Topic: Polygamy
msharmony's photo
Thu 07/16/15 09:53 PM
I believe its between unrelated , consenting, adult male and female

but the law says its a 'fundamental right' for all,, which trumps what I feel,,,(legally)

no photo
Mon 07/20/15 10:29 AM
Well Ladywind7, did You ever finish reading the Quran ?

Ladywind7's photo
Sat 09/19/15 12:30 AM

Well Ladywind7, did You ever finish reading the Quran ?

I got too busy Sheik, but I will get there. I borrowed it from the library as well as a guide to Islam.
All I got out of it was library fines for it being late.bigsmile

Annierooroo's photo
Sat 09/19/15 01:42 AM
What I would like to know is how can you keep a tribe of men happy?
Isn't it better to make one man completely happy than have a few not totally happy.

Personally one man is more than enough for me.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/19/15 02:58 AM

Multiple religions allow it. Do you have any opinions on whether you think it is right or wrong?

POLGANDRY - women married to more than one husband.

Because ,what's good for the goose is good for the gander.... Am I right?


Like in "Paint Your Wagon"?laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 09/19/15 03:00 AM
I still think Polygamy is a Leftover of medieval Feudalism!

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 09/21/15 04:00 PM

Multiple religions allow it. Do you have any opinions on whether you think it is right or wrong?

It is wrong for me. In many countries it isn't legal. If they are consenting adults and understand what happens if someone leaves...that is on them

Ladywind7's photo
Tue 09/22/15 06:19 AM
So you think polygamy/polyandry will be survivor's necessary choice for the future when chit hits the fan so to speak?
What do you foresee as the future? Be bold and do not speak evasively.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 09/22/15 10:02 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 09/22/15 10:04 AM

Multiple religions allow it. Do you have any opinions on whether you think it is right or wrong?

POLGANDRY - women married to more than one husband.

Because ,what's good for the goose is good for the gander.... Am I right?


Like in "Paint Your Wagon"?laugh


1onlyaname's photo
Tue 09/22/15 11:06 AM

Polygamy is legal in about 25% of countries in the form of polygyny- the practice of one husband having two or more concurrent wives.

There must be a very strong cultural /religious undertone that this is legal.

because this may not be the preferred choice of mass.

Polygamy is legal in about 25%.. Of the world ? I will check. (It is NOT LEGAL in the USA). But Polgandry is very rare as far as documentation & kept hidden, in the USA and other countries. But there have been other cultures in anthropological history that polganandy was legal, accepted & ' the norm ' of a society.

I'm going to try it next march I'll let you know how it works

SitkaRains's photo
Tue 09/22/15 11:19 AM

Multiple religions allow it. Do you have any opinions on whether you think it is right or wrong?

I look at it like this.. If it works for the people involved then that is fine and dandy. I don't have an opinion if it is right or wrong.

What I do know is, it takes special mindset to have it work correctly. And yes many religions do practice it. I also know in the US it isn't legal.

For me personally no, I wouldn't accept it as a lifestyle. I have known of others that yes it seems to work for them.

I actually know of a household that has 2 men and 1 woman they didn't want one "husband" to have anymore rights than the other so they all said their vows together in their faith with no legal marriage certificate. They have all been living together for about 10 years now. There is 2 children born into this and surprisingly doesn't seem to be any psychological issues one would think to have.

LUNG1954's photo
Tue 09/22/15 12:05 PM

I actually know of a household that has 2 men and 1 woman they didn't want one "husband" to have anymore rights than the other so they all said their vows together in their faith with no legal marriage certificate. They have all been living together for about 10 years now. There is 2 children born into this and surprisingly doesn't seem to be any psychological issues one would think to have.

Did they know who was the father of each child?

1onlyaname's photo
Tue 09/22/15 12:06 PM
wish you guys stop saying its Illegal its only illegal to have two or more marriage license.

SitkaRains's photo
Tue 09/22/15 12:11 PM

I actually know of a household that has 2 men and 1 woman they didn't want one "husband" to have anymore rights than the other so they all said their vows together in their faith with no legal marriage certificate. They have all been living together for about 10 years now. There is 2 children born into this and surprisingly doesn't seem to be any psychological issues one would think to have.

Did they know who was the father of each child?

Actually I can answer this for them they don't care.. I would care but this family really doesn't care... To them they are a united family, I know when the children were born both men were in the delivery room and both children call both men dad or daddy they both share in responsibility equally. I personally don't understand it but I also feel I can't judge it because of the loving family unit that they project.

soufiehere's photo
Tue 09/22/15 06:56 PM
Edited for off-topic.

Site Moderator

LUNG1954's photo
Tue 09/22/15 11:36 PM
Of the 1,231 societies listed in the 1980 Ethnographic Atlas, 186 were found to be monogamous; 453 had occasional polygyny; 588 had more frequent polygyny; and 4 had polyandry. Polyandry is less rare than this figure which listed only those examples found in the Himalayan mountains (28 societies). Polyandry in India still exists among minorities, and also in Bhutan, and the northern parts of Nepal.
Two men in Kenya have agreed to marry the same woman, taking turns to stay with her and helping raise her children.

LUNG1954's photo
Wed 09/23/15 12:07 AM
The Advantages of Same Sex Marriage
1. Not Allowing Some People to Marry Is Unconstitutional
2. Access to Equal Benefits
There is a wide variety of benefits that are offered to couples who are legally married. Some of these include tax benefits and insurance perks. Since same sex couples can now marry, they too get to enjoy these benefits and perks that come along with being married.
3. “Traditional Marriage” Views Have Changed
4. Everyone Needs Love
Marriage is a traditional thing that truly solidifies and commits a relationships, and straight couples should not be the only ones who have the privilege of doing this.
5. Religion Is the Problem
The biggest reason that it is wonderful that same sex marriage has been legalized is the fact that the argument is largely religious. It is unfair to oppress some people based on the views of few.

The Disadvantages of Same Sex Marriage
1. Marriage Is a Religious Sanction
The traditionally defined marriage is between a man and a woman, same sex marriage is against what the Bible teaches, so it is sac religious to marry two men or two women into a religious sanction.
2. Confusing for Children
By legalizing same sex marriage it gives the message to children that it is normal or okay to be in a homosexual relationship. This also causes confusion for them as to how reproduction works.
3. Marriage Is for Procreation
Same sex couples cannot have children because it requires both a female and male to conceive a child. If we begin to praise people for not having children, the human race could slowly begin to dwindle.
4. It’s a Slippery Slope
By legalizing same sex marriage, you are opening the door for other types of nontraditional couples to fight for their right to marry.
5. Having a Mother and Father Is Important
Kids need balance in their life in order to be successful adults. This balance comes from having influences from a mother and a father in their developmental years. Same sex couples cannot give this to a child because there is only one gender having influence over their life.
6. Reduces to Sanctity of Marriage
The institution of marriage has been degrading slowly over time, and we need to do everything that we can to preserve this. Same sex marriages devalue traditional marriages and cause people to sway away from getting married.

Major Disadvantages of Polygamy
The following are the disadvantages from the wife perspective;
1. Less time with the husband, since his spared time is now shared between two or more wives.
2. Less attention
3. Jealousy and unshared love, since the woman like to have full attention and full unshared love from her partner.
4. Family malfunctioning and chaos since husband spends less time with the children i.e. less discipline and guiding
5. Less money saved or given to the wife and the children since money should be shared co-equally with the other family.
6.Polygamy can only work if the parties take their vows seriously and the husband is fair.

In spite of disadvantages of same sex marriage the movement to obtain civil marriage rights and benefits for same-sex couples in the United States began in the 1970s. The U.S. Supreme Court has now legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, effectively tying up loose ends left by a 2013 decision that opened the door for same-sex married couples to gain access to the same federal benefits as traditional married couples.
Support for same sex marriage in America rose from 37 percent to 57 percent between the years of 2009 and 2015.

I think the benefits of polygamy to the society are more than the benefits of same-sex marriage but people interested in it are less than those who use polygamy by cheating.

no photo
Wed 09/23/15 08:16 PM
1. I noticed that there used to be 2 Polygamy topic sites and now I only see one.

What happened to the other site?

no photo
Wed 09/23/15 09:18 PM
Girl polygamy should be allowed

1onlyaname's photo
Thu 09/24/15 03:24 AM
Girl polygamy should be allowed

ployamory. its allowed do what ever makes you Happy.