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Topic: Arguing for or against marijuana...
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Mon 08/17/15 04:27 PM
I know most of you on here have strong opinions on this....

Our country have recently officially opened the gates on cannabis for use in cases such as epilepsy and cancer -- for compassionate medical purposes.
Recreational use is not included for fear of abuse potential (ie. Possible acts of stupidity under the influence of)
500+ studies are being taken into consideration.
Ive seen a documentary following the course of a child with medication resistant seizures. In the end, one particular variety or strain of cannabis was successful in treating her.

What are the issues?

Drug agency approval vs legal legislature
Cultivation of only medically relevant varieties
Isolation of specific component
Further testings

Etc etc....

Please feel free to post relevant information that you can share with me.

Thank you! :)

soufiehere's photo
Mon 08/17/15 04:34 PM
As of July 1, 2015, Oregon has made it legal for recreational
purposes, along with medical marijuana which has been around
a while and was/is sold in town.

The $$ is pouring in to the coffers.
It simply is no big deal any more.
I believe everywhere will eventually allow it.

The medicinal side is documented many times over.
I believe they will find many more uses for it.
Now if they would loosen the hemp laws..

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/17/15 04:44 PM
Texas has it on the books for medicinal only, but i hope they follow Colorado, Oregon and Washington and make it totally legal...

no photo
Mon 08/17/15 04:44 PM
I don't smoke pot ( not since I was a teenager anyway.) but I do personally know people ( stable law abiding people) who do smoke pot for medical reasons. They say it helps them with pain and appetite, and they would know better then anyone.

And for those who like it for recreational use, in my opinion it is no different then having a drink or two.

People find it relaxing

In my opinion it should just be legalized nationwide.

no photo
Mon 08/17/15 05:06 PM
Too many problems crop up with recreational drug use...esp maintained users.

If smoking cigarettes is addictive...and i assume one recreational drug use is often associated with use of another recreational substance is safe to say that interactions will occur.

Altho marijuana does not contain nicotine, but it is possible that it can actually increase addiction to nicotine use. That and other side effects due to short or long term use, depending on preferred vehicle.

Rock's photo
Mon 08/17/15 05:15 PM
Pass the Cheetos.
The discussion of legalized weed, is always a fun one.

no photo
Mon 08/17/15 05:23 PM

Too many problems crop up with recreational drug use...esp maintained users.

If smoking cigarettes is addictive...and i assume one recreational drug use is often associated with use of another recreational substance is safe to say that interactions will occur.

Altho marijuana does not contain nicotine, but it is possible that it can actually increase addiction to nicotine use. That and other side effects due to short or long term use, depending on preferred vehicle.

That goes with any type vice. But pot is / has been and will always be a drug used by most every walk of life in most every social setting. Old. young, rich , poor. Just as alcohol is. It is time proven and certainly not going away.

I just don't think it is a drug that " hurts" society as does others. And actually has proven benefits for many.

I also feel that if it is legalized it would give the cartels one less commodity to sell, thus cut down on the drug trade and the affiliated crime that is attached to it( to some degree) It would also improve our legal system by unclogging it with senseless charges for small pot offenses.


TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 08/17/15 05:28 PM

Too many problems crop up with recreational drug use...esp maintained users.

If smoking cigarettes is addictive...and i assume one recreational drug use is often associated with use of another recreational substance is safe to say that interactions will occur.

Altho marijuana does not contain nicotine, but it is possible that it can actually increase addiction to nicotine use. That and other side effects due to short or long term use, depending on preferred vehicle.

It has never been proven that marijuana has any possibility's in causing people to smoke cigarettes.. whoa

Nor is it a proven fact that those that smoke marijuana will go to harder drugs...

It is a proven fact it will help those with many medical problems.. And many that are on pharmaceutical drugs would be able to eliminate many of those drugs due to using medical marijuana.

As far as recreational use I have a friend that was a alcoholic his liver is screwed.. If he had smoked instead he would not be dealing with that issue.. Alcohol has been proven to damage many organs where there is no facts that marijuana damages your organs....

Rock's photo
Mon 08/17/15 05:54 PM
Laws banning weed, were brought about by William Randolph Hurst... of Hurst Publications... Notably known as Patty Hurst's daddy... (yeah, that patty hurst).

Hurst Publications, owner of the San Francisco Chronical, hounded the government, to outlaw marijuana, at the behest of Hurst's advertisers.
The alcohol industry.

Pot was cheaper than booze, and legal.
Booze makers/distributors didn't like that...

The only reason pot was outlawed, was fear of competition... reefer madness, and racism were the tools of the day, to accomplish the booze maker's goals.

The rest is history...
Google it.

no photo
Mon 08/17/15 11:28 PM
Edited by Pansytilly on Mon 08/17/15 11:40 PM

Too many problems crop up with recreational drug use...esp maintained users.

If smoking cigarettes is addictive...and i assume one recreational drug use is often associated with use of another recreational substance is safe to say that interactions will occur.

Altho marijuana does not contain nicotine, but it is possible that it can actually increase addiction to nicotine use. That and other side effects due to short or long term use, depending on preferred vehicle.

That goes with any type vice. But pot is / has been and will always be a drug used by most every walk of life in most every social setting. Old. young, rich , poor. Just as alcohol is. It is time proven and certainly not going away.

I just don't think it is a drug that " hurts" society as does others. And actually has proven benefits for many.

I also feel that if it is legalized it would give the cartels one less commodity to sell, thus cut down on the drug trade and the affiliated crime that is attached to it( to some degree) It would also improve our legal system by unclogging it with senseless charges for small pot offenses.


a vice is a vice, i agree with that, and certainly many would prefer it legalized to allow them the justification of indulging in vices.

that being said, i find this to be a reasonable argument on the benefit of general marijuana use.

the question now is, how do you regulate this vice?

----in terms of use by the public
amount allowed to avoid the potential for abuse
rules of conduct regarding it's use (public/private/segregated areas),
vehicle for use to avoid side effects --inhalation vs ingestion (possibly injection?)

----legal-economic-ethical implications
legitimate licensing for growers (medicinal vs recreational licenses and taxations)
pharmaceutical and big business monopolies and prioritization of commodities and resources
cigarette companies substituting/mixing tobacco and marijuana in their products

cross the bridge when we get there?

no photo
Tue 08/18/15 12:26 AM
Edited by Pansytilly on Tue 08/18/15 01:05 AM

It has never been proven that marijuana has any possibility's in causing people to smoke cigarettes.. whoa

I did not say that marijuana causes people to smoke cigarettes.whoa

What I mentioned was that marijuana can possibly increase nicotine dependence in people already smoking tobacco.

The reason behind this is that nicotine is a chemical transmitter that affects neural pathways. Marijuana, having compounds that serve as a neurotransmitters as well, may cause this increased dependence.

Nor is it a proven fact that those that smoke marijuana will go to harder drugs...

I beg to disagree.

Although it is constant mention that marijuana per se, is not a gateway drug in itself, you have to take into consideration the social factors that influence the use of drugs in general. This not only includes financial-ethnic risk but also differences in international-geographical mentalities.

There is also the burden of prioritization in budgeting of recreational vs necessary commodities in certain socioeconomic groups. Will legalization of yet another recreational commodity help the community overall?

It is a proven fact it will help those with many medical problems.. And many that are on pharmaceutical drugs would be able to eliminate many of those drugs due to using medical marijuana.

Yes, in fact that is why the topic of use of marijuana for compassionate medical use is shed light upon. The health related benefits of using cannabis in these cases far outweigh whatever risk may be involved.

Usually, the use of conventional medications will have to be exhausted first before entertaining the use of marijuana. Why? Because the specific compounds in marijuana have not yet been isolated and studied as to their mechanism of their actions in treating specific illnesses.

It is not so different from choosing to use herbal and alternative therapies as opposed to using pharmaceutical drugs. Would you go for taking a concoction of tree barks and leaves or a well-researched drug in treating your symptoms as a first choice?

As far as recreational use I have a friend that was a alcoholic his liver is screwed.. If he had smoked instead he would not be dealing with that issue.. Alcohol has been proven to damage many organs where there is no facts that marijuana damages your organs....

Are you justifying the use of marijuana by saying that one substance is better than the other?

It is not so different than saying that if someone drank alcohol instead of doing cocaine, that person could'��ve probably lived longer, or by saying that one risk taking behavior is better than the other.

Would it not be better if both alcohol and marijuana have not be included in your friend's life at all to begin with?

Does marijuana have side effects? As with all forms of drugs and medications--Yes. It is a question of whether these effects on a healthy or sick individual are actually the effects desired or not.

no photo
Tue 08/18/15 01:01 AM
Edited by Pansytilly on Tue 08/18/15 01:03 AM

Laws banning weed, were brought about by William Randolph Hurst... of Hurst Publications... Notably known as Patty Hurst's daddy... (yeah, that patty hurst).

Hurst Publications, owner of the San Francisco Chronical, hounded the government, to outlaw marijuana, at the behest of Hurst's advertisers.
The alcohol industry.

Pot was cheaper than booze, and legal.
Booze makers/distributors didn't like that...

The only reason pot was outlawed, was fear of competition... reefer madness, and racism were the tools of the day, to accomplish the booze maker's goals.

The rest is history...
Google it.

that is history you are mentioning.

it is irrelevant how and why history outlawed marijuana use in the matter of answering the question i posed.

the issue remains, that although marijuana is recognized for its potential and proven benefits for medical purposes, how stringent or loose will its prescription be balanced against its known or yet to be discovered harmful effects? as well as the implications, both proven and yet to be seen in the long term if legalization of it as a recreational drug of choice is to be made?

what you are saying is similar to txsgal's point of using one substance in lieu of another, except that your defense is due to pricing, availability and corporate competition --- which actually opens another question...the relation of economic and social stability in corporation-driven marketing and use of multiple recreational vices/ talks, but who benefits and who is harmed??

no photo
Tue 08/18/15 01:07 AM

Pass the Cheetos.
The discussion of legalized weed, is always a fun one.

having fun yet?

no photo
Tue 08/18/15 03:05 AM
Edited by unknown_romeo on Tue 08/18/15 03:07 AM
Mary Jane and I have had a serious relationship in the past, she opened up my mind in many ways & can also be dangerous but I had to leave her knowing one day I might let her back in my life in the future

livingsingle15's photo
Tue 08/18/15 06:01 AM
I know a lot of folks, young and old that use it, for whatever reasons. For the older friends a little hit at night before bed, helps with their pain so they get a better nights sleep. Then there was my ex's son that used it everyday, all day, so he could escape reality. Same kid will be living in his mom's basement forever, no job, doesn't care, only needs his weed and Taco Bell to survive.

I don't really care one way or another, but do know, I have prime growing land with free natural resources if it does become legal to grow in Ohio, and I could make a fortune growing it.

no photo
Tue 08/18/15 08:18 AM

I think for medical reasons it is a good thing,
If some patients/people are in pain and nothing help relieve their pain but marijuana works, so be it, on the plus side at least it is NATURAL and not man made like pharmaceuticals (God only knows what is in half of the medicine taken by us!).

With regards to recreational use, its your body, so abuse it as you see fit. Remember you only have one body, whether you kill off your kidneys through alchohol, or lungs through smoking, its your body!. Just give some thoughts to your loved ones and children, who may get to spend an extra year or 5 if you cut down the recreational abuse.

Legalising cannabis (or any other class B/C controlled drug), can raise lots of money for the respective government, which is a good thing as long as the money gets used well and where it is needed mostly.

It can also stop the consumers of cannabis from getting ripped off by
selfish drug dealers and peddlars, where-by when you buy your quantity of drugs, it is what it says on the label and not plasticine or cooking herbs or any other trash.

Scientific Evidence
Scientists say that smoking marijuana kills of your brain cells and batters your memory, this I think (but i'm not sure) is similar to how prolonged use of mobile phones affect you. Still though, you can get killed crossing the road, and the scientists will simply tell you what the highest bidder tells them to tell you lol...

Personal Thoughts
Like smoking, when you are young and impressionable, you assume it is a cool thing to do, in later life you think what a mistake you made!

I found cannabis to be de-motivating, as soon as you had your first joint the motivation to do anything practical dies away and you think to yourself, **** that I will do it later lol, and later never comes hahaha. Having given up the evil herb, I now feel a lot more motivated and can concentrate on tasks better, such as work :laughing:

I think, time is the most important thing is life, once it is gone it is gone, you can never get the time back, so rather than drink or smoke and waste endless hours doing nothing but gouching semi-comatose, better to spend that valuable commodity (time) doing things which can benefit you.

Simple and sweet. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and personal experiences. flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 08/18/15 08:19 AM

Mary Jane and I have had a serious relationship in the past, she opened up my mind in many ways & can also be dangerous but I had to leave her knowing one day I might let her back in my life in the future

Ha..ha..ha.. HA-SHISH!! ...

Gesundheit! oops tongue2

no photo
Tue 08/18/15 08:22 AM
Edited by Pansytilly on Tue 08/18/15 08:24 AM

I know a lot of folks, young and old that use it, for whatever reasons. For the older friends a little hit at night before bed, helps with their pain so they get a better nights sleep. Then there was my ex's son that used it everyday, all day, so he could escape reality. Same kid will be living in his mom's basement forever, no job, doesn't care, only needs his weed and Taco Bell to survive.

I don't really care one way or another, but do know, I have prime growing land with free natural resources if it does become legal to grow in Ohio, and I could make a fortune growing it.

This reminds me of what happened during the Opium War.

And also makes a point on regulating/restricting marijuana for only specific purposes...

mightymoe's photo
Tue 08/18/15 10:12 AM

mightymoe's photo
Tue 08/18/15 10:13 AM

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