Topic: Do pickup lines work?
ALBYAK's photo
Tue 05/26/15 10:19 AM
When I was younger a simple hello almost always worked at a "Wedding Reception" seemed all the single gals wanted to join in on the action that night:thumbsup: Was different back then penicillin cured all and most were on the pillwhoa

regularfeller's photo
Tue 05/26/15 10:21 AM

When I was younger a simple hello almost always worked at a "Wedding Reception" seemed all the single gals wanted to join in on the action that night:thumbsup: Was different back then penicillin cured all and most were on the pillwhoa

:laughing: dinosaur!

ALBYAK's photo
Tue 05/26/15 10:41 AM

When I was younger a simple hello almost always worked at a "Wedding Reception" seemed all the single gals wanted to join in on the action that night:thumbsup: Was different back then penicillin cured all and most were on the pillwhoa

:laughing: dinosaur!

OK, But we didn't have to read about "Shades Of Gray" we invented them!pitchfork

Goofball73's photo
Tue 05/26/15 11:03 AM

Depends on the woman. If you use a silly pick-up line and she recognizes that you are trying to break the ice, then more times than not she will be receptive. After that it is up to you to impress her that you are more than just a pick-up line guy looking for some azz. However, with that said, my best line ever is the following......

Me: "Scuse me mam. I am conducting a survey and simply needed to ask you your opinion on this very hot issue. Mind if I ask you? "

Her: "Oh. Well all means....ask away".

Me: "Excellent. your opinion....why did the chicken cross the road"?

Pure gold. :thumbsup:

I couldn't sleep all night waiting for you to weigh in on this topic! My restless night was not in vain!

My luck, I would use that line on the ONE woman who would immediately respond, "I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned!"

Good one!

I try not to disappoint my friend. In truth, while I can and have approached women, I have to work myself up to it. Once I take that first step it is usually, "Well, you made that first step now....can't back out now ya wussy". laugh

Fred7170's photo
Tue 05/26/15 02:08 PM

I've never used a pick-up line and I couldn't. I'd feel so cheap and desperate and wonder how I'd apologize for it afterwards.
Sometimes I wonder if some women do fall for it and how, or do they simply have pity for those who use them?

First came body shaming, now charm shaming?

Why would you feel the need to apologize for trying to engage a woman who strikes your fancy in conversation?

And more so, why would you apologize to a woman who rebuffed your attempt to speak to her?

It isn't a matter of "falling for it", women have advanced BS meters that are powered by fuel cells. And they don't speak to a man that approaches them out of sympathy.

While I have fun with any topic, the reality is that I view a "pick up line" as a conversation starter with a stranger when you have no knowledge of their character, personality, or marital/relationship status.

It is intended to amuse her and view you as non-threatening before you introduce the duct tape and escort her to your nondescript cargo van!

Even something as benign as "How bout this weather we're having" is a pick up line.

Heck, some fellers play all Mr. Sensitive and wishy washy to gain attention. But hey, use whatever skills or tools one has at their disposal, right?

I just be myself. Real, Frank, no wishy-washy... Can't a man and woman converse without thinking about **** right off the bat? If you have sex on your mind on the get go you're really not interested in her, who she is and what drives her. Two strangers can make it work for while but a life together is not based on sex.

TMommy's photo
Tue 05/26/15 02:19 PM
Difference between ice breaker and pick up line? Is one just meant to begin conversation while other is with intention of picking her up?

rug212001's photo
Tue 05/26/15 02:26 PM

Difference between ice breaker and pick up line? Is one just meant to begin conversation while other is with intention of picking her up?

That is where I was getting mixed up. I thought pickup lines were just ice breakers. Thanks!

Some of you may think this is in jest, but I assure you it is not. I have only tried to use a couple of lines like this in my past. First, none have worked for me. Second, I felt like I was being demeaning just by using them. It's nice to hear that they work for some people.

I think I will stick to sitting in the corner, listening to the band, and drinking my beer. At some point a nice lady will find it curious and come investigate. At least that is my hope. happy

no photo
Tue 05/26/15 02:27 PM
I could never just walk up to a girl with a pick up line, I'm far too shy and I wouldn't know what to say

Fred7170's photo
Tue 05/26/15 02:28 PM

Difference between ice breaker and pick up line? Is one just meant to begin conversation while other is with intention of picking her up?

Pick-up line: as in picking up women to party, drink a lot and hope by the time she's had her tenth she won't care.

Ice-breaker: as in after meaningful eye contact.


ZenSoul79's photo
Tue 05/26/15 02:37 PM
depends on the pickup line and the girl.
I find pickup lines a little stupid, I just offer my genuine slef, offer an icebreaker or two, and most times the conversation flows a lot easier.
It's about having respect for the beauty of an individual, and then maybe if she feels comfortable enough, you can ask for her contact info later.

some guys like to jump the gun and ask for the number outright, which is in most cases not good because it makes you look desperate, cheesy and expecting.
Was at a bar sitting next to a girl I was having a convo with over drinks, and some dude comes over to her, and says "Can I **** you?"
I immediately started laughing out loud. She smiled, looked him right in the eye and said "Nope. Work on your technique, buddy. Not gonna happen." Then she looked at me and said "sorry for the interruption, you were saying?"

Needless to say, she was feeling gracious enough to give me her number.
But she never called back.
That happens, too, sometimes. And it's all good. Part of the ongoing struggle.

Stay true, gentlemen!

MelMaxx's photo
Tue 05/26/15 03:01 PM
hmmmm...don't think a "pickup line" or an "icebreaker" have ever been used on This Gal in person.....hmmmm...nope, not that I'm aware of.

Now, online is different....When they start with something that makes me laugh, then I'm at least interested!

TMommy's photo
Tue 05/26/15 03:29 PM
I don't know man...I don't hang out in bars so maybe this has been going on at a more subtle level the teenager at grocery store who took my cart in parking lot and said he would put it away for me
sheesh I thought he wanted a tip or the meat counter guy that sliced up my pork loin into chops and told me to have a nice day and enjoy my dinner or old guy at door who said looks like a nice day out there enjoy it young lady

LTme's photo
Tue 05/26/15 03:36 PM
"it depends but they seem to have at best the affect of breaking the ice" e2

Yes, BUT !!

Unless it's hilarious, one must be wary of making matters worse.

Approaching a woman unknown to you and introducing yourself by asking her what she'd like for breakfast tomorrow, would likely fail on any woman you'd actually want.
And what do you do if it works on a woman you don't want?

Most intelligent people (which oddly enough includes women) can read between the lines.

And a sensible woman will know, if a guy hits on her with a poorly chosen, rude, childish, or prurient pickup line that he's a loser because:
- He's so lonely he's memorized pickup lines
- he's either got such poor taste, or thinks so little of me, that he chose that one for me
- & not merely that, but, THIS is his BEST foot forward? If so he should get it out of his mouth.

I might be more likely to use a pickup line on a 2nd or third date, just to start things off on a lighthearted note.

But for initial self-introduction, I suspect a handshake posture, winning smile, and self identification may make the most sense.

Be charming.
Be popular.

rug212001's photo
Tue 05/26/15 03:42 PM

I don't know man...I don't hang out in bars so maybe this has been going on at a more subtle level the teenager at grocery store who took my cart in parking lot and said he would put it away for me
sheesh I thought he wanted a tip or the meat counter guy that sliced up my pork loin into chops and told me to have a nice day and enjoy my dinner or old guy at door who said looks like a nice day out there enjoy it young lady

I don't think these examples are quite the same thing.

no photo
Tue 05/26/15 04:53 PM

Any quick search will give you a multitude of pickup lines that are so bad they are funny, but do they really work?

IMO No. I always found it irritating.
I like blunt & to the point.

Pick up lines are like flirting.
Which means could be anyone & I could just be another one to them.

So a direct approach is much more personal. And even if im not interested, I still respect them.
* Flirts... I just ignore... laugh *

shocked Lemme try a lil hypnosis!

Now that ^^^^ is good.
It is YOU, it is original, it is spontaneous. :thumbsup:

I reckon this means we're a couple now. flowerforyou

Promise me, NO chickens will be harmed or present during the negotiations or at the notary republics office . drinks

* Chickens are a no no in my contract noway *

Agreed. Chickens, and their diminutive, "chicks", are right out! Besides, the absence of this fowl makes it easier for me to go through life without being hen pecked!


Agreed no birds or pecking rofl

Annierooroo's photo
Tue 05/26/15 05:01 PM
I was talking to my 18 year old son about this topic
Oh my gosh left me shocked lol
He told me he went on to google.
The lines ofhe used was I have to be honest shocking but very funny. I did ask did they work. He said they did work.

Where this boy come from? I will never know lolfrustrated :laughing:

rug212001's photo
Tue 05/26/15 05:28 PM
This one just made me laugh

HoneyFly's photo
Tue 05/26/15 05:45 PM
Don't mind the ring. I found it while I was searching for you.:tongue: shocked

regularfeller's photo
Tue 05/26/15 07:04 PM
Edited by regularfeller on Tue 05/26/15 07:04 PM

Difference between ice breaker and pick up line? Is one just meant to begin conversation while other is with intention of picking her up?

I can answer that, and for you too (forgot an "O" there), Frank.

No, they are indistinguishable. A "pick up line" is just an ice breaker. The uninitiated think the purpose of them is to get a woman to have sex with you, but it is not.

A woman with "loose morals" doesn't need an excuse to hop in the sack with a man of equally "loose morals". If you meet a woman anywhere and wind up naked in bed with her a few hours later, it wasn't due to your opening line.

When pick up lines are used for the solicitation of sexual congress they become the subject of ridicule and laughable cliches. They aren't to be taken literally unless they contain an non-gratuitous compliment.

Even the simple, "Hi" is a pick up line.

Remember, Fred, all approaches involve a bait and a hook. :wink:

no photo
Tue 05/26/15 07:04 PM
do they really work?

They do if they are attracted to you, have their guard down, and/or your body language doesn't make them uncomfortable.

But I don't really know what you mean by "work."

Did it work if she doesn't try to stab you?
Talks to you without looking like she's looking for an exit?
A little bit of polite conversation?
Waits a couple of minutes before ditching you?
Gives you her number?
Sleeps with you?
Marries you and has your kids?
Donates a kidney?
Becomes the galactic overlord and bequeaths to you the entire planet earth to rule as your playground filling the oceans with space jell-o?

What would you consider it working?