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Topic: Thanks Mr. Bush
Quixotic99's photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:42 PM
Hoorah MagiMan, well put!! Whilst I'm sure guns make people feel safer, they do more to kill eachother, than they ever have when used against the government, and you're right that even if we organized against them with all our nifty handguns, shotguns, and riles, and the like, that we would swiftly be put down by far niftier weaponry, and superior training. I may not agree with the war, or rather how we've went about it, but despite the idiots in charge, the us military is a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention that the bible says "thow shalt not kill", and we have laws against killing eachother, yet the handgun has no other "real" purpose, other than to kill People. One doesn't hunt with a handgun, and we have dozens of very effective and in some cases violent, non-lethal weaponry. We simply choose not to use it because people find the power to kill someone preferable, and more secure feeling, than the ability to simply put a guy out. Though, the cowboy attitude definitely looks cooler when your packin'.
I think that our government's dependency on blackwater, and their ilk, should've been a sign from the beginning that we weren't going about this war how we should have. If you want to call out, bush and his cronies for this war. You need look no further than its conception. Here is the Middle East, a place that has been warring with ITSELF for over a hundred years, and more. Everyone who was calling the shots in this debacle with exception of maybe bush, knew the history of this region, and yet still chose to invade Irac without a feesable plan of action for what to do afterwards.
"Derr...I think I'm going to dispose Irac's evil dictator, and then I'm going to put the same corrupt government that was abusing the people before we came, back in charge...derr...and then after blowing up half the country in the war, we'll take ten years to rebuild it. Leaving Irac in even worse decay, misery, and poverty, than it's seen with over a hundred years of war with itself. Then I'll spend the rest of my days wondering why the world hates me so much."
I'm sorry, I don't mean to be unfair, this whole situation would've been difficult for anyone, but bush didn't just drop the ball this last 7 years, he intentionally beat it to a pulp and covered it in the blood of over a 100,000 dead people between here, and Irac. He's ruined our economy, the national debt is obscene, and the world hates us.
Ok, so I can't talk about W without ranting. Back on topic though, what blackwater and other mercenary groups have done during this war has been bad, but it is only one of the hundreds of ways this administration has failed us, and how we have failed ourselves in letting it happen.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:01 PM
For what you say to happen the military men and women would have to first forget they too are Americans, and be willing to kill their countrymen.

A long time ago I thought this would be impossible, but lately with the talk from the blind, brainwashed, Bush supporters this might not be such a far fetched possibility!

Secondly, the militias in this country are full of military veterans, as it seems that they are the most disgruntled of all Americans.

These men are trained in tactics and could figure a way to take better weapons and create a battlefield of their choosing. One in which they would have an edge against the niftier weapons!

Thirdly, You would have to assume that all military units would stay loyal and not join intact with the rebellion. As Americans with parents and family as disillusioned with the situation as anyone, and likely fighting against the government, this is also a likely scenario!

Read what General Sanchez and many other retired Generals are saying now that they do not have to remain silent, and you might get the idea!!!

Donnar's photo
Tue 10/16/07 08:53 PM
Lonely Walker and all:
Let not yourselves be troubled. It is all going as planned. Accept it. We have no control except to do all that we can do to help the Jews get their Land back so the end may begin. Its all insignificant to where we are headed and it is not for you to worry about. We have no control. Believe it.

kidatheart70's photo
Tue 10/16/07 09:06 PM
I don't believe it! At all!

Donnar's photo
Tue 10/16/07 09:14 PM
The comfort to me is that there is still time Kid. I pray the Holy Spirit will speak to you.

Jtevans's photo
Tue 10/16/07 09:34 PM
i normally keep my opinions to myself when it comes to religion and politics because they are really touchy subjects but i'll give mine now.

First of all,Blackwater was created during the first Bush administration as a secret security force to protect their "assets"and they are being payed with the tax payers dollars.

second,why do people keep bringing it up about 9/11 every time Iraq is mentioned?we all know Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and why is it we only sent like 12,000 troops to hunt for Osama but we send what,like 250,000 into Iraq?seems like someone doesn't want to find Osama too badly.

am i missing something?huh

Donnar's photo
Tue 10/16/07 09:39 PM
yes, JT, you are missing pretty much what all are missing. Satan is using everything happening in the middle east to distract us from helping the Jews get their promised land back so the world can be made new aka The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, once the Jews get the Temple in Jerusalem back.

kidatheart70's photo
Tue 10/16/07 09:41 PM
I honestly believe politics and religion should be kept completely separate. That might be the view of others as well. That could be why we have another area devoted to religion in the forums.

Donnar's photo
Tue 10/16/07 09:48 PM
kid, at this time, in current events, religion and politics are very much intertwined. It is difficult to make separations of what is politically going on in the world and the religions of the peoples involved in these politics. It is a volitile time and not an easy one, unless of course you have faith that is as sure as the peace that passes all understanding. I am addressing this in the religious section, but, feel I am inspired to speak and cannot seem to not write what I believe. I respect your beliefs, but, at this time in the world, you would have a hard time separating politics and religion. We are all headed for a final stand and religion will take the last stand. I believe this.

bibby7's photo
Tue 10/16/07 09:51 PM
Hiya Harry!

I agree, religion and politics do not mix..As for Blackwater, and their counterparts..I hope they are all charged, convicted and jailed for premeditated murder...

I wouldn't mind seeing Bush in the prison system also..It may never happen in America, but he will never be able to travel without fearing prosecution by nations which recognize him for the criminal that he is....

bibby7's photo
Tue 10/16/07 09:52 PM
Then save your religion for the religion forum, Donnar..Please..

Donnar's photo
Tue 10/16/07 10:03 PM
how can you seriously separate religion and politics in this world we live in. The very problem in Iraq is the different religious sects, and yet, we all are descendants of Abraham. It is all intertwined and people need to wake up and see where all of this is going. A minor distraction for a major world resolution.

kidatheart70's photo
Tue 10/16/07 10:16 PM
Hi Bobby!drinker

Donnar, your statement about religion being the very problem is exactly why church and state should be kept separate.

Donnar's photo
Wed 10/17/07 03:17 AM
separate church and state in the middle east? Its not the United States over there. They cannot be separated.

kidatheart70's photo
Wed 10/17/07 04:07 AM
Yes they can, anything is possible. There have been secular governments in the middle east before. I hope you don't have the impression that they're all fanatics! That would be absolutely wrong!
It should be separate everywhere around the world. The two should NEVER be mixed together. I don't see a difference whether it's Islam, Judaism or Christianity. It's all bad when you get people making decisions from a religious perspective that apply to the rest of the nation. It's biased and unfair to the rest who may be of either differing faiths or not have one at all.
Just in case you were wondering. My take on religion is that it's very effective brainwashing. The bible and other books like it are story books written by man simply to control others. Not the word of a god or any other deity. They do have some good points on how to live a good life but in my opinion it's absolutely insane to govern from a belief structure such as this.

no photo
Wed 10/17/07 08:21 AM
Our own religious extremists are almost as frightening as those in the middle east.

Let the "end times" begin!

Quixotic99's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:16 AM
If these are the end times. Who is supposed to be the antichrist? Bush is too offensive and stupid to be anything but the worst president in history. Not to mention, he would have to unite the world, specifically Jerusalum, the holy land. Bush couldn't unite a people, from any nation, let alone his own. I think the main reason for this comes from being raised with that silver spoon. Now I hesitated to jump to this conclusion too quickly at first, but bush can't help anyone because to him, people who make less than 100 grand a year aren't people. They are "workers".
He can't help Irac because he will never understand the suffering, the average non-terrorist Iraci goes through. The fear of being blown up on the way to school, shopping, visiting a friend. They live with the constant fear of being killed. That would drive anyone crazy, after long enough. Especially after losing a few family members. They lived this way before bush invaded, and now it's even worse, because when bush deposed saddam, he took out the only thing holding that country together. If he had read even one history book about Irac, he would have found that the fear caused by saddam hussein, while cruel and evil, acted as a glue of sorts, keeping all the different factions from splintering off. He actually kept the peace, so to speak, for longer than just about anyone else in a hundred years. If bush seriously wanted to take him out, and gain the trust of the people, as a liberator, instead of an invading country. He needed to do something good for the people. Show them that life without saddam, is better. Instead they got civil war. You want to talk religion, well for the most part I don't buy into it, but for bushes sake I hope there is a hell.

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