Topic: rude or not? | |
I have been accused of being rude. Sometimes I wonder about people in general. I'm honest. I say how I feel. Sometimes people are being rude. But sometimes I think honesty is mistaken for rudeness.
The job I use to do, I met a lot of good people. But with every one good and decent person came 20 moronic idiots that made it their life's work to drive everyone around them batshit crazy. Sometimes a stupid idiot is just that. And should be called as such. And if said stupid idiot says you are being rude to them, It's because of the fog that they live in. They see everyone but themselves. Everyone else is at fault. They have done no wrong. Everyone is against them. What else could they be called? |
Most of sensitive people are sincere when they do not meet compatible people they became rude.
i was listening to the radio this morning and this question popped up.. are people more rude nowadays or are some people just overly sensitive? a couple of answers given were as follows: in defense of free speech, many people say what they want with less regard for how others will feel about it. yes, people are more rude nowadays. social media contributes largely to this. so what do you think? the question talks about rudeness, freedom of speech and social media. rudeness I think is attributed to shifts in expectations or lack thereof. it may not be rude to exercise freedom of speech in stating an opinion. the rudeness comes in attacking the person instead of the idea. as for social media, while it's a factor, my belief is a lot has to do with the interaction and role models in the home |
are people more rude nowadays or are some people just overly sensitive?
a couple of answers given were as follows: in defense of free speech, many people say what they want with less regard for how others will feel about it. yes, people are more rude nowadays. social media contributes largely to this. so what do you think? I think in the social media people like to think they are being more "honest telling it like it is" Til their own feathers get I believe it is a personal choice, so someone makes you a bit ticked it is okay to be meaner to them than they were to you? I call that a cop out. I personally believe that honesty is great, sharing of ideas are wonderful, til they are used as a weapon to make the other or others agree. I remember my grandparents telling me time and time again it is fine to disagree with someone without having to sling or share insults. When that happens all you are showing is your stupidity. Being rude is a choice, I try really hard not to make. When I do stoop to that level I will apologize for my rudeness not my thoughts or beliefs. |
Good for you. Whatever works for you. An eye for an eye works beautifully for me.
Good for you. Whatever works for you. An eye for an eye works beautifully for me. i agree if someone's rude to me, ill be rude back. if you didn't i think they would walk all over you and they would never learn, they need to get it back and have a taste of their own medicine and see how they like it. hopefully they will learn from that, if they don't, then 'up yours' |
Good for you. Whatever works for you. An eye for an eye works beautifully for me. i agree if someone's rude to me, ill be rude back. if you didn't i think they would walk all over you and they would never learn, they need to get it back and have a taste of their own medicine and see how they like it. hopefully they will learn from that, if they don't, then 'up yours' See I respectfully disagree with you... No one walks on me unless I allow it.. I can tell someone politely they are encroaching upon my boundaries or I can tell them to get their bloody clod hoppers off of me either way the message is the same. If someone is rude to me. I choose to ignore them.. it is their burden not mine. I can't be responsible for their actions only mine. I have been told I am a stubborn or so shall we say persistent and yet I can do that without standing on someone else's shoulders to be taller or lowering my standards to theirs. |
My standards are real, real low.
Edited by
Tue 08/11/15 03:35 PM
I believe you treat people how they treat you. simple as. jmo
but if I can if someone is rude I just walk away because i don't want to associate with people like that. if you just ignore them, how will they learn? they need to know what it feels like to be talked to like that, that's why i choose to walk away rather than just ignore them, because they will keep coming back and being rude again. |
I deal with a lot of tourists and yes rude seems to be the norm.I try to be patient and help them but if they cross the line I just smile and walk away, being dismissive really makes them mad.
Good for you. Whatever works for you. An eye for an eye works beautifully for me. i agree if someone's rude to me, ill be rude back. if you didn't i think they would walk all over you and they would never learn, they need to get it back and have a taste of their own medicine and see how they like it. hopefully they will learn from that, if they don't, then 'up yours' See I respectfully disagree with you... No one walks on me unless I allow it.. I can tell someone politely they are encroaching upon my boundaries or I can tell them to get their bloody clod hoppers off of me either way the message is the same. If someone is rude to me. I choose to ignore them.. it is their burden not mine. I can't be responsible for their actions only mine. I have been told I am a stubborn or so shall we say persistent and yet I can do that without standing on someone else's shoulders to be taller or lowering my standards to theirs. I understand what you are saying, And it's cool. Maybe it's just the part of the world I live in. Me, I try to treat others the way I want to be treated. But one fact I have found still remains. There are some people in this world that don't understand nothing but plain English. The only thing they get is being rude to them. Some don't understand until you bounce their head off the ground. If you try to talk to them in a decent sorta way, they think you are weak. People like this will do their best to push their will on you. If you don't speak up in a hard way to them, they will just keep on. They will try their best to run over you. 15 years ago I had to throw a gun in another man's face while he was flat of his back on the ground. It was the only way, next to pulling the trigger to get him to leave my wife at the time and family alone. I thank God that he believed me. If he hadn't I would have been forced to do something extreme to get him to stop. I've met others in my life. But only one to this extreme. I hope I never meet another. |
^^^^^ Charles what you just described is a whole new ballgame. You come after me or mine where I believe them or myself is in endanger all bets off. I will shoot no problem to me that has nothing to do with rudeness, I can smile at you never raise my voice or utter one rude statement as I help you meet your maker. Causing physical harm to a loved one,not going to happen if I can help it
It depends on who is being rude!
If it were someone I care about, I would not take it and would point it out to him/her and how it was considered rude. If it were a colleague/acquaintance, I would tell them too so that we clear that out of the way and our workplace/relationship stays pleasant. If it were a stranger, it would depend too on how bad it was. I would probably still tell him/her and if the response is positive, we are friends. If he/she starts to be offensive..... beware cos' I can be a ![]() ![]() |
people are more rude- I'm polite to everyone but I also tell it like it is- most of the time I don't interject my comment- on a forum I will
Good for you. Whatever works for you. An eye for an eye works beautifully for me. i agree if someone's rude to me, ill be rude back. if you didn't i think they would walk all over you and they would never learn, they need to get it back and have a taste of their own medicine and see how they like it. hopefully they will learn from that, if they don't, then 'up yours' See I respectfully disagree with you... No one walks on me unless I allow it.. I can tell someone politely they are encroaching upon my boundaries or I can tell them to get their bloody clod hoppers off of me either way the message is the same. If someone is rude to me. I choose to ignore them.. it is their burden not mine. I can't be responsible for their actions only mine. I have been told I am a stubborn or so shall we say persistent and yet I can do that without standing on someone else's shoulders to be taller or lowering my standards to theirs. I understand what you are saying, And it's cool. Maybe it's just the part of the world I live in. Me, I try to treat others the way I want to be treated. But one fact I have found still remains. There are some people in this world that don't understand nothing but plain English. The only thing they get is being rude to them. Some don't understand until you bounce their head off the ground. If you try to talk to them in a decent sorta way, they think you are weak. People like this will do their best to push their will on you. If you don't speak up in a hard way to them, they will just keep on. They will try their best to run over you. 15 years ago I had to throw a gun in another man's face while he was flat of his back on the ground. It was the only way, next to pulling the trigger to get him to leave my wife at the time and family alone. I thank God that he believed me. If he hadn't I would have been forced to do something extreme to get him to stop. I've met others in my life. But only one to this extreme. I hope I never meet another. It's interesting how some people think that they are so high and mighty and better than everyone else by taking the high road but they soon change their tune when you place holes in their comments. |
^^^^^ Charles what you just described is a whole new ballgame. You come after me or mine where I believe them or myself is in endanger all bets off. I will shoot no problem to me that has nothing to do with rudeness, I can smile at you never raise my voice or utter one rude statement as I help you meet your maker. Causing physical harm to a loved one, not going to happen if I can help it See, I think you may be missing my point. Ok, maybe I should tell the whole thing. I met this guy at a car show. He was a car nut just like me. I had a 57 Ford Convertible that I was restoring. This guy had parts. He had all the parts that mine was missing. One thing led to another and he was helping me restore mine. He had never met my wife at the time. One day she came out to the shop and I introduced her to him. He just smiled and never let on a thing. A month goes by before he finally did something that to most married men is a no-no. He comes to my house while I'm gone. The first time I said nothing. I let it rock. The second time, It didn't sit too well with me. My wife had already told him not to come around when I wasn't there. He did anyway. I told him myself not to be around my house when I'm not there. I think you see which way this is going. I tried to be nice to the guy. He was a fellow car nut just like me. I wound up getting really rude with him in front of several people. It did no good. A couple of weeks later he tried, and almost did, break into my house. My wife refused to let him in. So he tries to break the door down. I wasn't but an 8th of a mile from home when my wife called and told me he was trying to break in. I rolled right up on him. The point I'm trying to make, Some people don't understand "nice" Some just barely understand "rude" And some just don't get it, period. There are some people in this world that you can't be nice too. You give them an inch, they will take a mile. You never know in this world who you are messing with. I told this guy in a nice way not to come around my house while I'm not there. The second, really the 3rd time I told him in a rude way not to come around my house without me there. The last time, Well, He left with a few bruises and bumps on his head and some cracked teeth caused from the barrel of my pistol being shoved into his mouth. I thought he was just a car nut. A friend. A connection. He turned out to be a raving maniac that wanted to rape my wife. |
Charles, I should have been clearer. I didn't miss your point at all. I was on your side.
I commended you for placing holes in rude, condescending arguments. Good going.
I am very straightforward. I don't pretend to be a sweetheart while I am cruel and mock other women behind their back out of jealousy. I have seen too much of that as well and I will be rude when I see that.
I think in we are getting out of the realm of generally nice people who, for whatever reason, feel that they have the right to be rude and into the realm of just plain batazz crazy.
You can overlook occasional rudeness, but conitnued rudeness should be pointed out, first in a nice way, then in a more direct way. If it continues, ignore them completely. If they raise the stakes? Well, each situation requires it's own solution. How's that for vague? ![]() A lunatic can't be reasoned with, this is a whole other this instance trespassers will be shot, those still alive will be shot again. |