Topic: Riots and looting in Baltimore | |
Well call me cynical, but the pastor who did the eulogy sent the crowd out the door of his church with "No Justice! No Peace!" ringing in their ears. Cellphone video of the church service was posted online showing him exhorting "No Justice! No Justice!" and the crowd answering back "No Peace!" He then says "No Justice! No Peace!" and he's then seen a couple hours later on CNN saying he is so surprised and saddened by the rioting. Um really Boo Boo? Seems you me you may have jinned up the crowd a bit on the way out the door. I'm not hearing his final thought for the crowd as being one of love, peace, and acceptance. Makes you wanna say 'hmmmmmm'. The Nation of Islam sent out a MEME way before the Funeral saying "The Purge" will begin after the funeral. Shows some advanced planning there and for those of you who don't know the Purge is a film series where one day a year you can commit any crime including murder and get away with it. |
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Tue 04/28/15 12:53 AM
Well call me cynical, but the pastor who did the eulogy sent the crowd out the door of his church with "No Justice! No Peace!" ringing in their ears. Cellphone video of the church service was posted online showing him exhorting "No Justice! No Justice!" and the crowd answering back "No Peace!" He then says "No Justice! No Peace!" and he's then seen a couple hours later on CNN saying he is so surprised and saddened by the rioting. Um really Boo Boo? Seems you me you may have jinned up the crowd a bit on the way out the door. I'm not hearing his final thought for the crowd as being one of love, peace, and acceptance. Makes you wanna say 'hmmmmmm'. The Nation of Islam sent out a MEME way before the Funeral saying "The Purge" will begin after the funeral. Shows some advanced planning there and for those of you who don't know the Purge is a film series where one day a year you can commit any crime including murder and get away with it. |
This group of older black guys in suits keeps showing up, trying to disperse the crowd....
Well call me cynical, but the pastor who did the eulogy sent the crowd out the door of his church with "No Justice! No Peace!" ringing in their ears. Cellphone video of the church service was posted online showing him exhorting "No Justice! No Justice!" and the crowd answering back "No Peace!" He then says "No Justice! No Peace!" and he's then seen a couple hours later on CNN saying he is so surprised and saddened by the rioting. Um really Boo Boo? Seems you me you may have jinned up the crowd a bit on the way out the door. I'm not hearing his final thought for the crowd as being one of love, peace, and acceptance. Makes you wanna say 'hmmmmmm'. The Nation of Islam sent out a MEME way before the Funeral saying "The Purge" will begin after the funeral. Shows some advanced planning there and for those of you who don't know the Purge is a film series where one day a year you can commit any crime including murder and get away with it. Someone is testing how far they can push the Envelope! |
Don't you all see what's happening here? We are being set up for a police state. The abuse of power escalates deliberately --> setting up the people to fight back --> the power abusers cry that they need to beef up their control --> police state. The game works and we play right into their hands. Psychological warfare. Men, people are really stupid sheep. The powerful have us exactly where they want us, hanging by the b a lls. The masses are so easy to manipulate and control. We think we are one up on them. It's the other way around. They are always 2 steps ahead of us and sinisterly laughing their heads off. Depressing. i agree 100%, though i dont agree with the looting and burning of buildings, i dont blame the people one bit! peaceful protests dont do ****, if cops werent murdering people on a daily basis this type of thing wouldnt be happening! people are so quick to blame the protesters, i blame the police. how long are people supposed to sit idly by while police abuse the *** out of their badges? something has to be done and like i said peaceful protests dont work! nothing will change in this country as long as people protest peacefully. sometimes the people have to rise up and fight back against the system, though burning and looting buildings isnt doing anything but hurting people who had nothing to do with the freddie gray situation. police are supposed to "protect and serve" not "murder and beat". if these protesters directed all of their anger towards the people causing this mess in the first place (police) i wouldnt have a problem with it. that being said the fact that theyre burning and looting buildings is only hurting innocent people as im sure the owner of the pharmacy had anything to do with freddies death. a cousin of mine was murdered in his backyard by a police officer, he was unarmed and she tased him multiple times before shooting him twice in the cheat. she claimed an "altercation" occurred and that she had no choice but to shoot, eyewitness accounts and video evidence says otherwise, so i know what it feels like firsthand to lose someone to power tripping cops. |
90% of those looting and rioting dont know who Freddie Gray is..... Nope, they are criminal's taking advantage of a messed up situation. The National Guard should be given authorization to use lethal force on these criminals. you cant be serious, thats what caused this whole mess in the first place. people in positions of authority using lethal force when it isnt justified. people should be arrested no doubt, but if you really think the national guard should use lethal force, im sorry i cant agree with that. |
Well call me cynical, but the pastor who did the eulogy sent the crowd out the door of his church with "No Justice! No Peace!" ringing in their ears. Cellphone video of the church service was posted online showing him exhorting "No Justice! No Justice!" and the crowd answering back "No Peace!" He then says "No Justice! No Peace!" and he's then seen a couple hours later on CNN saying he is so surprised and saddened by the rioting. Um really Boo Boo? Seems you me you may have jinned up the crowd a bit on the way out the door. I'm not hearing his final thought for the crowd as being one of love, peace, and acceptance. Makes you wanna say 'hmmmmmm'. The Nation of Islam sent out a MEME way before the Funeral saying "The Purge" will begin after the funeral. Shows some advanced planning there and for those of you who don't know the Purge is a film series where one day a year you can commit any crime including murder and get away with it. if that can be documented then it's a conspiracy...any panthers lurking those shadows? lol |
Edited by
Tue 04/28/15 06:13 AM
Demonstrators throw rocks at the police after the funeral of Freddie Gray on Monday, April 27, 2015, at New Shiloh Baptist Church in Baltimore. Gray died from spinal injuries about a week after he was arrested and transported in a Baltimore Police Department van. alleoops stated >>> Oh boy! here we go again. Interesting, isn't it; how our society tolerates this >>> {see image insert from the most recent March Madness 2015} majority of white students seem to be appearing in the photos and we stand around and think - 'Ah, such excited young people because their proud of their team!' --- WTH, it's a RIOT - there property damage - there's a number of fires happening - there are police & fire department personnel time and tax payers money involved! And yet I'm reading some pretty ugly opinions about what is going down once again in a black urban area from another black young mans death {unexplained} while in police custody!!! Ya, a life that can't be brought back! SMH --- just oddly bizarre how we tolerate these college riots after games and get so bent out of shape when humans riot about a DEATH and SOCIAL INJUSTICE. Let that sink in a wee-little bit! |
majority of white students seem to be
appearing in the photos and we stand around and think - 'Ah, such excited young people because their proud of their team!' |
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Tue 04/28/15 10:46 AM
Part of the problem in many urban governments is the institutional resistance to overhauling the police department. As a labour group the police and fire departments by virtue of their sheer size control a substantial voting block which politicians pander to. When citizens come to city council meetings or police committee hearings and complain of profiling and heavy handed treatment, the complaints are paid lip service to, and the mayor calls the police chief to ask him to talk to the troops. An e-mail gets sent to the rank and file, 'be nice to the locals' and they laugh it off because in the world of dealers, gang bangers, pimps, and wannabes there are no nice ones. The punks friends and family live their lives through the criminality of others and won't or don't turn them in. For those who are honest, and who live in these neighbourhoods and are subjected to DWB (driving while black) traffic stops, or harassed and stopped and frisked and maybe slapped around a little enough finally became enough. What was a small problem finally blows up into people who normally wouldn't loot the CVS running out the door with a shopping cart full of stuff figuring the system owes him, so why not get some payback? Other people see it as a route to federal urban renewal monies. Burn down some buildings, shoot at some cops, and have a city sized temper tantrum. What happens? The feds pump in money for job programs, recreation centers, cultural programs, and rebuilding of streets and parks. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton pay you a visit, and maybe Obama himself will show up to cut the ribbon. The Mayor is black. 10 of the 14 City Council Members are black. The 4 whites on the council are Democrats. This is the liberal utopia.. |
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Tue 04/28/15 11:23 AM
Baltimore Sun Investigates - Story by Mark Puente | September 28, 2014 The city has paid about $5.7 million since 2011 over lawsuits claiming that police officers brazenly beat up alleged suspects. One hidden cost: The perception that officers are violent can poison the relationship between residents and police. Certainly all those 'ABUSE' cases are a matter of 'they said vs police officer said' until it's adjudicated at the hearing...and then the final tabulation at the end of the year would speak volumes about what side of the 'LAW' that the court thinks the police depart has been operating under! $5.7 million since 2011 --- that's not chump change and how many police agency improvements/new equipment upgrades/new officers/pay raises would that have helped??? Just say'n...bad apples and that 'blue code of silence' is costing that department a lot of funds and a huge blight on the public trust meter as well. |
Baltimore is a minority majority city. That means the majority of the cops are black. So, what the hell is going on there?..... |
The Powerful Baltimore Protest on Monday That Media Ignored Baltimore, MD- It is the scene that most media is ignoring. While the wall-to-wall focus of national media on Baltimore is on the rioting and violent imagery, most media ignored the growing crowds calling for an end to the violence and demanding that young people stop burning buildings and looting stores. Over 100 clergy marched through the streets of Baltimore last night in an effort to end the violence, and they did it without riot shields and military vehicles. |
Is that a selfie stick or a putter? |
Is that a selfie stick or a putter? Could be either, or?..... |
Maybe this is the "Golden Age" Holder in mind?
Sojourning_Soul stated >>>
The Powerful Baltimore Protest on Monday That Media Ignored Baltimore, MD- It is the scene that most media is ignoring. While the wall-to-wall focus of national media on Baltimore is on the rioting and violent imagery, most media ignored the growing crowds calling for an end to the violence and demanding that young people stop burning buildings and looting stores. Over 100 clergy marched through the streets of Baltimore last night in an effort to end the violence, and they did it without riot shields and military vehicles. Yipper...hard to insight more ugly comments from more ugly Americans and get more stupid people bused into insight violence if the media only showed 'Pro-non violence' adults trying to stem this horrid cra*! Tomato, may be onto to something - we all may be systematically brainwashed into thinking that we have to have a stronger police force to 'Protect & Serve'; Military Gear for every City! |
Every time someone mentions government I instantly think tar and feathers. But alas, it was outlawed before correcting your spoiled child in an effective manner. |
90% of those looting and rioting dont know who Freddie Gray is..... Nope, they are criminal's taking advantage of a messed up situation. The National Guard should be given authorization to use lethal force on these criminals. you cant be serious, thats what caused this whole mess in the first place. people in positions of authority using lethal force when it isnt justified. people should be arrested no doubt, but if you really think the national guard should use lethal force, im sorry i cant agree with that. $hit happens when you take someone in to custody. No one knows all the facts yet. You can cause a spinal injury and even death with a basic take down. |