Topic: Disorderly = death.....
adj4u's photo
Thu 10/04/07 12:48 PM
i think you missed my point

the point is they could involk the

patriot act if they wish to

it having nothing to do with it

is correct

adj4u's photo
Thu 10/04/07 03:11 PM
just because they don't

does not mean they can't

how many liberies will

you give up

for a

false sense



no photo
Thu 10/04/07 05:48 PM
Shakes me haid n rollz me eyez.

Hey Spider I'm with you on this one. The police have entirely too much power. On the one hand we need the police to have power to protect the peace, but on the other hand, since you can't trust them, you need them to have less power. Its a tough call.

I knew someone who was tossed in the slammer for a traffic ticket, Didn't show for court and then got stopped again before taking care of it. The cops stole her money when she was being let out of jail. And the stole the person's money before her too because she witnessed an ongoing argument about it.

The process went like this. When you check in they take all your possessions including cash, which they count. Then they write down the wrong amount, give you a wink wink, then promise to look out for you while you're in jail, then they toss you in with whoever and ignore you till they let you out. Then they give you the incorrect amount back. Apparently this is institutionalized, as they have the power and nobody can challenge them. Cops, gotta trust them anyway. Where do they find those guys?

adj4u's photo
Thu 10/04/07 07:16 PM
well at giego if you ask for a

bisquit w/butter in jam

they give you a

bisquit w/butter in jam

drinker smokin flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:03 PM
She choked herself trying to get the cuffs off! Sounds like it was her own fault and she caused her own death! "STUPID" Plain and simple, she thought she was being smart and caused her death! She had to being thinking, Ooops, I ****ed up good then!!!

I didnt read anything about her being mentaly disturbed. She was pissed and acting like an ass. Her own stupidity killed her!!!

I feel real compassion for people. Not this internet motivated bull**** you pull!!! I would guess to say that if you thought it didnt make you look good you wouldnt show ****! You can read your comments and tell that!

Take your bleeding heart, oooh dont I impress you attitude to the bathroom with you when you go spank your monkey!!!

no photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:32 PM

When you actually meet someone who is mentally ill, you will be surprised. Many have lucid periods and non-lucid periods. Stress will often cause a mentally ill person to enter a non-lucid period. I have family members who are mentally ill, their problems can come on in an instant. But assuming that she's not truely mentally ill, perhaps she was having a reaction to medicine? She was going through withdrawls? Who knows, instead of jumping to conclusions, wouldn't the more prudent path be to wait until all the information comes out? And regardless of what was going on, can't you show respect for the dead? How about for her family, which is in mourning? Her kids? We all die and everybody deserves respect after they die.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 10/04/07 10:44 PM
Your naive! I'm 48 years old, and have been around more times than ever will if you live to be 90 years old. Do you really imagine I haven't met people who are really mentally ill? Ive been married twice, have 4 brothers, 4 sisters, traveled through 40 states, lived in 7, spent 4 yrs in the military and traveled through ten European countries as well as Mexico!

As far as her family, they should be well aware of her problems and ways. Probably, although they grieve, they would agree with me, unless they want pity for a trivial lawsuit. That by the way would be called getting rich off the death of their poor family member and truly be trivial and IMO disgusting!

Let's face it they have no grounds for a lawsuit based on anything the cops did, the woman was acting out and showing her ass! She caused her own death, Period......

no photo
Fri 10/05/07 06:25 AM

How many places you have been, how old you are, how many family members you have are all meaningless information. The question is how could you have experianced all that and not feel compassion? How could you not realize that making jokes at the expense of the dead is grotesque? You claim to have met people who are mentally ill and I don't doubt that. But it's pretty obvious that you didn't learn anything from the experiance. I think life is less about bragging rights about where you have been and what you have done and far more about learning from your experiances.

TheCaptain's photo
Fri 10/05/07 07:15 AM
To the people who are upset at the police response. What are you going to say when a 55-year old woman, throwing a tantrum, left alone because we want to show compassion for her disorder, kills someone else at the airport? How about a child? The you say the police are inept because they did not do the right thing. You can't have it both ways.

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/05/07 07:35 AM
she was detained and isolated in a holding cell

she was no longer a threat to anyone

the cuffs should have been removed

the prisoners in detention for murder

are not hand cuffed when detained in a cell

what she did was wrong

how it was handled was wrong as well

gardenforge's photo
Fri 10/05/07 07:45 AM
I agree with Fanta, people have to be held responsible for their own actions. Unfortunately the norm in today's society is to try to find someone to blame every time a person does something incredibly stupid. Somebody in the family knew she was going to an alcoholic treatment center because they told the news media about it. Why didn't someone in the family go with her? If she was that unstable, her family should not have allowed her to travel alone of course that would require her family to accept some responsibility instead of trying to blame the whole mess on the police.

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/05/07 07:58 AM
yes the woman is responsible

for her actions

she should not have done what she did

maybe a family member could share a little
of that responsibility maybe not

but the security force needs to accept responsibility
for their actions as well

just be cause she did wrong

does not mean that it can be handled in
harsh inhuman manner

when she was detained in a holding cell
there is no reason for her to have her
hands tied

they do not even do that to murderers nor pedafiles

and she was not even convicted of any wrong doing
at this point

responsibility is a two way street

security force needs to be responsible as well

no photo
Fri 10/05/07 09:45 AM
Obviously the woman had problems and obviously a person has to be responsible for their own behavior. I do not fault security for interceding on behalf of the public. I do not know whether they might have handled matters more deftly and resolved the issue more easily or not. I do, however, fault security for not seeing to her safety while in their custody.

The more I ear about this the more sympathetic I feel towards the woman and her plight, the more anger I feel that security did not take reasonable precautions for a woman who was in obvious distress. I do not think they needed to leave her with handcuffs on locked in a room by herself under any circumstances. You might think that her screaming might be a sign that she was having problems. It seems to me that the security should have been able to be aware of that. Further it seems that a reasonable person should have been able to know that there was a problem.

Personally I think the airport and the airport security should be liable in a law suit. If the family does not sue the hell out of them both I will be disappointed. This woman may have gone on to live a wonderful life after a little bit of professional help. It is inexcusable that security deprived her of this.

Fanta, you are out of touch. I still consider your making a joke out of this woman's death to be offensive ind in horrible taste. I don't think you have a whole lot of reasoning power anyway so this should not surprise me, but with the liberal stance you usually take I am surprised to find you coming down on the side of police and against the insignificant and meek.

When authority crushes people with mental problems and without power to defend themselves that authority should be questioned and taken to task for its actions.

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/05/07 02:08 PM

davinci1952's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:01 PM
S'pose it would help to see the policy that the security people were operating most over blown agencies there was probably an overlapping of
policies...their own company security operations & homeland security...another example
of a bloated government agency that does not communicate.....her responsibility
to "behave" is not the question is: where did the authority for their
response come from...
and was it a policy...or something made up?..

and for anyone devoid of compassion....keep that in mind when you are elderly riddled
with altzheimers and strapped to a bed in 4 pt restraints and left for 8 - 12 hours at
a a world without compassion that is the future for many...

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:15 PM

i did not need the last paragragh

:cry: :cry:

drinker drinker

davinci1952's photo
Fri 10/05/07 05:23 PM
sorry adj4u...haha....keep taking herbs...and I dont mean the
kind you smoke...

adj4u's photo
Fri 10/05/07 05:26 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

JonnyTsunami's photo
Fri 10/05/07 06:59 PM
laugh Ah Davinci, were it not for The Wild Wood Weed, we might all be confineed to Shiner...
We all know that normally leads to Blindness, of which seems to be the subject matter of this very post...
noway But when we got a drug crazed half whit for President making a bunck of Draconian Laws and runnung terror alrets every other week or two...

There are bound to be problems,and there are, so all I gotta say is Stay The Flock away from cops and if you goot be within the midst of them ignore all of them and just keep to your own chit...

Fanta46's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:10 PM
If you make one more personal attack on me Im going to report you!!!


Address the topic and quit following me around and singling out my opinion because its different than your usual self-centered ignoramous approach to most issues!

Understand, little man!!!!