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Topic: I want to MOVE
no photo
Fri 10/27/06 07:51 PM
I was born in Albany, NY. But my family moved down here when I was like
4, so I'm from GA. Well, I'll be graduating from college next year and I
wanna grow, but elsewhere. I'm geting tired of Atlanta. My dad always
talked so much about Atlanta and how great the opportunity is here, but
everybody and they mama's here now! Its gettim too crowded! I'm gettin
sick of the A! I love to party, I love diveristy, I get cold in 60
degrees, now. But I like peace too, and would like to live in a
neighborhood I dont need burglar bars on! So yall tell me: What's a nice
city to live in? If you like the city you're in tell me why, if you dont
I'd like to know why to. Or the pros n cons'll work to

Rep yo city n holla back!

Morena350's photo
Fri 10/27/06 08:32 PM
well Monique, I live in NY. long Island
I don't sugest this city or town because of
the cost of living, is 2 high and all you will
do is work to pay high bills.
I will like to move also, I was thinking
Texas, Boston, some place away from NY.

good luck,,


buckethand56's photo
Fri 10/27/06 08:49 PM
morena and monique, I live in weatherord tx, well about five miles out
of town and you wont believe this but we dont even lock our house up
when we leave, I have been gone for a week at a time and didnt lock the
doors, I never take the keys out of my pickup, we are about 60 miles
outside of Dallas so there is plenty of shopping if you must. we like it

KoolDude79's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:06 PM
Buckethand, I live in town like that too, only in Southern, Illinois.
The population is 350!!!! Shit, I need to fucking move!

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/27/06 10:12 PM
I live in Phoenix...and the heat SUCKS. It might be a "dry heat" but
112 is FUCKING HOT no matter how you slice it. Although I will say that
it's nice to wear a tshirt and jeans in November...better than the snow.
I'm originally from Nebraska...and I don't miss the snow a bit.


michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:16 AM
HEY,,, "MO" it is so slow in this sleepy lil' MILL is th only
good reason crossett is even on a map!
but don't go to th "Big Easy"(N.O. La.) 'cause it's still kinda tore up
donw there from th storms...they are doing th best that they can...but
things are slow,thank you Bush Admin.,and for th oh so fast responses of
FEMA,,,but I won't go off on that trail...too long and pisses me off...I
know you don't like th cold,but I saw a nice lil' city when I was in th
Rapid City S.D.,,,but you will freeze your ass off in th winter if you
don't have a good heater...Most places are cool tho,
and a lil' closer to home ,,,but a fair city,B'Ham Al.,,,
worked there doing my computer work,,,would be more to your
likings,,,city life,some good peoples,and some bad too but...
most cities will have them too,where ever you land...keep in touch,you
got friends here! See ya,'round these pages......M

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 02:01 AM
hi all its cool in ky to

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 08:51 AM
ok... thanks peeps... the small population areas are not really my cup
of tes-- tho I'm not knockin anyone for theirs!-- I need a lil more
people than 350! lol some civilization neva hurt nobody...what else?
any cities growin particularly wit jobs? so what'd ya'll do for a
living. I'll be graduating but I have no idea what I want to do as a
career-- I thawt maybe mivin to another city mite help?

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 08:57 AM
I know of a city that you might like,,,ever been to Las Vegas???
this city is on th GROW! has lots of jobs and folks from all around
visit,,,find a place,short comute,good weather for most of th year,and
th city never sleeps! sounds like an add.....M.

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 08:57 AM
in michigan there is grand rapids, lansing and ann arbor or you could
visit the other side of the state and look in birmingham, rochester etc.
but if you don't like the cold i'd skip michigan. it depends on what
kind of occupation your degree will support also. there are alot of big
corporations head quartered in southern missouri and northern
arkansas(that's where i might be headed) and texas has alot of
opportunities and nice weather. north carolina ain't too far from you
and tennessee is just around the bend, good luck monique

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/28/06 09:37 AM

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 09:50 AM
"T" wish..............M.

cowboy112259's photo
Sat 10/28/06 09:51 AM
Broken arrow Oklahoma..The crime rate is very low here and we have
eveything you could want in a small town,and we are just a few minutes
from Tulsa whitch is a larger city.I have lived here for 20 some years
and wouldnt live anywhere else,i love it here.And the schools are top
notch also.

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:17 AM

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:19 AM

TERRANCE0's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:19 AM

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:21 AM
wussa matter "T" just ribbin' ya man...M.

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:38 AM
MONIQUE,, You said you are at Atlanta now? You may have been here
before? Panama City Beach, Florida. You've got inexspensive living?
And sailing, surfing, miles of white beach,
All kinds of clubs, and parties? It's end-less on things to do and
AFTER spring break--is the coolist time to be there? But if your
looking for a mate That's one place you should be able to have a wide
choice of them? Many other area's arond there that would have the city
your looking for?????

Ontario's photo
Sat 10/28/06 11:00 AM
I,ve been to Atlanta, and I understand why you must go...its the arm pit
of America... and so are most the other places recommended....except
maybe Richmond, Virginia...!

I proudly recommend Santa Monica, CA... its pricey, but worth the joy
and peace of mind you get.
The Beach...the sidewalk cafe,s..the nightlife is unbeatible, not to
mention the weather.

brandy12345's photo
Sat 10/28/06 11:02 AM
I live in a bad Pleasantville movie were everyone smiles and waves and
the keys stay in my truck all the time. Dont even have a key to my
front door. it is great!!!!!I lived in tulsa my whole life and I hated
it. But it is getting cold as hell already.Sandoval Illinois.

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