Topic: Lazy kids | |
Who kids are lazy and don't want to clean up the house or apt. If yours aren't well mines are. I going Maury and getting a DNA test to find out if I'm the mother. I had c-sections so I was out of it. Help Maury.
Yes.. I can totally
time to crack the whip.. show those little buggers who's boss..... right after I make them some supper.. and put away there ![]() |
What I did was put the stuff in the rubbish and when they ask for it, tell them oh I thought it was rubbish because it was lying around. Oh well you will know for next time to put it a way. If it was valuable hide it in a very good place. don't give it back to them until years later. This is how my kids learnt. With their rooms I didn't fuss to much about it, just shut the door. We always had a rule no drinking or food in the bedrooms. Remember your kids are with you for a short time. Decide what battles you want to fight. Enjoy them and remember this they choose your rest home lol. |
Who kids are lazy and don't want to clean up the house or apt. If yours aren't well mines are. I going Maury and getting a DNA test to find out if I'm the mother. I had c-sections so I was out of it. Help Maury. |
I'm know it is just my experience, but I didn't go thru that. If my sons were told ( by my wife or me) to do something, they did it. If I had to revisit it they were punished. Not hit.. punished.. not allowed out for a period of time AND told to immediately do what they were asked to do. No video games, no texting.. punished.
And I'm not saying that we didn't have to revisit things at times.. we did. Many times. But they learned to make their own bed, keep their own rooms relatively clean and they had to do things around the house. Throw the garbage out, cut the grass, whatever they could do depending on their age. It's a family... everyone has to pitch in.. everyone They are kids, let them get away with it... and they will. When they reached the mid teen years it was pretty much installed in them what they were expected to do and they did it. Without being told to.. at times they still didn't like... but they did it. |
my kids were lazy.. no matter the punishment I doled out.. they still wouldn't do anything unless I threatened withholding something they held precious.. and even then, they'd only do the bare minimum..
![]() my dad warned me to choose my battles!! being a single mom had it's downfalls.. especially when the ex had them (which was maybe 2 days a month) he'd tell them they didn't HAVE to do anything.. that it was MY job to take care of them.. like I didn't already have enough on my plate.. so of course they listened to him, it was the easy response.. no matter how hard I tried to reason with him, he stuck to his take on things and turned them into lazy sods.. thankfully one of them has changed, her apartment looks spotless most of the time now, with only an occasional dish or pair of pants on a chair.. she said I taught her well, even though it took awhile... AND her getting her OWN place ![]() the other's apartment mind you.. looks as bad as her room used to.. each room looks somehow messier than the last.. if THAT's possible ![]() |
my kids were lazy.. no matter the punishment I doled out.. they still wouldn't do anything unless I threatened withholding something they held precious.. and even then, they'd only do the bare minimum.. ![]() my dad warned me to choose my battles!! being a single mom had it's downfalls.. especially when the ex had them (which was maybe 2 days a month) he'd tell them they didn't HAVE to do anything.. that it was MY job to take care of them.. like I didn't already have enough on my plate.. so of course they listened to him, it was the easy response.. no matter how hard I tried to reason with him, he stuck to his take on things and turned them into lazy sods.. thankfully one of them has changed, her apartment looks spotless most of the time now, with only an occasional dish or pair of pants on a chair.. she said I taught her well, even though it took awhile... AND her getting her OWN place ![]() the other's apartment mind you.. looks as bad as her room used to.. each room looks somehow messier than the last.. if THAT's possible ![]() you are correct. I was looking at it from a different scenario. We( my wife and I ) were able to "tag team" them which we did until they were in their early 20's.. and out. We ( wife and I) were on the same page, which also made it easier. Being a single parent would have many more challenges which we did not have. |
my kids were lazy.. no matter the punishment I doled out.. they still wouldn't do anything unless I threatened withholding something they held precious.. and even then, they'd only do the bare minimum.. ![]() my dad warned me to choose my battles!! being a single mom had it's downfalls.. especially when the ex had them (which was maybe 2 days a month) he'd tell them they didn't HAVE to do anything.. that it was MY job to take care of them.. like I didn't already have enough on my plate.. so of course they listened to him, it was the easy response.. no matter how hard I tried to reason with him, he stuck to his take on things and turned them into lazy sods.. thankfully one of them has changed, her apartment looks spotless most of the time now, with only an occasional dish or pair of pants on a chair.. she said I taught her well, even though it took awhile... AND her getting her OWN place ![]() the other's apartment mind you.. looks as bad as her room used to.. each room looks somehow messier than the last.. if THAT's possible ![]() you are correct. I was looking at it from a different scenario. We( my wife and I ) were able to "tag team" them which we did until they were in their early 20's.. and out. We ( wife and I) were on the same page, which also made it easier. Being a single parent would have many more challenges which we did not have. my ex was special.. I would say yes, he'd say NO.. and of course when I'd say NO, he'd have to be contrary.. his way of getting back at me for 'escaping' I'd wager.. but concur.. being a single parent has MANY more challenges than I could handle at times.. he even managed to get out of paying support for them, and I never got a dime for me either.. mind you.. he'd splurge on them when he saw them, so when they'd come home they be angry with me cuz I couldn't spend like HE did.. yup.. lots more challenges than were necessary, sadly! at least the older one has a better understanding of finances now.. the younger is learning some hard lesson though.. ![]() |
I've taught my kids the hard way, if they don't show respect and do what I tell them I take something of theirs sell it and buy something for me. when they reach 16 they will have to bring money into the house, to pay board otherwise they can live in the garden in the shed. I've told them from day 1. I rarely have to sell anything or nag at them because they know from experience I will go shopping in their room lol. my teen is a bit annoying but the other day I threatened to take his computer and sell it...he cleaned the room without me having to tell him and washed up.
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As my sons got a bit older ( about 8-9) I would give them a allowance ( on Saturdays) if they did there chores around the house all week. Of course every 6 months or so they would hit me for a raise.. and I would give it, if they deserved it.
It always amazed me how the chores were always completed bright and early Saturday morning.. unlike the rest of the week days lol |
No hitting, no punishment, no money involved. Just make it fun and normal. Me and my son are cleaning the house together, cooking together, buying groceries together etc. He does not have to clean his room, it is not a specific task for him, he just has to help me around with whatever I ask him nicely to do. And house cores are a great family time for us.
But I have to admit that I have involved him since he was very very little, even if in those days letting him help me around the house it only gave me more things to do after him :) And we are always playing a make-belive game or talking about our day at school/work when we are doing things around the house. So, the secret I think is doing it together, I am pretty sure that if I send him alone to clean his room he would not do it, but if we are involved together things are going perfect. Well, he has still few years until becoming a teenager, so when we'll get there we'll see how the situation will change :D |