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Topic: Divorced Christians
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Tue 04/07/15 12:39 PM

I have nothing to say but it's only God who put us into to judgement.

Correct Red.

2469nascar's photo
Tue 04/07/15 12:50 PM
sorry buddy but ONLY god can judge me,,if you want to work things out why your wife is out ****ing any and every thing,then thats great,,hope it works out for you,,so what do you say to your wife aftr she comes back from seeing her new lover, ooh good your home,hungry,great, was just making dnner...LOL,,

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/07/15 12:55 PM

sorry buddy but ONLY god can judge me,,if you want to work things out why your wife is out ****ing any and every thing,then thats great,,hope it works out for you,,so what do you say to your wife aftr she comes back from seeing her new lover, ooh good your home,hungry,great, was just making dnner...LOL,,

I agree and would like to add someone physically, mentally and/or emotionally abusive

2469nascar's photo
Tue 04/07/15 01:03 PM

sorry buddy but ONLY god can judge me,,if you want to work things out why your wife is out ****ing any and every thing,then thats great,,hope it works out for you,,so what do you say to your wife aftr she comes back from seeing her new lover, ooh good your home,hungry,great, was just making dnner...LOL,,

I agree and would like to add someone physically, mentally and/or emotionally abusive
yes,,^^^^^^ and you can olny beat youself down so much,theres a time when you have to do whats best for your kids and yourself, sorry didnt mean to rant so much, carry on PPL.

uche9aa's photo
Tue 04/07/15 01:08 PM
You might as well add who doesnt wash your undies. Flimsy,trival and ungodly escape routes of unfaithful covenant breakers.DIVORCE IS SIN

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/07/15 01:09 PM

You might as well add who doesnt wash your undies. Flimsy,trival and ungodly escape routes of unfaithful covenant breakers.DIVORCE IS SIN

You are right. A person should be beaten and belittled.

I will answer to God.

no photo
Tue 04/07/15 01:22 PM

I agree with definition that divorce is a sin for both parties. Even when you didn't want it and didn't cause it. I was /am divorced (my ex died 18 years later) I believed I would remain single because God says to marry someone is to cause them to commit adultery. (Mat 5:32, 19:9, Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18) But I met a man who loved God first. He was also divorced (innocently). After 8.5 years of friendship we both believed God gave us permission to marry. We had a wonderful 5 years 2 months and 19 days before God took him home. I don't know if I am widowed or divorced. Probably both. I DO know that God loves me, He forgives my sin. Divorce is a sin but not the unforgivable one.

You are widow... Forget the past and start your life all over again. Now you uderstand the law of God... you know what to do.smile. God bliss everyone!

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 04/07/15 02:35 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Tue 04/07/15 02:36 PM

Matthew 19

8 He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.

9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

Luke 16

18 Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.

And read up in the chapter if you want to see if this is being taken out of context. But moses permitted divorce for a time being as God never did permit it nor does he now. There is no such thing as "divorce" in the long run, the best that will come of it is the two are physically in different locations. But marriage is forever my friend.

Ladywind7's photo
Tue 04/07/15 03:09 PM
Some very rigid and unloving thoughts here. "Before you take the speck out of your brothers eye, take the log out of your own".
In the Torah God designed divorce to look after a spouse who was being neglected. That was permissable because He is a God of Love.
God loves every divorced person and cares for them deeply.
Who is anyone to be 'religious' and condemn divorce when it is God who knows the whole situation and not us.
I think judging is the sin in this thread. Shame on anyone who has not been in a corrupt marriage and feels they have the right to judge!

no photo
Tue 04/07/15 09:45 PM

Some very rigid and unloving thoughts here. "Before you take the speck out of your brothers eye, take the log out of your own".
In the Torah God designed divorce to look after a spouse who was being neglected. That was permissable because He is a God of Love.
God loves every divorced person and cares for them deeply.
Who is anyone to be 'religious' and condemn divorce when it is God who knows the whole situation and not us.
I think judging is the sin in this thread. Shame on anyone who has not been in a corrupt marriage and feels they have the right to judge!hare

This is a Christian chat room and I think they are not judging but they are trying to share what was written in the bible. They give all the beblical context and everyone read and God give all the understanding. I my self understand what they are talking. But I do not want to say that divorced people and remarried again for the second time will not be saved. All of us will face to judgement and no body knows how God judge every people. The most important here is stand on your faith in God and I will stand on my faith.

Rennz61's photo
Tue 04/07/15 10:13 PM
Edited by Rennz61 on Tue 04/07/15 10:51 PM
Posted below happy

Rennz61's photo
Tue 04/07/15 10:48 PM
Edited by Rennz61 on Tue 04/07/15 10:50 PM

Some very rigid and unloving thoughts here. "Before you take the speck out of your brothers eye, take the log out of your own".
In the Torah God designed divorce to look after a spouse who was being neglected. That was permissable because He is a God of Love.
God loves every divorced person and cares for them deeply.
Who is anyone to be 'religious' and condemn divorce when it is God who knows the whole situation and not us.
I think judging is the sin in this thread. Shame on anyone who has not been in a corrupt marriage and feels they have the right to judge!

I agree with you Ladywind7, where is grace in all of this?

We have to be careful when quoting scriptures that we don't turn into Bible bashers. The word kills but the spirit gives life, don't use the Word of God to condemn and bring judgement but to convict and bring forth life and hope. There is a big difference!

God wants His children to live in peace, it would be ludicrous to expect someone to stay in an abusive or unfaithful marriage (for example) because God does not like divorce. That is where we become legalistic, we bring people into bondage when Jesus came to set us free.

Jesusmyall's photo
Wed 04/08/15 09:32 AM
The best way to obey is to accept instructions without adding or removing from it. If we understand that God is as much a God of love as HE is a God of Judgment, we would exercise more care in following HIM.

The end-time is right here and if we are not careful, we get caught up in very fantastic, logical, humanly sensible arguments and perceptions that take us off the lane of TOTAL obedience and submission to God.

TMommy's photo
Mon 04/13/15 08:18 PM
Edited by TMommy on Mon 04/13/15 08:22 PM
marriage before God and family is a sacred covenant
vows spoken are indeed supposed to be til death do us part
however, things happen sometimes

such as adultery, abuse, neglect

to advise someone to stay and 'work it out' no matter what?
may not always be possible or safe for those involved

this is where domestic violence issues occur ya know

in a perfect world, in a perfect union this would not occur
when a man loves his wife, as Christ loved the church
this would not occur

but it happens everyday

if the one you love is not fulfilling the vows they spoke
then you must make a hard decision

God loves his children
Marriage is not supposed to feel like life imprisonment

interesting to me that there are so many harsh and judgmental comments made on a dating site

or was your sole purpose just to come in here and preach?

I am a divorced Christian woman
stayed home with my boys
they are baptized, confirmed and went to parochial schools
I took my vows seriously when I made them
and it just about killed me to walk away

but it came down to my marriage or my sanity

be careful of pointing out that splinter in thy brother's eye

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 04/13/15 08:50 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Mon 04/13/15 08:51 PM
Let's look at what Jesus said in the context of its setting:

Matthew 19:8-9 (NIV):
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

Jesus was addressing men who lived in a patriarchal society in which a husband had complete authority over his wife, a society in which a wife would face harsh social consequences should she disobey her husband.

If I am not mistaken, a husband who mistreated his wife would also experience harsh social consequences.

In such a culture, a husband could punish his wife for misdeeds without resorting to divorce. The exception was that divorce was justified if the wife engaged in sexual immorality.

(The Greek word translated as "sexual immorality" is porneia.)

TMommy's photo
Tue 04/14/15 04:21 AM
thought this thread was going to be a place where Christians could come together and offer each other encouragement in trying to juggle a job, school, parenting and church. I thought it was going to be a place where we could feel free to voice our frustrations, our worries and concerns where others would be able to understand our point of view. I don't know what I was thinking slaphead

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 04/14/15 11:55 AM

thought this thread was going to be a place where Christians could come together and offer each other encouragement in trying to juggle a job, school, parenting and church. I thought it was going to be a place where we could feel free to voice our frustrations, our worries and concerns where others would be able to understand our point of view. I don't know what I was thinking slaphead

TMommy, please do not give up on this forum yet.
Just ignore the wannabe preachers and wannabe prophets.

TMommy's photo
Tue 04/14/15 03:43 PM

thought this thread was going to be a place where Christians could come together and offer each other encouragement in trying to juggle a job, school, parenting and church. I thought it was going to be a place where we could feel free to voice our frustrations, our worries and concerns where others would be able to understand our point of view. I don't know what I was thinking slaphead

TMommy, please do not give up on this forum yet.
Just ignore the wannabe preachers and wannabe prophets.

thank you maybe I will just hang around and check in now and again:smile:

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