Topic: Disorderly = death.....
adj4u's photo
Mon 10/01/07 03:40 PM

it all in the interpretation

Britty's photo
Mon 10/01/07 05:14 PM
It appears that the woman was on her way to an alcohol treatment center. It is sad for her family but more so for the three young children.

JonnyTsunami's photo
Mon 10/01/07 05:49 PM
Young People ,always so concerned about Death,why not just Live like your going to die tomarrow. laugh

I think it was a Country singer Garth Brooks that said that and he was right! :wink:

BoaterMatt's photo
Mon 10/01/07 08:54 PM
I do. Whatever was brought about by her stupidity is her own damn fault.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Mon 10/01/07 11:30 PM
i agree with boatermatt, philosopher and gardenforge. This woman was out of control. The airlines are way OUT of control. Their fares are obscene, they overbook, throw passengers off now for the slightest infractions like the woman who was wearing the mini skirt. LORD HAVE MERCY! they threw a PAID CUSTOMER OFF A FLIGHT FOR A MINI SKIRT? Who created the "passengers DRESS CODE" for petes sakes!! You hear...FLY THE FRIENDLY SKYS!!!.....REALLY??:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

gardenforge's photo
Tue 10/02/07 08:43 AM
The sad fact is that if she was really that determined to get to Tucson and couldn't wait for the next flight, there is a shuttle bus that runs regularly scheduled trips from the Airport to various places in Tucson. Cost is about $20. Further if she was on her way to an Alcoholic Treatment Center, why the heck didn't the family send someone with her?

Oh and Invisible the reason I posted the comment about liberals is because the liberals were already gearing up their rant about police over reaction and blaming the police for her death. There are still those who say she should have been watched. If the police have to assign an officer to watch every person who is arrested soon there will be no cops on the street.

Britty's photo
Tue 10/02/07 09:10 AM
I was thinking pretty much the same gardenforge, another sad case where there is a lot more to this than meets the eye.

davinci1952's photo
Tue 10/02/07 09:25 AM
handcuff them...throw them in a room alone..and walk away....

thats a great plan...

adj4u's photo
Tue 10/02/07 10:10 AM
when did the fact she was going to alcohol treatment come out

maybe the family was told she was taking a vacation

and she was seeking treatment on her own

trying to handle the problem before other found out

we must not be so quick to "judge" (word of the week it seems)

without full knowledge of the issue

but hey what do i know

no photo
Tue 10/02/07 08:46 PM
"She got her cell phone, broke it on a couple of customers and she threw it on the floor, hit them," the woman said.

If this is true, then she should have been handcuffed, arrested and tried. Missing your flight is no excuse to commit assault.

adj4u's photo
Wed 10/03/07 08:23 AM
well i can agree with that spider

but once she is in the holding cell

cuffs should have been removed

as she is only a danger to herself at that point

Fanta46's photo
Wed 10/03/07 08:47 AM
I bet the last thing that went through her mind was, "Damn that was stupid!"

davinci1952's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:02 AM
what is apparent in most of the responses to this thread is the general lack of compassion....
oh she deserves what she gets...lets label them & forget them...

no photo
Wed 10/03/07 11:27 AM
I have no shortage of compassion here. I think the woman was mistreated and neglected. I still don't think that had anything to do with the patriot act. It had everything to do with airport security precautions, because she was behaving erratically, irrationally, out of control.

It is the responsibility of security to protect people from others who are acting in some irrational manner. That does not relieve the security department of responsibility for the reasonable treatment of the woman though. Leaving a woman with signs of mental instability unsupervised and restrained seems inexcusable to me. I would expect it to put someone already mentally unstable, over the edge.

Fanta, that was insensitive. Where do you get off? You want to speculate about a woman's last thoughts when she was choking to death, trapped in a room by herself by making some joke out of it? What kind of person are you? And put on some damn pants, nobody here wants to look at your picture that way.

davinci1952's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:04 PM
we agree philosopher...

I worked at a state hospital for 12 years...saw many many mental disorders
in the clients there....very humbling work...and if you didnt have compassion
you would not last in that job...

leaving her alone has no defense...

Britty's photo
Wed 10/03/07 03:43 PM

I wholeheartedly agree with that one. The woman needed someone to help her. It is unfortunate that she was travelling alone.

Sorry, as a woman I can't help but think of the childre first. I think when one is the mother of young children one must be aware of one's health, and seek help at the first opportunity if something is wrong.

When you have children it's for life, they should be the first priority, everything one does should be filtered by how it affects them. It does not mean I do not feel terribly sorry for her and would prefer that someone helped her before it was too late but adults need to be responsible for themselves also. Those little innocents may have to relive the anguish of losing their mom many times during their lives. Common sense and a little life experience tells me there are various factors at play here. If that was a friend of mine I hope I would have been quick to discern there may be a problem and offered whatever help I could.

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 10/04/07 10:22 AM
This situation just goes to show that when someone is having a mental health crisis they truely are on their own and defintely at risk if the police get involved. Any reasonable person would see that this person was a risk to others true but also a risk to herself. To leave her unattended was neglect in my view but hardly unusual in my experience. Perhaps if she were bleeding to death she would have had a chance but seeing that her mind was in melt down was hardly hard to diagnosis even by the most limited mentality. Isolation does not calm hysteria and is not a treatment; this was only incarceration and it is neglect even abuse. I hope her kids have a first class attorney that sues the pants off of this airport and it's security officers. It won't bring back their mother but it may mean that there is some justice in the world that neglects a Mother in health even if it was a mental health crisis. Being hysterical over a missed flight is not normal even if it turned out that it was for essential treatment for a condition that was ruining her life and the lives of her children which I suspect is why she reacted the way she did. Sending "patients" to treatment on common carrier unescorted is lunacy in itself. But in most theraputic situations they have no liability until you reach their doors and are signed in. Even then it is iffy.

Twitch's photo
Thu 10/04/07 10:27 AM
Maybe I'm wrong here, but why would any family let this poor woman travel alone to a rehab. Where was the compassion when they handcuffed her and put her in a cell. Did anyone call her family? Did anyone try and comfront her? Common sense wasn't used in this situation. I feel for her kids.

no photo
Thu 10/04/07 10:34 AM
Just this week...

I saw a defendant ask a question to a DA before court. The DA was very rude and insulting to the defendant. The defendant went back to where he was sitting and started complaining about the treatment he receieved and the DA said "Don't get lippy, I'll keep you here all F*ckin' day".

I also saw a man who had no money to pay his tickets, but he promised to someone make the money in a month so that he could pay the tickets. The DA (different one) suggested that the Judge postpone the trial, because he believed the defendant. The judge allowed the continuance and as the defendant left the courtroom with his attorney, the judge remarked "If I was him, I would just get a gun and kill myself. It wouldn't be worth living. Somebody just shoot me." All the while the officers in the court and the Judge herself laughed and giggled.

My point is that there are some really crappy people in the Legal system and in the police force. They SHOULD have been watching the woman. It was appropriate that she was handcuffed and put into a holding cell, but someone should have been watching her while she was in there.

Twitch's photo
Thu 10/04/07 10:38 AM
I've been in recovery for 15 yrs (alcohol) and I've been taught and through first hand experience that when a person is under the influence (or other) they need to be watched. I've had people try and jump out of my car on the way to detox. It's a shame that our society has gotten so narrow minded. Whatever happened to just being human and being touched by someone's pain.