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Topic: Women on this site
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 04/03/15 12:53 PM

Right, that looks very rural indeed, lol.
I know that kind of problem, I live in backwater country myself... Lots of farmers, so not my kind of people. Not easy finding ppl I can relate to, let alone a date or more. I sometimes feel doomed as well, haha.
But maybe you'd do better on a different dating site? One with more people your age, maybe there's even one for your part of the States?
Wishing you good luck anyway, just don't get PO about M2, lol. There's lots of ppl coming and going here, lots of ppl that live far away etc. The forums are great, but as a dating site not necessarily the best of places to find someone, although it does happen.


Oh reeeeaalllywhoa
Fine..be that way then.:angry:

:laughing: tongue2

Owww... didn't mean to offend you, or anyone else for that matter.
You're not a farmer, you wrestle bulls before you take their baws! You don't look like a farmer, ppl over here do :/
DAng, now I got the whole of Canada upset
tears tears

no photo
Fri 04/03/15 11:22 PM

I've been a member for three years and haven't used the forums. Something I just noticed is that one doesn't have any idea of the person's 'grouping' unless you click on all the photographs to find out. Could be a negative in terms of a search!
I live in a very small rural community, limited supply of 'eligible' men though I travel a fair bit but don't meet men the way I do that or maybe it's just me :-(

I am new here.

I suspect something but Can you elaborate "groupings".

in a comment or message.

no photo
Fri 04/03/15 11:27 PM
Wave slayer !

You are a big hit now.

Raise your voice ...Keep posting...

no photo
Sat 04/04/15 08:09 AM

Well I read all the comments and I must say to peruse the forums all day feels like a bigger waste of time the just searching because mingle 2 is a international website and I'm not looking to travel the world just to see if I mesh with some chick. I'm merely complaining that I can't seem to find a chick in my age range that lives near me that does not have a kid on mingle2.

that's a big Oh Well....laugh

WaveSlayer's photo
Sun 04/05/15 08:28 AM
Edited by WaveSlayer on Sun 04/05/15 08:35 AM

sounds like there are few women to be had in your neck of the woods.

You could either move to a more populated area, or acknowledge the fact that you will have to find someone from far away and see if you have enough to offer her, that could entice her to move to such a lackluster town, to be with you.

In other words, if there are no interesting women where you live, move, or be willing to travel to meet women.

Brother, I am willing to drive 800 miles to meet a girl, would you do the same?! I've already made a 170 mile trip to meet a girl that completely lied about her profile, well she did tell the truth about her ethnicity! Lmao

Move?!?! Did you drink your coffee?! I just bought a house and moved in it 4 weeks ago because I have good work lined up. I am a home builder and I do commercial and residential construction of all phases. In November I left Austin because it is being over run by out of state residents and I've been there and done that, stage handing big events, stubs bbq, emos, sxsw, fun fun fun fest, the works. Didn't find a chick there though there are lots. Then I packed all my stuff and went to Denver, co from November to febuary rebuilding hotels and a restaurant, I then decided that the snow sucked so I drove down south to my Joe Dirt homecoming town of Silver City, NM where I've been rebuilding a house from the 1910's and bringing it up to code and making it livable. So yea, in a nut shell, I ain't leaving, I'll go meet a chick but in the long run I hardly ever see a chick my age with her own house on five (5) acres and I bought a harley! I'd say that I have it going on and any chick that is to blind to see it is just missing out. I'm one (1) of two (2) remaining members of my family that can carry on my name and blood, most of the men in my family have died so I am adamant to want to start a family and have some kids.

When you go about your day, recall my post, imagine the intellectual person that I am then compare me to all the people in their mid twenties and it will become blatantly apparent as to how rare some one like me really is. I am honest, kind, sincere and I have a lot of manly qualities. I have extensive knowledge of auto and marine mechanics, carbureted and injected, diesel and gas, hydraulics and pneumatics, I can build with any medium, I can plane and grade land, I do mad scientist things too like I invented a gas operated, wind resistant, highly portable vaporizer, I've built two CNC machines in my garage, I play any instrument and I have played drums, bass and electric and a acoustic guitar on stage supporting my dad and his friends. I picked up drums when I was 6, bass at 12, then piano, trumpet, violin, cello then I picked up guitar at 15. I used to get singled out and pulled out of class by the state of Texas every two years starting in the third grade in public school and was given a i.q. test, I was scoring around 138 in my freshman year and I found out that none of my class mates ever had that done to them once, then I moved to Costa Rica. Not many people run at my pace. I've already accepted that I might not ever find the girl I'm looking for, (a good, quality one), on a dating site and that it is highly possible that I'll bump into her in public one day but no one is certain so I'm going to keep the Com link open and continue communique' with my new friends!

WaveSlayer's photo
Sun 04/05/15 08:43 AM
Edited by WaveSlayer on Sun 04/05/15 08:46 AM



It looks like someone read my thread and clicked a button because two hours ago it said permission denied but I Just checked for ***** and giggles and it now will let me post

More than likely that topic you posted violated forum rules and it was deleted. You aren't blocked from posting...obviously because you are posting now

On the contrary yellowrose, as soon as I opened the page to make the post it said permission denied, I was unable to even put one letter in there but after I said something about it some one must of hit a button because then I was allowed to make other posts but I'm content with this thread as of now! and to clarify I meant posting a new thread not continuing to comment on a previously posted thread. That was the issue I was having.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/05/15 09:02 AM
If it was looking for sex or insulting...against the rules. If a topic was deleted or locked...EVERYONE that tries to post there would get the same message. You obviously weren't banned from posting becaise you are still posting. Read what Txsgal posted here

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 04/05/15 09:03 AM

Some comments have been deleted. I assure you if anyone has been blocked by Admin or Mods you will know it due to we will send out a e-mail..

Also at no time does Mingle2 ask for your credit card unless you are signing up for the premium service.

This site does not have a block feature in the forums due to we have Mods onsite taking care of reports.

Site Mod


no1phD's photo
Sun 04/05/15 09:22 AM
Edited by no1phD on Sun 04/05/15 09:23 AM

no photo
Sun 04/05/15 09:35 AM

sounds like there are few women to be had in your neck of the woods.

You could either move to a more populated area, or acknowledge the fact that you will have to find someone from far away and see if you have enough to offer her, that could entice her to move to such a lackluster town, to be with you.

In other words, if there are no interesting women where you live, move, or be willing to travel to meet women.

Brother, I am willing to drive 800 miles to meet a girl, would you do the same?! I've already made a 170 mile trip to meet a girl that completely lied about her profile, well she did tell the truth about her ethnicity! Lmao

Move?!?! Did you drink your coffee?! I just bought a house and moved in it 4 weeks ago because I have good work lined up. I am a home builder and I do commercial and residential construction of all phases. In November I left Austin because it is being over run by out of state residents and I've been there and done that, stage handing big events, stubs bbq, emos, sxsw, fun fun fun fest, the works. Didn't find a chick there though there are lots. Then I packed all my stuff and went to Denver, co from November to febuary rebuilding hotels and a restaurant, I then decided that the snow sucked so I drove down south to my Joe Dirt homecoming town of Silver City, NM where I've been rebuilding a house from the 1910's and bringing it up to code and making it livable. So yea, in a nut shell, I ain't leaving, I'll go meet a chick but in the long run I hardly ever see a chick my age with her own house on five (5) acres and I bought a harley! I'd say that I have it going on and any chick that is to blind to see it is just missing out. I'm one (1) of two (2) remaining members of my family that can carry on my name and blood, most of the men in my family have died so I am adamant to want to start a family and have some kids.

When you go about your day, recall my post, imagine the intellectual person that I am then compare me to all the people in their mid twenties and it will become blatantly apparent as to how rare some one like me really is. I am honest, kind, sincere and I have a lot of manly qualities. I have extensive knowledge of auto and marine mechanics, carbureted and injected, diesel and gas, hydraulics and pneumatics, I can build with any medium, I can plane and grade land, I do mad scientist things too like I invented a gas operated, wind resistant, highly portable vaporizer, I've built two CNC machines in my garage, I play any instrument and I have played drums, bass and electric and a acoustic guitar on stage supporting my dad and his friends. I picked up drums when I was 6, bass at 12, then piano, trumpet, violin, cello then I picked up guitar at 15. I used to get singled out and pulled out of class by the state of Texas every two years starting in the third grade in public school and was given a i.q. test, I was scoring around 138 in my freshman year and I found out that none of my class mates ever had that done to them once, then I moved to Costa Rica. Not many people run at my pace. I've already accepted that I might not ever find the girl I'm looking for, (a good, quality one), on a dating site and that it is highly possible that I'll bump into her in public one day but no one is certain so I'm going to keep the Com link open and continue communique' with my new friends!

the reason u can't find anyone is cuz ur stuck on yourself. no one cares about your house or motorcycle. are u sure that you aren't the one is guilty of being overly fussy? Congrats on all your accomplishments, sounds great, but they don't make you any more or less lovable than anyone else. plus ur still new in town where u just moved. locals will wonder about someone driftin' in...truth. give 'em time to get to knowu flowerforyou

WaveSlayer's photo
Sun 04/05/15 10:12 AM
Edited by WaveSlayer on Sun 04/05/15 10:13 AM
Your negative over tones carry no weight, this whole area is built off of drifters, it's a mountain mining community. Of course I'm stuck on myself, who else should I be stuck on?! I'm awesome! Keep up, I'll be doing a gig in two weeks, come see it. This thread has generated a lot of traffic, hehe. Quit masturbating on my thread! There are literally thousands of threads to chose from. Yes, this based off my personal experience on this site of which is meant to bring folk together and you saw the title "women on this site" and felt obliged to toss in your two cents. Well know this, a person's experiences make them who they are. So what if you sit at home all day and melt into the computer, I'm a Indiana Jones type, I run around to remote areas finding stuff. Hell, I've found traces of Placer gold in my yard and I'm planning to dredge the land and run it through a centrifuge and then put the dirt back while keeping the metals. People do care about me and my accomplishments two years ago I returned to this country from Costa Rica with nothing but $80 and a back pack and yet I have managed to build a empire. I will not be stifled.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 04/05/15 11:46 AM

Your negative over tones carry no weight, this whole area is built off of drifters, it's a mountain mining community. Of course I'm stuck on myself, who else should I be stuck on?! I'm awesome! Keep up, I'll be doing a gig in two weeks, come see it. This thread has generated a lot of traffic, hehe. Quit masturbating on my thread! There are literally thousands of threads to chose from. Yes, this based off my personal experience on this site of which is meant to bring folk together and you saw the title "women on this site" and felt obliged to toss in your two cents. Well know this, a person's experiences make them who they are. So what if you sit at home all day and melt into the computer, I'm a Indiana Jones type, I run around to remote areas finding stuff. Hell, I've found traces of Placer gold in my yard and I'm planning to dredge the land and run it through a centrifuge and then put the dirt back while keeping the metals. People do care about me and my accomplishments two years ago I returned to this country from Costa Rica with nothing but $80 and a back pack and yet I have managed to build a empire. I will not be stifled.

Damn kid, I feel for you, I can SO relate to your story, the longer post before this one! I think I get what you're trying to tell...
Basically you're a survivor, an artist, a multi-faceted person. I'm like that too, and also got the depth and insight that comes with that. A specific 'breed' of people... And yes, it makes it bloody hard to find a compatible partner! I found one, a similar type, unfortunately he was also had a bad case of NPD, lol, so that didn't pan out too well.
I haven't worked out what would work best, a similar type for a partner, or the opposite, someone who's got his feet planted firmly on the ground, quiet and calm so I can bounce off him so to speak. I think the latter, but not quite sure. As long as someone doesn't try to limit my freedom, my free spirited nature, cause that will NOT work.
In spite of the freedom, I do need, crave!, a partner, someone who understands me etc etc.
But darned difficult. I live in the wrong area for meeting ppl myself, also remote, so I had hoped dating-sites would be a good solution, but so far ... Not to be arrogant or offend anyone, but mostly you find the "9 to 5 people" and that doesn't do it for me.
And Mingle is a great place, but as I'm in the Netherlands, Europe, and most are in the US ... Sigh.
Anyway... don't give up hope! Maybe one day you're out on your Harley and she's right there beside the road, looking for someone to help her cos her car broke down.

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