Topic: Potty training!! | |
Hey! I have a two year old little girl and I am trying to potty train her but nothing I try is working!! Ive tried a prize bag (a bag of little prizes she can pick from if she goes), telling her we can go to the park if she goes,sitting on the toilet while she sits on her big girl potty. She was OK with sitting on it in the beginning and went twice, but now its like shes scared of it or something she cries every time I try to sit her on it. Anyone have any advice?
I raised a son; rural America - farm area and it's so much easier for those little dudes. LOL
But my older sister had 6 children; 4 girls & 2 sons...she was mentally DRAINED trying to get her first born little girl to even want to try --- so she just quit trying to force the issue and waited for her daughter to 'BE READY' and it was so much easier --- the daughter was almost 3� before the DESIRE to have pull up pants was 'her idea'. It's never easy when 'WE TRY' to manage our children by society guidelines/rules for what they should be doing by a certain age!!! They're all uniquely different and some things you just can't force! Good Luck and enjoy ALL of her learning skills to their fullest. |
I would have to agree more you push the more she is going to resist. Ease off on that pressure
I would leave the potty chair in bathroom and not bring it up again if she asks say "When you want to go on your potty like a big kid it is ready for you" Now walk away. yes I realize it means keeping her in diapers awhile longer |
I agree with waiting my son was potty trained at two my daughter it was not till she was three.. tried earlier and she would not left it alone for a bit well till I found out she wanted Mickey Mouse underwear like her brother.. Only problem back then they did not make them for girls.. I only had two pair of them.. that was my sons so let her wear them she wet them put the other pair on when she wet them she was so upset and cried I had to wash them and get both pairs dry...
Funny after that she refused to wet on Mikey again so we were good to go... after that... Prior to that she would sit on her toilet for a while looking at books as soon as she got up and off it would happen... But after she found out if she wet in the Mikey undies she had to put a diaper back on it was the end of the struggle.. And what was funny she is the one that begged to have her brothers undies cause Mikey was on them lmao.. If you struggle with them it will only be harder at times... No reason to make them stress over it believe it or not they will when they are ready.. |