08/31/15 09:30 PM

haa, what can I say

some of us are multi dialectual,,,
laugh Or speak "bull$hitese

a dialect one must know well to read through the mingle threads,,,lol
Why of course lol

no photo
Mon 08/31/15 11:46 PM

alleoops, you can manage Kanye West's campaign in the Hebei Provence of northern China. indifferent

No, I'm going there with Mylie Cyrus, drool

no photo
Tue 09/01/15 03:44 AM

Dennis Rodman- Secretary of State
Bill Cosby - Homeland Security Chief
Al Sharpton - Attorney General
Jesse Jackson Jr. - Treasurer
Louie Farakahn - UN Ambassador
You gotta leave a spot open somewhere for his Father/Mother-in-law, Bruce/Caitlynn....

Department of agriculture.. fruit division

Ras427's photo
Tue 09/01/15 09:44 AM
Trump/West for President, HAHAHA

no photo
Tue 09/01/15 09:48 AM

Dennis Rodman- Secretary of State
Bill Cosby - Homeland Security Chief
Al Sharpton - Attorney General
Jesse Jackson Jr. - Treasurer
Louie Farakahn - UN Ambassador
You gotta leave a spot open somewhere for his Father/Mother-in-law, Bruce/Caitlynn....

Department of agriculture.. fruit division

no photo
Tue 09/01/15 10:29 AM

Dennis Rodman- Secretary of State
Bill Cosby - Homeland Security Chief
Al Sharpton - Attorney General
Jesse Jackson Jr. - Treasurer
Louie Farakahn - UN Ambassador

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl