Topic: Wow, Just Wow! Unbelieveable! | |
you know what happens when you assume the facts.... when did you ever see a cop not give chase to a fleeing suspect ?? chief vance stated the officer "did not give chase because the suspects turned down a side street and crashed into a tree" that is the biggest crock of bull i've ever heard in my life....this is irresponsible reporting at best and jumping to conclusions... produce the dash-cam video, if there is one, to show whether or not these kids were, in fact, pulled over and then fled...or just a high-speed chase until they crashed into the tree.... |
what does it matter ??? are you kiddin' me..? when you can prove to me, beyond a shadow of doubt that this wasn't some over-zealous cop, hell-bent on catching these criminals that he didn't use his squad car to take out the rear end of the suspects car and possibly ram them into that tree then i might agree with you....have you ever heard of passive pursuit ? far too many innocent victims have been killed or maimed do to high-speed chases that got out of hand.... Uh, in the USA, a party is presumed innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around, and that includes police officers. |
what does it matter ??? are you kiddin' me..? when you can prove to me, beyond a shadow of doubt that this wasn't some over-zealous cop, hell-bent on catching these criminals that he didn't use his squad car to take out the rear end of the suspects car and possibly ram them into that tree then i might agree with you....have you ever heard of passive pursuit ? far too many innocent victims have been killed or maimed do to high-speed chases that got out of hand.... Uh, in the USA, a party is presumed innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around, and that includes police officers. officers of the law are held to a higher standard than an ordinary citizen, they carry weapons and have the power to apprehend citizens...that is why there is a need for video recording of everything they do while on officer should leave the police station without properly working equipment.. they wouldn't leave with bald tires on their cruiser or a bent barrel on their pistol..and they should have an operable dash-cam and a body-cam at all times...that is why i say, produce the video of the incident, it should be a very easy thing to do, as someone has already mentioned, so why hasn't that happened ? surely you are not so naive to believe that ALL officers NEVER abuse the power entrusted to them ? like i said, those cameras are a good cops best friend...and a bad cops worst enemy....kinda like an eyewitness that doesn't make mistakes... |
Edited by
Mon 11/03/14 08:54 PM
What does any of it matter? First, that they stole a car to go joy riding seems to be a confirmed fact. Second, pulled over and then ran or high speed chase from the beginning, they were running from the police at high speed, another fact, they were running. Third, a tree was not in the middle of the road but they managed to hit it, another confirmed fact. And lastly, now they need to face the consequences of their actions, driving recklessly kills. Also, the responsible guardians should be held accountable which in today's world would be the state as they have assumed the responsibility of having children as wards of the state. They should prosecute the parents for being irresponsible in the control of the wards of the state and be placed in involuntary servitude in a corporate prison environment until the corporate state has received full restitution for their loss. what does it matter ??? are you kiddin' me..? when you can prove to me, beyond a shadow of doubt that this wasn't some over-zealous cop, hell-bent on catching these criminals that he didn't use his squad car to take out the rear end of the suspects car and possibly ram them into that tree then i might agree with you....have you ever heard of passive pursuit ? far too many innocent victims have been killed or maimed do to high-speed chases that got out of hand.... as for the remark on involuntary servitude in a corporate prison....i can only laugh... Kidding you, why would I want to "kid" you? And just what does it matter? Would you really understand? Over-zealous cop, that would infer one that had no probable cause which in this instance doesn't even seem to be dispute, the car was stolen and the perpetrators didn't seem to want to be held accountable. If the stop was by a pit maneuver, then so be it, their parents should have taught them responsibility, to be responsible for their actions. But then that would have prevented the theft in the first place, wouldn't it. Oh wait a minute, THESE parents and responsibility, not likely. And to emphasise the point, now they want to not only shed responsibility but to try and shift it elsewhere. Passive pursuit, now it must be you that is kidding yourself. I say it that way because I'm not kidded at all. Yes there have been many an innocent person killed or maimed because of high speed pursuits. And there have been many an innocent person killed or maimed without the pursuit. That is why the pit maneuver is so effective, if done responsibility the only injured persons should be the perpetrators and then the peace has been restored. And of course you could only laugh, seems appropriate somehow! |
Edited by
Mon 11/03/14 09:05 PM
you know what happens when you assume the facts.... when did you ever see a cop not give chase to a fleeing suspect ?? chief vance stated the officer "did not give chase because the suspects turned down a side street and crashed into a tree" that is the biggest crock of bull i've ever heard in my life....this is irresponsible reporting at best and jumping to conclusions... produce the dash-cam video, if there is one, to show whether or not these kids were, in fact, pulled over and then fled...or just a high-speed chase until they crashed into the tree.... I don't know about the States but where I live in Calgary; the police do not give chase to a vehicle as a high speed chase would endager other lives as well as the stolen car. Here we have the Hawks helicopter find them and the police close in on them. There was a person on my last shift speeding down the highway at over 200 kms and the only course of action was to put out the spike belts as many more would have been injured if they hadn't. It was sad of what happened to these kids but it could have been much worse as they could have driven into another car or cars and killed even more people. |
question @ navygirl.....when the spike belts were used were there any injuries to the perpetrator or was the car brought to a quick safe stop ?
what does it matter ??? are you kiddin' me..? when you can prove to me, beyond a shadow of doubt that this wasn't some over-zealous cop, hell-bent on catching these criminals that he didn't use his squad car to take out the rear end of the suspects car and possibly ram them into that tree then i might agree with you....have you ever heard of passive pursuit ? far too many innocent victims have been killed or maimed do to high-speed chases that got out of hand.... Uh, in the USA, a party is presumed innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around, and that includes police officers. the problem is, there is more than one party,, so which one should be 'presumed' innocent? |
op as others have said it is a tragedy due to the loss and those hurt ... and if they had cameras in the squad car or on the police officer will certainly help ... but really no blame of the police ... these youth stole a car all knowing what they where doing ... could have even been high not sure ... but the one driving is usually the one that is at fault for a accidents... others are just passengers except they all where in a stolen car... that might be different ... an the police do chase after someone in stolen cars ... knowing full well this might have been a stolen car ring ... they don't always know that either till they get them ... stolen car chase or not sounds like the kids fault ... and they all new better ... hell of a lesson to learn from being one died an another hurt and another going for life ... could be becouse of the death ...if they where the driver ... driver still a live counts so far one murder reckless driving ...and a few more to throw the book at them for ... I am sure ... just becouse of a stolen car... they are doing their job going after someone who stole a car ... but may she R.I.P. loosing a child can take a toll on your well being ... sad sometimes kids can't learn in other ways right and wrongs ...
question @ navygirl.....when the spike belts were used were there any injuries to the perpetrator or was the car brought to a quick safe stop ? Car was brought to a safe stop with only minor injuries to the perpetrators. |
question @ navygirl.....when the spike belts were used were there any injuries to the perpetrator or was the car brought to a quick safe stop ? Honestly; even if the people did get serioulsy injured; it was better them having them run loose and either hurt or kill other innocent people with their recklessness. |
question @ navygirl.....when the spike belts were used were there any injuries to the perpetrator or was the car brought to a quick safe stop ? Honestly; even if the people did get serioulsy injured; it was better them having them run loose and either hurt or kill other innocent people with their recklessness. Yeah, but the big issue is the parents, well in this case I understand only one as dad is unknown. Now, if I had been caught stealing a car, I would pray the police take me to jail as I would not have wanted to face my mom (and I would hope she got to me before dad). But that's ok, today's parents have no morals remaining, so how can they pass them along? Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith. -Alexis de Tocqueville Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society. -Benjamin Franklin |
question @ navygirl.....when the spike belts were used were there any injuries to the perpetrator or was the car brought to a quick safe stop ? Honestly; even if the people did get serioulsy injured; it was better them having them run loose and either hurt or kill other innocent people with their recklessness. i agree with you completely on this ^^ and i'm glad the intelligent people of Canada agree with me in halting the high-speed chases that are far more dangerous, not only to the innocent bystanders, but also the officers and perpetrators they pursue......thank you, navygirl... |
Yeah, but the big issue is the parents, well in this case I understand only one as dad is unknown. Now, if I had been caught stealing a car, I would pray the police take me to jail as I would not have wanted to face my mom (and I would hope she got to me before dad). But that's ok, today's parents have no morals remaining, so how can they pass them along? the big issue isn't parents at all.... this is shifting the blame with 20/20 hindsight....i'll give it to you...yeah mama was crack ho and papa was a rolling what...little johnny didn't get spanked when he was growing up, but now its 10 years later and little johnny is speeding in stolen car...society has to deal with him in todays real time world, how we do that is to apprehend him in the safest manner possible with the lowest risk of injury or death to all concerned........i'm sure we have the capability to take him out with missile delivered by a drone aircraft...that would probably cost the taxpayers less than giving a 15yo kid a chance at rehabilitating himself... the measure of any civilized society is the manner in which they treat the criminals that live among them..... |
Where was the "father" during all this? Maybe the law should be blaming the parents for conduct caused by lack of parenting? Based on the looks and appearance of the mother I am guessing he is in prison. |
parents cant ride in their childrens pockets,,,,
the parents already have the consequence of losing their child,,, |
you know what happens when you assume the facts.... when did you ever see a cop not give chase to a fleeing suspect ?? chief vance stated the officer "did not give chase because the suspects turned down a side street and crashed into a tree" that is the biggest crock of bull i've ever heard in my life....this is irresponsible reporting at best and jumping to conclusions... produce the dash-cam video, if there is one, to show whether or not these kids were, in fact, pulled over and then fled...or just a high-speed chase until they crashed into the tree.... I'm not assuming any facts. I am accepting the facts, as stated by the police dept, to be true. That is their job. That is part of being a professional. When I state the facts on a project I am working on, people "assume" I am telling them the truth. I separate my opinion from my observation of the "facts". Police are supposed to do the same thing but seldom does their opinion officially enter the picture. I am not saying that some police don't lie or that occasionally they don't cover up their mistakes, but I don't see any reason for them to lie here because the crash is the kids' fault any way you look at it. I think you are finding "hate" where it doesn't exist. That is what Jackson and Sharpton do. i'll reiterate for the last time.....produce the dash-cam video and it will lay all doubt and assumptions to rest about the facts in this case...the video will show the entire chase sequence as it happened in real time including the arresting officer standing idly by while the suspects fled... as for any hate...i only brought attention to the hateful comments by those who made them here on this do stupid things every day....those nasty things said about the mother were highly inappropriate and deserved or not, should be kept to oneself...some of our most outstanding citizens have had their children run afoul of the law at times.. they shouldn't be raked over the coals as terrible people because of bad decisions made by their children..... ![]() There are ways to investigate a crime without video. I do it on a daily basis. The whole argument of show me the video is well pointless. |
What does any of it matter? First, that they stole a car to go joy riding seems to be a confirmed fact. Second, pulled over and then ran or high speed chase from the beginning, they were running from the police at high speed, another fact, they were running. Third, a tree was not in the middle of the road but they managed to hit it, another confirmed fact. And lastly, now they need to face the consequences of their actions, driving recklessly kills. Also, the responsible guardians should be held accountable which in today's world would be the state as they have assumed the responsibility of having children as wards of the state. They should prosecute the parents for being irresponsible in the control of the wards of the state and be placed in involuntary servitude in a corporate prison environment until the corporate state has received full restitution for their loss. what does it matter ??? are you kiddin' me..? when you can prove to me, beyond a shadow of doubt that this wasn't some over-zealous cop, hell-bent on catching these criminals that he didn't use his squad car to take out the rear end of the suspects car and possibly ram them into that tree then i might agree with you....have you ever heard of passive pursuit ? far too many innocent victims have been killed or maimed do to high-speed chases that got out of hand.... as for the remark on involuntary servitude in a corporate prison....i can only laugh... Even IF the cop clipped the car (a LEGAL move called a PIT maneuver to end a car chase) it doesn't show anything more then a bunch of punks who committed a crime then committed another one by running from law enforcement. I love the hippies and moon bats that are just to jump all over police officers for doing their job. |
dash cams aren't that expensive,,,,the cost of one police car could probably furnish 250 others with a cam
what does it matter ??? are you kiddin' me..? when you can prove to me, beyond a shadow of doubt that this wasn't some over-zealous cop, hell-bent on catching these criminals that he didn't use his squad car to take out the rear end of the suspects car and possibly ram them into that tree then i might agree with you....have you ever heard of passive pursuit ? far too many innocent victims have been killed or maimed do to high-speed chases that got out of hand.... Uh, in the USA, a party is presumed innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around, and that includes police officers. officers of the law are held to a higher standard than an ordinary citizen, they carry weapons and have the power to apprehend citizens...that is why there is a need for video recording of everything they do while on officer should leave the police station without properly working equipment.. they wouldn't leave with bald tires on their cruiser or a bent barrel on their pistol..and they should have an operable dash-cam and a body-cam at all times...that is why i say, produce the video of the incident, it should be a very easy thing to do, as someone has already mentioned, so why hasn't that happened ? surely you are not so naive to believe that ALL officers NEVER abuse the power entrusted to them ? like i said, those cameras are a good cops best friend...and a bad cops worst enemy....kinda like an eyewitness that doesn't make mistakes... ![]() |
question @ navygirl.....when the spike belts were used were there any injuries to the perpetrator or was the car brought to a quick safe stop ? Car was brought to a safe stop with only minor injuries to the perpetrators. That is rare, even using spike strips. |