Topic: searching keywords in forums
Tarzansgirl's photo
Thu 05/28/15 03:54 PM
I know you can search for people on Mingle. Is there a way to search with keywords for a subject in forums? I posted about scammers yesterday and was able to find it a couple times to read what others had posted, but have not been able to bring that particular post about scammers. But, friends say they can, what am I doing wrong? It is driving me crazy. Well, I already was crazy, it is driving me more crazy. Haha

Tarzansgirl's photo
Thu 05/28/15 03:58 PM
Of, course these recent post about how to find posts shows up right after I post. That is why I thought I would easily find the other one.hmmm?

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 05/28/15 04:00 PM
There isn't a keyword search for topics here, but if you posted in a can go to the My Topics tab. If it's not there, then the topic was pulled by the mods

Tarzansgirl's photo
Thu 05/28/15 04:04 PM
Why would it have been pulled by the mods? You commented on my scam post yesterday. Was there something that would get it pulled. Maybe too much info on scammers that it will help them??

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 05/28/15 04:07 PM
Could have been because it was an old post, too much info, someone broke forum rules that we didn't see...any number of things

But all topics that you post in can be found going to My topics. That tab helps me keep up a lot

SitkaRains's photo
Thu 05/28/15 04:09 PM
That thread looks like it has been pulled..Another way you can find something is to check your posting history.. by clicking on the number of posts.
You can check out what another member is posting by clicking on their posting numbers...

Tarzansgirl's photo
Thu 05/28/15 04:16 PM
Yea, I found that after I posted this. Even if it is old and others have dealt with scammers, there maybe someone who it may still benefit from. After I posted it, I of course saw lots of others that had posted the subject before, isn't that always the way it works out. So, I am sure you guys who have been on there see the same things again and again. So, I apologize. I thought I had looked thoroughly so I would nit post something that had already been posted. Guess not. Darn that post took me a while to type up. Haha.

Tarzansgirl's photo
Thu 05/28/15 04:18 PM
Thank you, sitkarains. Do you know why it got pulled?

SitkaRains's photo
Thu 05/28/15 04:20 PM

Thank you, sitkarains. Do you know why it got pulled?

No I don't, I remember posting in it,could be several reason,
a bashing and trashing and break out, flame wars, personal information posted in it. Could be several reasons. I will admit I didn't read all the pages.

We do have a pretty good set of Mods out here and they do work hard to keep it clean.. If there was too much they might have just pulled it. Alot of work goes into cleaning one up.

Tarzansgirl's photo
Thu 05/28/15 04:23 PM
Thanks for your response.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 05/28/15 05:48 PM
Threads may be deleted at any time if they do not meet the Forum Rules.. This can happen with really old threads that members bring back up due to rules have changed and they no longer meet the guidelines of the rules. Therefore they are pulled.

But when talking about Scammer ect or Fake Profiles then those we normally lock down or delete. The site provides a Report System and we expect members to use the System to report scammers. Let Admin deal with them. We do not want threads talking about other members if they are scammers and reported they will be dealt with.

Site Mod