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Topic: I have a question for the Ladies
SuthernGent9's photo
Fri 10/12/07 07:21 AM
I am a southern gentleman and I have been on a few dating sites. And I need some help, I just do not get it.
Women are on the sites, they might contact you and then slowly talk themselves out fo meeting anyone.

Now, I consider myself a commodity in todays world. I do not drink, I am a true believer in God, I have steady employment, I do not hav any baggge, just great children. I am stable (was in last marriage for 18 years). I do not conisdier myself a toad. I am confident. Very happy have a great sense of humor and a wonderful personality. I promise I am not concieted, I just enjoy life andf like to have why is it so hard to get a woman to just say yes instead of "Hi" to a date. I am sure in a face to face situation they will find I am quite a good man, or do women still not want good men? (And that I always finish last crap!?) Maybe you can give me some pointers on how I should approach this. I am a very honest person, last one I talked to couldn't take the honesty, go figure!


no photo
Fri 10/12/07 07:25 AM
I have no answers for you....but hi and welcome to JSHflowerforyou There are a lot of great people should get involved in the forums and get to know them and let them get to know you! People around here seem to being going on dates and meeting in person all the time....

no photo
Fri 10/12/07 07:32 AM
Maybe the women youve talked with dont want the same things you want. After looking at your profile it seems all you want is a physical relationship. At least thats my impression. If thats not the case, you'll just have to wait for the right person to come along. Nothing worth while is easy.

CATBW56's photo
Fri 10/12/07 07:33 AM
don't have the answers either Gordon, if ya weren't so far away I'd meet ya for coffee and get to know you better.

by the way, welcome to JSHflowerforyou

dctalk's photo
Fri 10/12/07 07:33 AM
HI welcome to just say hi what you need to know is just get to know them there are pretty good women here so get to know her then take things so so you can develop that trust ok hang in there you will meet someone great maybe that person is not the right one for you. God works in misterious ways. you will meet the right one ok

no photo
Fri 10/12/07 07:37 AM
welcome gordon and good luck

no photo
Fri 10/12/07 07:38 AM
Hi and welcome! I cannot answer your question. But, a thought to ponder, are you maybe pushing too hard or too soon for a face-to-face meeting? I think most women (and men too?) are more cautious about people they meet online, they definitely want to take more time to get to know them and what they're about via a lot of e-mails, IMs, etc before an actual physical meeting. A lot of that is safety concerns. The only reason I mention it is that I've come across several guys who have done that, and it's a little scary.

bgeorge's photo
Fri 10/12/07 07:53 AM
hey sg and welcome...maybe they are not being honest about who they are or what they're looking for, or maybe they're afraid or maybe they're like me and honestly have no time to fit you in and don't want to be unfair to you...brendaflowerforyou

kojack's photo
Fri 10/12/07 08:04 AM
I am by no means a woman, but I do love them.
My advice would be to be more clear on what you want in profile,post in forums so they can get to know you and your personality, start a thread on a topic your passionate about, etc....

Jtevans's photo
Fri 10/12/07 08:08 AM
i agree with kojack,use the forums to your often and let the women get to know who you are through the forums,let them see your ideas,beliefs,feelings...etc.hope that helps

btw Welcome to JSH drinker :smile:

Claudette's photo
Fri 10/12/07 08:08 AM
Hi Gordon

Welcome to JSHflowerforyou

starKitty's photo
Fri 10/12/07 08:18 AM
Your picking the wrong Kind of women, And you have to sweeten the pot. Make it a date somewhere unattached. Starbucks has been my fave. and then work from there. Never ask her on the first chat session. That really scares the ladies. Don't put out the expectation that they have any attachments at that point. Try to make it near there workplace. to show that You will go out of your way. Women want to be perused and appreciated. But never trapped.

im2fun's photo
Fri 10/12/07 09:20 AM
Hi Gordon, welcome and like everyone else said post post post. Best of luck to you it is said there is someone for each of us. flowerforyou flowerforyou

ChelleBelle's photo
Fri 10/12/07 09:37 AM
hi and welcome...flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 10/12/07 09:44 AM
Hi Gordondrinker

Like you, I have no baggage. Any ex-girlfriend I've had in the past has no contact with me, nor I with them. I've also never been married nor have any children, tho I adore my nieces and nephews. I have a steady job that pays well, clean-living, the whole nine yards......

.....and I can't BUY a date! My luck with the opposite sex is so bad that ladies of the evening tell me they have a headache!laugh (That last line is a joke, folkslaugh )

im2fun's photo
Fri 10/12/07 09:51 AM
read your profile and you have stated exactly what I have wanted a man in my life to find, and that is the inner beauty of me, not just the outer presence. You have a lot going for you just relax and give it time, there are good women out there that want a good hearted man.

no photo
Fri 10/12/07 10:00 AM
Knox, your Mrs. Knox is out there, don't give up :smile: flowerforyou flowerforyou

SuthernGent9's photo
Mon 04/07/08 07:20 AM
Just wanted to say thank you all for your replys, they are very kind. I am and have always taken it very easy with whomever I might try to connect with. I should say, I play by her rules. I do ask after a few back and forth messages on here that we go to regular email, I just think it is easier. Then after a few weeks to amonth then I offer my phone number, do not ask for theirs and allow them to decide when is the right time to actually converse. I do not ask them on a date, I simply say I would be interested in meeting them, whenever they feel comfortable. So am I doing this wrong, and by the way...not sure who said it, do not know how my profile says I just want a physical relationship, but I want a long term relationship that is very personal and physical when the time is right.

franshade's photo
Mon 04/07/08 07:22 AM
hello and welcome

Sounds like you have everything together, can it just be unreal expectations on your end. Everyone we meet and talk with is not bound to become a romantic relationship.

Just sharing my two cents worth, but good luck and join the forums you'll meet more people here.

froglittlesis's photo
Mon 04/07/08 07:28 AM
YTour profile sounds as if you are an amazing person. When you aren't looking so hard God will send the woman to your path so for now till then just wait and have patience. Oh yeah good luck here!!flowerforyou

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