Topic: Rules to dating men advice | |
i am still trying to recover from the fact that romeo doesn't like them
he was perfect ![]() no1 its butterscotch jellybeans ![]() |
i am still trying to recover from the fact that romeo doesn't like them he was perfect ![]() no1 its butterscotch jellybeans ![]() i think it's an angle he is working of...kind of like reverse psychology. |
i am still trying to recover from the fact that romeo doesn't like them he was perfect ![]() no1 its butterscotch jellybeans ![]() i think it's an angle he is working of...kind of like reverse psychology. you are just trying to make me feel better, hi handsome ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 03/17/15 08:49 PM
If you go out with a guy lets just say you've chilled maybe 3 times at this point you and her talk everyday and the girl gives you oral sex do you call her text her keep the same feelings or just move on 3 chills = 1 bj ...whoda thunk it. You kids amd your crazy rules ![]() |
![]() butterscotch jelly beans..BJ..lmao.. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I was thinking does she think I taste like butterscotch jelly beans..
Lmao.. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 03/17/15 10:46 PM
I was thinking does she think I taste like butterscotch jelly beans.. Lmao.. ![]() ![]() ![]() now that gives a whole new meaning... oh you just get me in trouble oh right i do that all on my own ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I always thought a bj was two dinners and a watch.
Edited by
Wed 03/18/15 01:06 AM
Of course you should call her and keep the same feelings, I mean it would be obvious she liked you.
If you go out with a guy lets just say you've chilled maybe 3 times at this point you and her talk everyday and the girl gives you oral sex do you call her text her keep the same feelings or just move on Don't Rush Into Sex When Dating A Man ..... and other good ideas for intimacy !!! When is it ok to have sex? Well that depends on your age and personal feelings. For example, if you're eighteen and a virgin, you will want to wait until you are in a committed relationship. If you're thirty-nine, waiting a month or two can be fine. Of course, if you feel strongly against pre-marital sex, you should wait until you're married. If he loves you, he'll respect whatever decision you make. And especially, don't have sex with a man until at least after your third date. But don't be surprised if the man you're dating gets very angry when you kiss him goodnight at your door, at your second date rather than invite him up to your apartment for a drink. He has probably been spoiled by other women who slept with him on the first or second date, and now he feels he's being denied this pleasure. But don't worry. Anger indicates interest, and you might be surprised, for he will probably call you again! But what if you like sex a lot too, and denying yourself is just as hard as denying him? Does that mean you can sleep with him on the first or second date? NO! You will just have to exercise a bit of self-restraint and character building here and trust that if you hold off for at few weeks or months, your won't be sorry. Why risk having him call you easy (and think of you that way) when he's talking to his buddies in the locker room the next day? Better that he be angry and strategizing ways of seducing you on the next date than moving onto the next girl. Making him wait will only increase his desire and create more passion when you finally have sex whenever you're ready. I know it can be excruciating to put sex off with someone you're attracted to, but you must think long term here. If you play your cards right, you can have sex with him every night for the rest of your life when you're married! Now, you might argue that you don't mind having sex with him on the first or second date and taking your chances, that it's ok with you if he doesn't call again, because you're both grown-ups, and you can take your lumps. I know from experience, of course, that most ladies who say this are lying to themselves. Deep down inside, it's not okay with a woman if she sleeps with a man and he doesn't call. Every woman wants the man she just slept with to call her, that is, if she really likes him - and hopefully she likes the man she's sleeping with. Every woman I know who said it was okay if a man didn't call after sex, was actually not okay when he didn't call. When you sleep with him on the second date, you don't really know if he's going to be a gentleman or a creep. We shouldn't take risks, ladies. We should wait until we're sure before having sex. Let's say that now, hopefully, you've held off for a while and are ready to have sex with him. What should you follow in bed? First and foremost, stay emotionally cool, no matter how hot the sex gets. The fact is, most women turn men off not only because they sleep with them too soon, but because they talk to much about it in bed. They try to exploit the physical closeness of sex to gain emotional closeness, security, and assurances about the future. Wait a good amount of time before you begin holding lengthy seminars about your needs during sex or after sex. Don't be a drill sergeant, demanding that he do this or that. You have to trust that if you relax and let him explore your body like unchartered territory you will have fun and be satisfied. Being with you in bed should not be difficult or demanding. Don't bring anything - red lightbulbs, scented candles, or X-rated videos - to enhance your sexual experience. If you have to use these things to get him excited, somthings's wrong. He should be excited about just sleeping with you. While you're snuggling in bed after great sex is not the time to say, "So, do you want me to make room in the closet for your clothes?" or "I put a toothbrush in the bathroom for you." Don't bring up marriage, kids, or your future together, not in bed (or out). Remember, these are your needs you are concerned about filling. You should act in a *selfless* way of living and handling a relationship. Men merely want to lie down next to someone they care about when they are feeling strong emotions. Women are more curious, wanting to know, "Now that we've slept together, where is this relationship going?" or "What is the meaning of what we've just done?" While all these thoughts are whirling through your head, and your desire to own this man is mounting from minute to minute, try to relax and think about nothing. Don't cling to him if he has to leave that night or the following morning. Be casual and unmoved about the fact that the date is over. With that attitude, chances are he will be the one hanging on. Don't try to keep him there longer by suggesting brunch or sweet rolls and coffee in bed. If you do, he'll probably run to the nearest coffee shop for breakfast. Instead, go quietly about your business - brush your hair and your teeth, do some sit-ups and stretches, brew coffee (be busy not clingy - have a life) - and chances are *he'll* start massaging your shoulders and *suggesting* morning sex or a great brunch place. When you're not clingy, and you "have a life" - this is what "attracts" a man as well. Be an interesting person. Interesting attracts interest. And it's only fair that if you're dating a man for a month or two and don't plan to sleep with him for a while, to let him know. Otherwise, you're being a tease. On the other hand, what if you're more into sex than he is? If you don't want to feel insecure, then don't *initiate* sex. After you're in a *committed* relationship, when you know he is crazy about you, you can occasionally and playfully make an overture. Last but not least, whenever you do have sex, always use a condom. Don't cave in when a man says, "Just this once." Remember, you're a special woman, and that means you take good care of yourself. |
,^^^^^Read two paragraphs of this and couldn't be arsed reading the rest! Why do people leave posts this long?
'Perhaps people leave posts 'that' long in order to express their thought in an articulate and vivid way. It takes 'patience' (if not 'perseverance') to read such posts in entirety. Voicing one's opinion in a public forum, needs a 'patient' observer. As 'they' say: "One cannot be a good orator unless one is a patient listener."
That was a lovely post, "BrownEyes". Please carry on sharing your views in such a vivid manner, for 'many' of us to 'learn, understand and appreciate' the various facets of 'relationship' and 'life'! ![]() |
'Perhaps people leave posts 'that' long in order to express their thought in an articulate and vivid way. It takes 'patience' (if not 'perseverance') to read such posts in entirety. Voicing one's opinion in a public forum, needs a 'patient' observer. As 'they' say: "One cannot be a good orator unless one is a patient listener." That was a lovely post, "BrownEyes". Please carry on sharing your views in such a vivid manner, for 'many' of us to 'learn, understand and appreciate' the various facets of 'relationship' and 'life'! ![]() |
You are correct, Messi. 'Excessively long posts, do ruin a thread.' However, in this particular case, I didn't feel 'the droning on' factor. Perhaps, 'sense of perception' does vary from one individual to another.
![]() Keep posting & smiling. Have a lovely Day! ![]() |
If you go out with a guy lets just say you've chilled maybe 3 times at this point you and her talk everyday and the girl gives you oral sex do you call her text her keep the same feelings or just move on I'm not sure I understand, but I know a woman who gives no head gets no head... Been there once with a man who also thought sex is quid pro quo and kept a balance. Total turn off and I ditched him, he regretted it. Don't need a man who keeps mental track of what I have or haven't done for him. If things feel good, you just please and enjoy it. Good lovers know to please a woman first. |
I don't really get why a woman would give head after chilling three times...
Pleasing a man sexually doesn't make him love you. The peculiar thing is, you can have great sex, have a man please you and thoroughly enjoy doing so. They love pleasing you so much that they won't even ask you for a BJ and still beg to come back for more BJ-less sex. I think many women are still way too eager to give to man without getting proper satisfaction and attention themselves. Women tend to be pleasers. Learn to do some taking, men don't mind at all! |
If you go out with a guy lets just say you've chilled maybe 3 times at this point you and her talk everyday and the girl gives you oral sex do you call her text her keep the same feelings or just move on to be honest i've never liked the me it seems like you're making a woman feel degraded by making her do such animalistic things....thats just how i See it.....But i would go down on her tho ![]() That is the strangest thing I've ever heard a man say. |
Edited by
Fri 03/20/15 09:52 AM
Browneyes is right. But I don't like condoms.
^^^^^So strange, you had to post twice?
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I don't really get why a woman would give head after chilling three times... Pleasing a man sexually doesn't make him love you. The peculiar thing is, you can have great sex, have a man please you and thoroughly enjoy doing so. They love pleasing you so much that they won't even ask you for a BJ and still beg to come back for more BJ-less sex. I think many women are still way too eager to give to man without getting proper satisfaction and attention themselves. Women tend to be pleasers. Learn to do some taking, men don't mind at all! .. ladies continue being pleasers.. ..... nothing wrong with giving and of course always nice to receive..... personally I like to give more than I like to receive..jmo.. ... |