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Tue 10/09/07 06:39 PM
I have a question about relationships. Question: would you rather have someone be completely in love with you....or would you rather be completely in love with someone. THINK BEFORE YOU ANSWER... in this context think of your definition of love and how far you would go

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Tue 10/09/07 06:44 PM
i think ideally I would like to love someone that loves me equally.. would go the distance as much as i would.. because i know how I love.. but....If I had to choose.. I guess I would have to say.. I would rather someone loved me more than them. blushing Only if I had to choose.


nurjoyce's photo
Tue 10/09/07 06:46 PM
in love with me

i have completely loved someone before
like to feel what it is like on the other end.

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 10/09/07 06:49 PM
I really only have a say in what I do ... if I love completely and freely others and myself then there is nothing left to be done.

I would like to feel like somebody's world though ... just once...

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 10/09/07 06:49 PM
I would have to have mutual. When someone is just totally inlove with me, it's suffocating. I have to be into someone to be with them.

Just to be in love with them is disheartening. It's said "A hope deferred makes the heart sick" ....

no photo
Tue 10/09/07 06:52 PM
I guess it comes down to if you can handle heartbreak or not if you are the one completely in love you are the one getting hurt...but if someone is completely in love with you your feeling can be saved with out fear

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 10/09/07 06:53 PM
when we have trust it is really trust in ourselves ... our ability to handle whatever happens. We only ever have control over us.

willy_cents's photo
Tue 10/09/07 06:57 PM
would have to say...better to love someone totally and have it not returned than to have somene love me totally. The responsibility of having that persons heart and soul in your hands is nearly overwhelming. too easy to cause them pain by simple missteps.

no photo
Tue 10/09/07 06:59 PM
But when in love do we really have control, the things we say and do are bias.. we are willing to do alomst anything if love has a hand in it. Where as if the love is not there it changes the level of the things we say and act on.

valerie71ok's photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:03 PM
I have to agree with Msveeay. I want to be in love with someone, completely, who is completely in love with me. Otherwise, you won't be happy as a couple. I found that out the hard way. It doesn't work right if one person is completely in love with the other, who does not fully reciprocate.

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:04 PM
What is your definition of love? For me love in its pure form is who we are ... it is in motion ... an expression of who we are ... not something that happens to us.

It is without expectation ... without agenda.

It is our notions of romance that put it in a box that must look a certain way ... something wrapped up in pretty paper with a lovely label.

It is in our expectations that our pain is found.

no photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:10 PM
love is giving up everything for that persons matter what the cost. That is why our control even morals can altered

no photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:10 PM
I would prefer to love equally and then it might avoid those co-dependancy things.

willy_cents's photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:11 PM
love is....when she is old and wrinkled and sickly...she is still the most beautiful and desireable person in the world.

that works for me

Sunbuffgirl's photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:12 PM
Love should be equal...It is smoothering if it one sided but worse than that..It's not a true or "real" feeling if you feel that you should love back just because he does...Did that even make any

So yea....For once I would like to feel that I take his breath away..make his heart skip a beat...

Jess642's photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:40 PM
I require nothing that is not given freely.

I give freely all I am, and all I have...the dark, the light, the laughter, the tears, the journey, that is me...

Some feel comfortable sharing the journey, others don't...

So be it.


xll_criptonic_xll's photo
Tue 10/09/07 08:00 PM
I didnt think True Love happened anymore, just my thought.

no photo
Tue 10/09/07 08:34 PM
TO quote Pink Floyd "was it love or the idea of being in love"

no photo
Tue 10/09/07 11:00 PM
Only if he is a good root, I will love him forever hehehe

pjmaxx's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:44 AM
I tend to agree with KLC..I've been on both sides of the fence..