Topic: 'OFFICIAL STATE BOOK' of TN = BIBLE Good Thing Or Really Stu | |
Tennessee House Passes Bill Declaring Christian Bible The 'Official State Book'
by David Badash April 15, 2015 3:12 PM Tennessee lawmakers have just knowingly passed a bill that is unconstitutional, even ignoring legal counsel to do so. Time was when state lawmakers held their oath of office in the highest regard, and never would knowingly pass legislation that they knew to be illegal or unconstitutional. Those days are over. Case in point: The Tennessee House this morning passed a bill declaring the Christian bible to be the official state book. Retired Pastor Jerry Sexton, who is also State Rep. Jerry Sexton, has been pushing his bill since February. Today, HB 615 passed, 55-38. "The Holy Bible is hereby designated as the official state book," the bill reads. "This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it." The public welfare? Tennessee lawmakers might want to actually turn their attention to the public welfare. The "Volunteer State," as it's nicknamed, ranks as the 45th worst state in the nation for health, with just five states worse. It is the sixth-worst state in the nation for bullying. It is the fourth-worst state for voter turnout. It ranks 41st in child homelessness. And number nine in food insecurity. I could go on, but clearly lawmakers in Tennessee aren't troubled by any of these statistics. Rep. Sexton, whose Facebook page says he is the owner of Sexton Furniture Manufacturing, is on the board of his sister's non-profit that gives out bibles to children at Christmas. ****for the rest of this article >>> Stunned/Shocked - and totally blown away; I can't imagine wasting legislators time with something that will be challenged all the way through to the Supreme Court of Tennessee just to have it tossed out! But then again, I've been highly disappointed and dismayed by what some extremist have been doing with their 'Faith Based' thinking across America! Sad - Sad days for our Country IMHO What do you think? Good idea or just a bad stunt? |
Bad stunt.
Is this because of Sharia Law?
Isn't Tennessee one of the 2 states that passed a law that Sharia Law, can NOT be used in court? They may be setting up a guarantee that Sharia Law never exists in Tennessee. I believe 8-10 states are fighting back now. |
good way to open the Door wide for Sharia-Law!
Dumba$$ move,and possibly Unconstitutional! |
That's the best news I have heard in a very long time! Now, they all need to read and apply the Scriptures to their life on a daily basis. Not long from now all the other States and the rest of the world will see a positive change! Well, providing that decision was genuine and not for show.
I too don't know how the state of TN thinks that this isn't going to be challenged as 'UNCONSTITUTIONAL' and as I stated...such a waste of tax payers time and money for what their legislators should be working on!!! Whenever I've had the pleasure of being called up for jury duty and we get sworn in to 'up hold the laws of the state of KS and the court' {L - hand on the bible raise your R-hand and swear}...I always pause and think --- how exactly does this compute when I'm a Buddhist and I don't believe in GOD {per say} and they really don't know if all these other pulled jury members do either?
So if our court system still has this 'SWEARING IN' system that seems to ignore our constitution how exactly does that legally work for TELLING THE TRUTH? Odd isn't it? Wouldn't we be better off just hooking everyone up to a Lie Detector while they're sitting in the witness stand --- even for jury selection? I've know people that have lied to get on a jury too! I tend to over think things and this maybe just one of those issues... ![]() |
lets shove some religion down peoples throats...
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That's the best news I have heard in a very long time! Now, they all need to read and apply the Scriptures to their life on a daily basis. Not long from now all the other States and the rest of the world will see a positive change! Well, providing that decision was genuine and not for show. Malarkey! |
are you saying it would be a good thing to throw out the constitution and have the government decide what religion you will practice? |
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Thu 04/16/15 12:19 PM
SassyEuro Stated >>>
Is this because of Sharia Law? Isn't Tennessee one of the 2 states that passed a law that Sharia Law, can NOT be used in court? They may be setting up a guarantee that Sharia Law never exists in Tennessee. I believe 8-10 states are fighting back now. Good question and since I couldn't remember either I went out and found this >>> my state is included in here as well... More states move to ban foreign law in courts
A growing number of states are targeting what they see as a threat to their court systems: the influence of international laws. North Carolina last month became the seventh state to pass legislation barring judges from considering foreign law in their decisions, including sharia. The bill awaits the signature of Republican Gov. Pat McCrory. Six other states — Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Tennessee — have already enacted similar legislation since 2010, and at least 25 have introduced such measures, according to the Pew Research Center's Religion and Public Life Project. One exception to this trend is Missouri. In June, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, a Democrat, vetoed a foreign law bill, saying it would make international adoptions more difficult. Sharia, or Islamic law, is both a moral code and religious law that governs all aspects of Muslim life, ranging from religious obligations to family relationships. It is derived from the Quran, the main religious text of Islam, and the teachings of Mohammed, the Muslim prophet. Read this for the entire article >>> I have to keep reminding myself that I do live in the 'LAND OF OZ' where Dorothy took that trip off into the great unknown and landed upon a wicked witch; met a talking scarecrow/a fraidy cat lion, and a rusty tin man and managed to return home via a pair of ruby slippers! But seriously; I have to deal with the like minded fools of our legislature that have recently voted to allow teachers to be prosecuted for 'questionable teaching tools/guidelines' by upset parents/the state that Rev. Fred Phelps calls home/that the Sec. of our State prayed for the "something bad to befall our newly elected president" while that buffoon was on the state house grounds in chambers and NO ONE MADE HIM APOLOGIZE FOR HIS HIEINOUS VERBAL A$$ SWIPE!!! Yipper that is what my state has become; and I'll not bore you with our 2 time governor that is bankrupting this state for his fiscal mental magic math that no one can understand and we are in serious debt load now! |
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Thu 04/16/15 12:58 PM
In these days if you don't stand up for your rights and the document that guarantees them the govt will replace it with their 2.0 version of them/it. They've just about managed to accomplish it already. How's your rights to speech, privacy, and self protection doing these days? It seems "Life. Liberty and the pursuits of happiness" are something from a history lesson And yes, we are being attacked because of our freedoms, but not from some Muslim Islamic Extremists unless they are in control of our govt |
It is almost as stunning and shocking as the countless times some lib state government enacted unconstitutional firearms laws..
If at first you don't succeed try a hundred more times... |
It is almost as stunning and shocking as the countless times some lib state government enacted unconstitutional firearms laws.. If at first you don't succeed try a hundred more times... exactly, theres a whole bunch of MISDEMEANOR charges that strip your 2nd amendment for life. i read estimates saying between 30-35% of american men cant legally own firearms, and most have no idea because they are under the impression only felons cant have guns's. between clinton, bush and obombya gun rights are goin down the drain, some states 1 DUI offense is enough to strip your 2nd amendment for life. unless you want to pay a couple thousand bucks to apply for a governors pardon, which takes a couple years for your case to even be heard and when it is heard theres no guarantee you will get them back, its ridiculous. and thats federal law, not state law. im from PA and we have decently lenient gun laws but federal laws are stricter than our state laws, so even if under state law you can possess a firearm, you may be illegal under federal law. i think its complete BS that a DUI can strip your 2nd amendment, for life. if they deem you safe enough to not be in prison, than that should mean your safe enough to own a firearm. if not, than you should still be locked up. all rights are equally important, if you can vote, you should be allowed to own a firearm. |
would have been a lovely symbol
but its not gonna happen,, people are too against religion to allow a religious book to be an 'official book' even though that would not entail anything else than symbolism,,, |
Is this because of Sharia Law? Who is Sharia anyways... ? Whoever she is, she sure gets around ! ![]() |
would have been a lovely symbol but its not gonna happen,, people are too against religion to allow a religious book to be an 'official book' even though that would not entail anything else than symbolism,,, Yep, it would symbolize endorsing one set of religious beliefs over another. |
would have been a lovely symbol but its not gonna happen,, people are too against religion to allow a religious book to be an 'official book' even though that would not entail anything else than symbolism,,, Yep, it would symbolize endorsing one set of religious beliefs over another. and? if that is symbolic of the states history? they still fly confederate flags in the south,, yes? |
would have been a lovely symbol but its not gonna happen,, people are too against religion to allow a religious book to be an 'official book' even though that would not entail anything else than symbolism,,, Yep, it would symbolize endorsing one set of religious beliefs over another. and? if that is symbolic of the states history? they still fly confederate flags in the south,, yes? The Bible really isn't a symbol of that state's history. Such a claim is merely a flimsy excuse. |
would have been a lovely symbol but its not gonna happen,, people are too against religion to allow a religious book to be an 'official book' even though that would not entail anything else than symbolism,,, Yep, it would symbolize endorsing one set of religious beliefs over another. and? if that is symbolic of the states history? they still fly confederate flags in the south,, yes? The Bible really isn't a symbol of that state's history. Such a claim is merely a flimsy excuse. yes, but we do have in God we trust on our money? we do swear on a bible still in court? its a religious BOOK, its not a law forcing anyone to follow it |