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Topic: GUYS: Finish What You Start...
RavensLove's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:21 AM
After just putting a friend back together who was devistated by the man she loved who just stopped calling, I have some advice for the guys out there....finish what you start!

If you have lost interest, if you can't do it anymore, if you found someone else...just tell us. You may think just cutting off communication is the easiest way (and it may be for you!) but do the honorable thing and just be honest! If it were me, I'd actually want to know what went wrong, to learn from it. You know, be adult about it!

Now I know some women can be drama queens and that each situation is different, but if you really think just pulling a vanishing act is the nicer way to handle's not. This has been discussed with friends over many a cups of coffee, but most agree....we'd rather know than always wonder!

So, my advice is to finish what you start so each of you can start again...wiser and hopefully better!flowerforyou

(This goes for you girls too!!!)

no photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:29 AM
great advice RavensLoveflowerforyou

no photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:29 AM
I agree and it's the mature thing to do. Honesty and communication is imperative!

RavensLove's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:31 AM
Thanks guys!

Not bashing, just think we can all learn from it and prevent some emotional baggage along the way!

Not much feedback from the fellas though...hummm?

nurjoyce's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:33 AM
just be honest

nu2topcat's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:38 AM
Men=honest=adult=oxymoronlaugh laugh laugh

RavensLove's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:39 AM
Well...there's always the hope, nu2topcat!! :wink:

no photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:40 AM
You tell them!!!


Gloria101571's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:42 AM
Yes it means being "mature"!!

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:43 AM
I don't do the finishing it seems...I always get the cold shoulder for some reason. I act like the gentleman, I open the doors, I am pleasant, and kind and go out of my way, but never hear from them again. So, I just deal with rejection. I wasn't their type, but at least they could have had the decency to say "let's just go our different ways"

TheShadow's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:44 AM
I actually went through this with my gf I met someone before I met her. the thing was I new that she was real and the other was more of an intrest. I calld my gf and told her what ws going on and that I can't lie to her or the other on how I feel and where I stand on where I thought what was the right thing to do. I new both of them for a couple weeks. So being honest with myself and to both of them it turnd out beeter and i was still able to have a friend and be with the one I love now

no photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:45 AM
Have to admit, in the past, I've been guilty of this alsoblushing It's childish and immature. Women have feelings too and when a man realizes this, that is a start.

wizewizard70's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:46 AM
funny, I had a gal do that to me last year... going out for 3 months then SILENCE. I didn't know what went wrong.
Well, about 2 months later we ran into eachother at the store. She acted like nothing had happened, and she gave me her phone number and told me to call her some time. I finally found a good use for a trash can!! lol

So Raven, Kudos for you for the topic!!
:smile: drinker :smile:

RavensLove's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:52 AM
Thanks, Wize. laugh Unfortunately I think we can all relate.! frown

Austin and Shadow, you are men above men. Just last night I had "the talk" with a guy I'd been out with four times, telling him I'd met someone I think could really be special. It was hard and he wasn't very gracious, but it was the right thing to do!

And Wolfeyes, don't give up...she's out there, hun!

John1992's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:58 AM
Good topic Raven I've seen both sides of the coin I had to let a couple of gals go And I told them straight out but I've also had my fair share of silence too even one on here. No, I will not name names I'll protect the guilty. She still deserves that much.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:59 AM
Thanks Raven, Sometimes I feel like I'm on American Idol....I'm standing and getting judged for who I am and what I've done and the mistakes I've made, and the girl is Simon. OH WOW...the rejection. But maybe I will find someone out there who likes sad eyed puppies.

nu2topcat's photo
Sun 10/07/07 10:04 AM
as the replys state, women are as guilty as men, but men get the worst heat about it! please no double standards, lollaugh laugh

RavensLove's photo
Sun 10/07/07 10:23 AM
I agree completely, nu2topcat!

We all bleed the same when someone slices and dices our hearts. flowerforyou

RavensLove's photo
Sun 10/07/07 10:24 AM
Wolfeyes...most of us are suckers for those puppy dog eyes! Just make sure there's a little fight in the dog too!

That helps turn up the heat...:wink:

no photo
Sun 10/07/07 10:28 AM
I agree with you here........people finish what you start!!!!bigsmile flowerforyou

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