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no photo
Mon 10/30/06 02:40 PM
there was an incident not too long ago in an indiana prison where a guy
who abducted, molested and murdered a little girl was forcibly tattoed
with the phrase kateie's revenge across his forehead by the little girls
cousin who was in prison on a burglary charge. he was subsequently
charged with assault for the retribution.

he should serve his time for the burglary but do you think that this new
charge of assault should effect his parole in any way when he is
eligible fo it.

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 02:42 PM
of course it should WILL

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 02:43 PM
i think the parole board should consider the facts in the assault. he
did not kill the guy and instead gave him a mark instead. i don't think
it should be helsd against him at the time of parole and i don't think
they should use tax payers money to have it removed. i don't know wabash
prison policy on that kind of procedure but if they were to allow him to
even have it removed it should be on his own dime.

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/31/06 10:46 AM
The parole board should take the assault into account
but also the circumstances. The prison should have known
better than to house a murderer in the same prison as a
family member of the victim. The prison practically asked
for the assault to happen. It should also be taken into
account that the man had restraint enough not to physically
harm the other man, but instead tatooed him.

no photo
Tue 10/31/06 11:48 AM
i agree with that one jimi. who in there right mind puts the two in the
same cell block and not expect something to happen, maybe it was an
error and maybe not. i just don't like the idea that it could mean that
his parole gets denied but i don't think he minds considering.

no photo
Tue 10/31/06 01:51 PM
hmmm he actually might be onto something there... When convicted sex
offenders are released back into communities we all sit and wonder why
there isnt a better system to let us know where they are etc... how
about tatooing "child molester" or whatever on their foreheads as a
condition of their release... (yeah, I know they have rights too...) but
I think at least those in the community would know who they were...

no photo
Tue 10/31/06 02:04 PM
that was my idea behind not letting him remove the tattoo while he was
incarcerated. i'm not from indiana but i wouldn't want my tax dollars
being used to remove it.

no photo
Tue 10/31/06 02:09 PM
I agree...

Marie55's photo
Tue 10/31/06 06:22 PM
It must have been an error that they were placed together, in WA state
they go to great lengths to check for family members, victim family
members, ex-crime partners and gang members when looking where to place
inmates and try to keep them separated. Truth is, some of the staff
there probably felt he deserved it too. I don't think the taxpayers
should pay to remove it, but likely will as he will probably sue the
prison for not protecting him, and then go on to say he is scarred for
life and sue for damages, etc., and then likely apply for welfare when
he gets out; or take a dive off a ladder and claim he has a bad back and
try to live of labor and industries when he gets out. Sad, but it
happens all the time.

You wouldn't believe the lawsuits against the prisons and state from the
inmates - most are insane and absurd. Ordering creamy peanut butter on
their store and getting chunky instead- sued the state. Anyway to clog
the court systems, heck they have nothing else to do. My 2 cents.

no photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:38 AM
If he'd have killed him, claimed self defense and had witness', not
hard to do in prison I bet, find a witness against a child
molester/murderer, he'd probably gotten time of his current sentence and
out sooner.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:37 PM
I agree with Jimi... the restraint he showed when he could have just as
easily shanked him in the shower should carry some weight in his
hearing...let's face it..who among us WOULDN'T fuck that bastard up if
it was a little girl in your family and you were face to face with him?

I think this particular prisoner showed a great bit of insight by
branding the asshole instead. I'm not even from the US and I hope the
taxpayer's money doesn't go to removing the tattoo. Personally, I think
it would be a VERY fitting part of his hell with his
rights, he didn't seem too concerned with the rights of that little

txazdesertgirl's photo
Thu 11/09/06 07:52 PM
our entire justice system is much too lenient. Why do we try to
rehabilitate serial killers? child molesters? they have ruined the
live s of so many innocents, hang um! Texas justice

Marie55's photo
Thu 11/09/06 09:29 PM
Truth is they have not proven that they can be rehabilitated. Child
molesters can be castrated and they will just find something else to use
to molest a child - it is something in their brain that is wrong, cannot
be fixed. Serial killers can't be fixed either as far as I know, should
never get out of prison as far as I am concerned, need to stay behind
bars forever. Every state is different but when people hear someone
gets life in prison they think it is the inmate's life time, but in some
states like WA - it is 20 years, so they can actually parole after
receiving a life sentence, unless they tack on a never eligible for
parole addendum to the sentence. I always thought life was for their
life time, but not, 20 years and some get time off for good behavior,
not my idea of a life sentence.

hunman12's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:17 AM
shoot all afenders

lily38's photo
Sat 11/11/06 08:43 PM
When we find criminals such as serial killers and sexual predators, they
should receive an automatic death sentence. Why give them the chance for
escape and re-offense, as was the case with Ted Bundy? Especially if the
sickos will harm a child. There should be no other option but the death

bigbayhrsrider's photo
Sun 12/03/06 05:11 AM
hey guys I WORKED WITH THAT C R E E P./ I think he should get the DEATH
PENALITY>> and MORE.. hes now trying to get his sentence reduced because
hes not such a bad guy and the extent of what he did HE SAYS.... wasnt
that bad.. give me a friggen break.. huh lets ask the little girl what
he should get .. any mediums here?

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/03/06 08:33 AM
No medium here!
They should just fry the guy!

no photo
Sun 12/03/06 08:46 AM
I don't believe in capitol punishment. Even God didn't kill the first
murderer, which happened to be when Cian killed Abel. But, God, did put
a mark on his head, maybe somewhat like the tattoo, he was basically
branded and sent to roam the earth.

no photo
Sun 12/03/06 08:46 AM
oops, I mean Cain

no photo
Sun 12/03/06 09:26 AM
Sorry no the the tatooer should not pay for nothing. I think all the
bastards should lose their rights, Fuck'em all I mean some crimes, that
were physically harmful to caught with
drugs (and I know the use and demand for drugs has a trickle down
effect of various crimes like robberies and burglaries), but I mean the
crimes with immediate victims, like assaults, molestation, rape, murder
and so on, then the perpetrator needs to lose all his fucking rights,
they are well aware of the repercussions of their actions before they do
them. If the laws provided for them to lose each and every right as an
American citizen, then before they did the crime they would be aware
what might be waitin for them.

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