Topic: Thanks Mr. Bush
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Wed 10/10/07 05:07 PM
using a gun in the comission of a crime is already a felony. what other law would do more?

no photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:12 PM
adj4u said:
what law would that be
Well, you know better than I do which law
allows you to bear arms.

Our law doesn't, and we are quite happy without guns.

adj4u's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:21 PM
i am glad for you being happy

but that is not a law that is a right

written into the constitution

and the govt of the u s needs

its people to be armed because it

is so corrupt and would trample the

people if the people were unarmed

kinda like hitler did after he

passed gun control in germany

adj4u's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:33 PM

Cryptococcus's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:43 PM
I was in Iraqi border 7 months ago,the situation is worst than you hear from the Media.
I'm not a soldier,and I talked with people from both sides.

Cryptococcus's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:46 PM

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 10/10/07 08:47 PM
ofcourse the situation is worst because what we see in the media is what washington wants us to see.

Cryptococcus's photo
Wed 10/10/07 09:45 PM
Yes,unfortunatley we saw the same problem during the Gulf war.
and I saw a new generation there,children who grow up with fear and hate.
They see everyday boombs,blood and death.and they teach them that americans are responsible for everything(be careful not the government,americans!!!).

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Thu 10/11/07 12:31 AM
that is the biggest problem thanxs to USA, there is a brand new generation of men that will keep hating the western world,
this is just a vicious cycle that is being fertilized by washington
what washington is breeding the people with whom make war for the next 20 years, and therefore, those who has a financial interest will get the earnings

Cryptococcus's photo
Thu 10/11/07 09:04 PM
Did you see the news from Reuter today?

I told you yesterday that this week will bring a lot of problems.

This war has no benifits for us and not for the Iraqi people either.

adj4u's photo
Thu 10/11/07 09:17 PM
the united states has been attacked

by the people of the middle east

ever since the united states was

a country

but no one seems to remember this


very interesting

Cryptococcus's photo
Thu 10/11/07 10:28 PM
I don't know how old you are,but I remember the days that western countries supported these terrorists to fight sovyet army in afganistan,and the days that supported saddam to kill thosands of people in Iraq,...but we can't say that "people of the america" did this or that.You used the wrong words.
There is no problem between the people in the world,but some forces try to produce some,and as I understood from your words,they will success.War is not a sloution my friend.
I lost my nephew in the 9/11 too,I live in united states and I will risk my life to protect it,if somebody attacks this country.

HangedMan's photo
Thu 10/11/07 10:53 PM
But it is acceptable to fly planes into buildings and kill 300 ppl?

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/11/07 11:04 PM
Robin wrote:
“the united states has been attacked
by the people of the middle east”

The United States has been attacked by its own children. Timothy McVey ring a bell? Not to mention a myriad of other domestic incidents all throughout the history of the US.

I often wonder how things would have turned out had the 9/11 attack been carried out by sick criminal Americans. That very well could have been the case considering the low number of people who were actually involved in the event.

To blame all of the people of the middle east for the actions of a few would be no different than to blame all Americans for the actions of people like Timothy McVey.

Bush has used 9/11 as an excuse to attack Iraq that ultimately didn’t even have anything at all to do with the 9/11 attack. That would be like the FBI coming and raiding your house and hanging you because Timothy McVey blew up a Federal Building and killed a large number of innocent people and children. What does that have to do with you?

Our presence in Iraq is really no different. We were unjustified in attacking it in the first place.

Robin wrote:
“and the govt of the u s needs
its people to be armed because it
is so corrupt and would trample the
people if the people were unarmed”

Yeah, I’m sure that’s what’s preventing the government from trampling the people. I think they’re doing a great job of trampling on the people without even using guns. laugh

What would the government want to do to you that your gun might prevent them from doing? If the government wants to have a word with you they call you into a courtroom where you aren’t allowed to carry firearms anyway. laugh

So much for your right to bear arms.

Moreover, if you ignore their invitation they’ll come and get you whether you are armed or not. Any gun that you can legally own isn’t going to match up with firepower that they will bring to bear against you.

If you think that the right to bear arms is in any way protecting you from the government you are having seriously delusions.

Even if civilians were motivated to act together as a collective group using legal firearms against the government they would be no match against the military. So to think that the right to bear arms has anything at all to do with protecting the citizens from the government is a hilarious joke.

JeniontheFarm's photo
Fri 10/12/07 03:31 AM
George W. Bush is the single most detrimental thing to happen to this country (and others, unfortunately) since I have been alive.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see this, and he alone is to blame for any republicans out there wondering why a democrat will next be in office.

(Which, by the way gets a big YEAH from me, but sadly NOBODY could do worse. I don't like liars and he's a lying liar and surrounded by even smarter liars. My children will have to pay the price for his abhorrant international policies regarding burning bridges rather than building them)

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/12/07 03:44 AM
magic man

if you do not think it is helping

you are even more delusional than i

as far as the war in iraq

it was launched because of the rufsal of sadam

to live up to the peace agreement from the first war

i must say it was handled wrong

but oh well

easy to say that after the fact

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/12/07 03:46 AM
as far as the deaths in iraq

the terrorists insurgents or whatever you want to call them
do not care who they get killed

because of people that no matter what or why happens
the blame gets shifted to the u s

war is hell and hell aint good

JeniontheFarm's photo
Fri 10/12/07 04:04 AM
What REAllY concerns me (enough to do my next short film on the topic) is this...

How long will it take for the youth in THIS country to decide that we've, (the collective older us) screwed up the environment, social security, international security, I could go on and on... when we've messed it all up so far beyond repair that OUR CHILDREN begin to strap on bombs and start blowing things up AS A MATTER OF PRINCIPAL, rather than just shooting up one another in schools.

Not that I advocate any kind of killing, but at least young muslim children and women and anyone who kills because of what their religious beliefs have taught them (however horrific and misguided)---they at least have a CAUSE, a purpose, a REASON for what they do.

Our youth are simply happy stockpiling weapons then turning them on one another in school. That's killing for killing's sake or because someone bullied them (another major problem)

What happens when our kids decide THEY hae a cause, a REASON to kill large amounts of people to prove a point.

I think it's not about if that happens, it's when, and the idea terrifies me...

Jess642's photo
Fri 10/12/07 04:10 AM
Australia has no beef with Iraq....Australian politicians have an assumed beef with Iraq, through USA politicians.

Were the security workers Australian?

If so, I hope they get charged with murder.

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/12/07 04:12 AM
the cause of ridding the infidels from the world

is very wrong and misguided

no matter whose definition ya use