Topic: Bush vetoes child health insurance plan
lulu24's photo
Wed 10/03/07 05:41 PM
let me tell you how this veto will affect me, personally.

one of the provisions of the SCHIP was to stop medicaid from pulling funding for day habilitation services.

for those of us with special needs children (or adults), day habilitation facilities are awesome...they receive all of their treatments and therapies there, and advance farther than they ever could without such placement. many more children than would otherwise are able to enter into schooling on schedule...

i can work, knowing my child is being cared for by qualified medical professionals. i am able to stay off of welfare...because i CAN work. my child can NOT go into regular daycare; it would be detrimental to her health. parents like me will soon be faced with a decision of whether to keep their special kids and quit working...or put them into long-term live-in facilities.

once these children ARE able to enter public schooling...they will be so far behind, and require MORE much ground can be made while a child is small.

and for the adults that are in day hab...their family members would face the same decisions. therapies are also VERY time-consuming...

i'm at a loss at the moment. i'm in limbo, awaiting the decisions of those we've elected...

goldenstar's photo
Wed 10/03/07 05:44 PM
very well said

goldenstar's photo
Wed 10/03/07 05:44 PM
very well said

adj4u's photo
Wed 10/03/07 05:49 PM
i hate being last post on a page


so repost
since they decided to handle the state of how the world is


i would much rahter the gov spend the money to help those that need health care

than go blow up and rebuild another country

or give it to other govts that do not really want us there anyway

and yes i can argue both sides of this issue (foreign aid and war)

but how long would the money spent in iraq fund this health bill

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 10/03/07 06:51 PM
If the government would stop wasteing money processing paperwork on medical claims and insurance that doesn't truly pay for care and just instituted a National Health Care system we could pay qualified physicians to provide top notch care to any one who earned the right by citizenship. That most Americans don't seem to have a clue about basic health practices is a national disgrace. I have said for a long time we need to institute a three year term of Service to Country where every American was subjected to basic training that included education on many areas of being a responsible citizen that includes basic health practices, job search and retention, work ethic, dealing with basic financial matters, so on so forth. During this public service they could be deployed for a variety of public missions includeing but not limited to rebuilding and staffing, schools, medical facilities,care for the aged and disabled, public parks, and other government services.

lulu24's photo
Wed 10/03/07 07:26 PM
so...only citizens should have access to medical care?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 10/03/07 07:48 PM
where are the bushy guy's supporters?
i haven't read the whol thread, but i bet the blind are still defending the monky in washington.

davinci1952's photo
Wed 10/03/07 08:01 PM
the money we'll save will be needed to bomb the hell out of Iran...its all about priorities...our's is war...

Fitnessfanatic's photo
Wed 10/03/07 08:01 PM
PacificStar 48 wrote:
"I have said for a long time we need to institute a three year term of Service to Country where every American was subjected to basic training that included education on many areas of being a responsible citizen that includes basic health practices, job search and retention, work ethic, dealing with basic financial matters, so on so forth.

So basicially what your saying the government raises the youth. So you want to militarize the nation and order people how to think? Sound a lot like communism. Ever read Animal Farm where the for the good of the Farm puppies are taken from thier mom and train to be vicious attack dogs?
I have a feeling you were in the military and learn to become responsible that way. But forcing ideas, even though beneficial, down someones throat another way of suppressing new ideas and controlling thought.

no photo
Thu 10/04/07 05:55 PM
I actually have a strange position on this. I do not think that health care should be restricted to citizens. Particularly when someone needs emergency care.

Lulu I think the situation you have been describing falls into a special category for extended care needs. I think special programs are needed to help with special cases like that. I don't think this should be a part of the normal insurance program covered by the government, but a special program. For most people if they are in really bad need of care, medicaid has some process to help fill the gap.

Fitness, the program Pacific was describing sounded a lot like high school to me. Do you object to that too? Pacific, do you think high school was inadequate for the task?

adj4u's photo
Thu 10/04/07 06:06 PM
unless they changed it

there not allowed to refuse

medical care in a life threatening situation

lulu24's photo
Thu 10/04/07 07:11 PM
philosopher, the program i am talking about is covered by medicaid...federally funded throughout the nation.

that is, it was...part of the SCHIP was to force medicaid to continue funding day habilitation programs.

chances are *crosses fingers* that another measure similar to the SCHIP will be passed...that will make medicaid continue such funding. right now, they are trying to do a "voucher" system...but that's not very practical, as parents might be on a waiting list for YEARS to receive the vouchers...and by then, it's too freaking late.

i can't even panic...i'm in a state of denial, i believe. we received notification that we are being continued til the middle of november...but what happens to my family after that?

RandomX's photo
Thu 10/04/07 09:10 PM
Blame the Democrats in Congress for not passing a Bill the President could sign they would not even pass an Extension on the OLD plan till it could be worked out that the President WOULD have signed. The DEMS are playing POLITICS with the lives and Healths of poor children....Just to make Republicans and and the President look bad to Pretend it is for any other reason than that is just plain WRONG and stupid......

gardenforge's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:13 AM
gee what is all the uproar about. Last week Bush said if congress passed the bill he would veto it. Now everybody woke up and said "Oh my God he vetoed the bill" Congress had a chance to change the bill or to extend the existing legislation while a compromise could be worked out but instead they decided to make policital hay with this thing. Bush didn't lie, the man did what he said he would do if congress passed this bill.

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:19 AM
i never said his veto was the big deal

my point was the republicans a complaining

it may effect up coming election

which is a load of crap

cause if they voted for it and

it already had the veto override

it would have passed

and still can all they gotta do is revote

and over ride

bush does not have the last word

unless they let him

RandomX's photo
Fri 10/05/07 09:49 AM
Garden aint that What I said in the Post Above you....ohwell

no photo
Fri 10/05/07 10:06 AM
Bush is everything that is wrong with this country!!! He does not listen to the peoples voices, and him and Cheny dont give a damn about anything but fatting their already enormaos bank accounts with americans blood paying for it and turning their backs on Americas children and poor!!!!grumble

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/05/07 02:20 PM
no one has the right argument

they are all wrong

congress could override if they wanted to

vote against the incumbent

hopefully someone from neither major party

no photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:27 PM
war first:angry:
kids lasthuh
what's wrong with this picture?grumble

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:31 PM
robin is right as rain..