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Topic: marriage deal breakers
pkh's photo
Tue 10/09/07 03:58 PM
I can deal with and forgive a lot but cheating is just not one I would forgive

no photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:23 PM
when their is no compromise, or one loses a sense of self in their marriage and their spouse won't "meet them half way" that is definetly an accident waiting to happen...
When two people won't for any given reason communicate, share, listen, give, meet half way..or try and mold the other into something they arr not...Big Mistake!!
marriage for me is just too institutionalize....I found that being without a significant other is such a positiive for me..i knoww what I like, don't like....Who I am..inside and out..
I'm as content as a feline cat...meow!!

texasrose9's photo
Tue 10/09/07 08:12 PM
Lying and Cheating........

no photo
Tue 10/09/07 08:44 PM

Marriage is a man made institution. It is a gimmick based on a religious idea of what a family should be and in some a means to control. It is not a guarantee for happiness and an assurance for well adjusted children. Look around us, heaps of pretend families sticking it out for the sake of marriage. I’ve seen single families survive better than a mum and dad in one family.

Yes, there are marriages that are worth saving and there are some that the adults need to do something drastic to save themselves or their children. If it is about the children, divorce should not change how one love and care for their kids. Adults just need to to come up with a workable solution for them to continue parenting their kids so the kids don’t suffer the same as the marriage or their relationship.

Living in denial rots the brain …it changes couples for the worse. Their children are not really better off because of so much tension in the home.

Modern technology robs communication between and laziness forces some to look elsewhere for attention ….where temptation waits for the next victim.

Those who wants to be free from their situation for whatever reason, just remember one thing, you have only one life and you will not die if you want to be free from your miserable relationship.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 10/09/07 09:41 PM
Humm well for me the deal breaker is CHEATING I will walk away for me sorry I may forgive but I will never forget. Been there done that and walked away and raised my kids by my self for 16 years.

But anything else can be worked out if both partys are willing to do so. But it does take two to give 100% or it will never work.bigsmile

heatherrae's photo
Tue 10/09/07 09:43 PM
all of u r so wonderfully honest and insightfulflowerforyou

Puffins1958's photo
Tue 10/09/07 11:50 PM
I think living in a relationship that is one sided is not good. Lying and cheating can never be tolerated. To me marriage is a give and take, it takes work to have it last. Both people need to be willing to give it their all...


no photo
Wed 10/10/07 04:10 AM
In some cases, counselling only band-aid the problem. Though, we do have alot of help and resources to help anyone to speed up the recovery if found in a cheating situation or one-sided relationships.

lulu24's photo
Wed 10/10/07 05:25 AM
i could have gotten over almost anything...but yes, i have my limits.

drug use, even once. alcohol abuse...

been lied to, i can get over that. never been cheated on...but i bet it's not insurmountable.

stayed with my husband for my children, and would have continued to if i had not decided that their best interests were better served single. i STAY single for those kids, too.

no photo
Wed 10/10/07 12:56 PM
Well said SIN....hats off to you!!...:0-)))

bookworm's photo
Wed 10/10/07 12:58 PM
Lying and lack of respect.

But when you get right down to it, isn't the former a form of the latter?

Britty's photo
Thu 10/11/07 03:30 AM
Drinking and driving, refusing to take responsibility for oneself. To me this equates to a lack of integrity and honesty which results in a lack of respect. Without respect - -- its done.

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