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Topic: Is time travel possible?
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Sat 11/08/14 10:41 AM
Measurement is the same as 3 particle entanglement.

The Quantum Conspiracy: What Popularizers of QM Don't Want You to Know
January 6, 2011

Presented by Ron Garret.


Richard Feynman once famously quipped that no one understands quantum mechanics, and popular accounts continue to promulgate the view that QM is an intractable mystery (probably because that helps to sell books). QM is certainly unintuitive, but the idea that no one understands it is far from the truth. In fact, QM is no more difficult to understand than relativity. The problem is that the vast majority of popular accounts of QM are simply flat-out wrong. They are based on the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of QM, which has been thoroughly discredited for decades. It turns out that if Copenhagen were true then it would be possible to communicate faster than light, and hence send signals backwards in time. This talk describes an alternative interpretation based on quantum information theory (QIT) which is consistent with current scientific knowledge. It turns out that there is a simple intuition that makes almost all quantum mysteries simply evaporate, and replaces them with an easily understood (albeit strange) insight: measurement and entanglement are the same physical phenomenon, and you don't really exist.


Rock's photo
Sat 11/08/14 12:37 PM
500 years ago, "modern" society scoffed at the notion of machines that could perform tasks, and allow less strenuous ground transport.

300 years ago, "modern" society began to realise, the industrial age.

200 years ago, "modern" society scoffed at the notion of motor powered winged flight.

100 years ago, "modern" society began to enjoy the conveniences of motor powered winged flight.
Yet, scoffed at the notion of space travel.

Approximately 53 years ago, modern society heard and saw, president John F. Kennedy pledge to put a man on the moon, "by the end of the decade." (1960s)

30 years ago, "modern" society scoffed at the notion of a black president in the united states....

What was inconceivable yesterday, may very well be the future brought by tomorrow.

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 11/08/14 03:31 PM

500 years ago, "modern" society scoffed at the notion of machines that could perform tasks, and allow less strenuous ground transport.

300 years ago, "modern" society began to realise, the industrial age.

200 years ago, "modern" society scoffed at the notion of motor powered winged flight.

100 years ago, "modern" society began to enjoy the conveniences of motor powered winged flight.
Yet, scoffed at the notion of space travel.

Approximately 53 years ago, modern society heard and saw, president John F. Kennedy pledge to put a man on the moon, "by the end of the decade." (1960s)

30 years ago, "modern" society scoffed at the notion of a black president in the united states....

What was inconceivable yesterday, may very well be the future brought by tomorrow.

.... Straw-man Argument. Nobody here is scoffing.

metalwing's photo
Sat 11/08/14 06:17 PM

According to the scientists I previously cited, time is a measurement that is one of the four dimensions of space-time.

The other three dimensions are length, width and height (or depth), and they are also measurements.

So, how does one travel forward or backward in measurements?

Good question. I noticed that measure was only for one dimension. Others would inevitably have other measurements for those specific.

At one time I had read quantum physicists theorized that there could be up to 122 different dimensions and versions of our reality of SELF. We can only figure out 10-11....with also a zero dimension.

When scientists actually demonstrate to the public that additional dimensions exist, then I will believe it.

They're working on it.
"Our findings show that if these quantum black holes exist, they must be beyond the current energy reach of the LHC," Strom said.

In 2015, the LHC will restart and be capable of producing nearly twice the energy as it has in previous runs. This will help researchers see if heavier quantum black holes might exist, as well as extra dimensions of reality.

Large Hadron Collider Hasn't Created Any Black Holes, Despite Early Fearshttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/02/lhc-black-hole_n_5249511.html

The CERN black holes were never any danger, they evaporate so quickly. Primordial black holes are another story. They could bump into us at any time. Primordial black holes would have formed just after the big bang while the universe was super hot and super dense.

metalwing's photo
Sat 11/08/14 06:30 PM
I just saw the movie "Interstellar" which is an excellent film. It is somewhat of a cross between the old "2001 a space odyssey" and "Lost in Space". The robot was really cool.

The premise of the movie used modern physics theories to good effect with time travel, both forward and backwards, wormholes, black holes, and what we are learning about possible habitable planets around other stars.

One of the lines in the movie was almost a quote of mine about time and gravity being able to cross dimensional barriers. :smile: They went into GREAT DETAIL as to how time works in Relativity.

AndydrivsaLeaf's photo
Sat 11/29/14 04:30 AM
Time is a function of mass and energy. Sadly there is nothing I can find interesting to do with it unless there is a way to transcend reality.

brucebannerhulk's photo
Sat 01/10/15 01:56 PM
no time travel isn't possible. even if it is, u can only go to future not in past. let me explain it through paradox in simple way....suppose u built a time machine because ure pet was hit by a car and u want to go back in past and stop it frm happening but if u stop it in past then u won't be building a time machine so u wont go in past and this goes again and again. thats one principle of paradox that says time travel can't take u to past

no photo
Sat 01/10/15 02:09 PM
Edited by Happiness2U on Sat 01/10/15 02:12 PM

no photo
Sat 01/10/15 02:19 PM
Apparently, light travels at about 186,000 miles per second.

If One was able to travel faster then the speed of light, then hypothetically You could catch-up to the light that has been dispensed from a past event. Thus, recording an event as the light from that past event catches-up to You (The Observer) again. The only problem is, You still wouldn't be able to do anything about the event that You've perceived again. You'd only be able to see the event again as it occurred in the past, countless billions of miles back from the said event's original location.

I'm going Old-School on saying what I believe Isaac Newton thought about time. "It is constant and can not be changed." He would of scoffed at the idea of 'Time Travel.'

metalwing's photo
Sat 01/10/15 02:36 PM

Apparently, light travels at about 186,000 miles per second.

If One was able to travel faster then the speed of light, then hypothetically You could catch-up to the light that has been dispensed from a past event. Thus, recording an event as the light from that past event catches-up to You (The Observer) again. The only problem is, You still wouldn't be able to do anything about the event that You've perceived again. You'd only be able to see the event again as it occurred in the past, countless billions of miles back from the said event's original location.

I'm going Old-School on saying what I believe Isaac Newton thought about time. "It is constant and can not be changed." He would of scoffed at the idea of 'Time Travel.'

Actually Newton was wrong. Einstein's theories have been well proven and show that time is extremely flexible. Newton may have been the smartest human to ever live but his Laws of physics only apply to a part of space/time when viewed from a certain perspective. Sadly, if Newton had been parked in front of a black hole with modern instruments, we may have learned a lot more.:smile:

no photo
Sat 01/10/15 02:44 PM
We must define time. spock

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 01/10/15 02:52 PM


no photo
Sat 01/10/15 02:53 PM
A better question... Can light be effected by the Doppler effect?

After all, light's speed in all its wavelengths may not be constant. smokin

davidben1's photo
Sat 01/10/15 02:57 PM

for to solve any matter, a mutual agreement of the definition of each word it self must be first accomplished.

and that's gonna be tuff, since humans naturally favor their own perspective on matters, and follow mostly only those outside them self whom they personally like..,

of course, why at this point in humankind humans have not solved the mysteries of the cosmos.

but the great "alien" invasion planned for humankind will force humankind to put aside their emotions and add all idea's together, to create a total sum of knowing, so humankind as one can move forward into the next golden era.

of peace and tranquility and no lack of want for all.

no photo
Sat 01/10/15 03:26 PM
Super Davidben1, You're the man for the job!

We need somebody to go faster than the speed of light, then come back and tell us all if time stands still and if the need for munchies escalated too.

davidben1's photo
Sat 01/10/15 03:29 PM

Super Davidben1, You're the man for the job!

We need somebody to go faster than the speed of light, then come back and tell us all if time stands still and if the need for munchies escalated too.

will indeed get right on that!


Conrad_73's photo
Sat 01/10/15 03:31 PM
there you have it!


Colliding black holes could warp space-time itself

If the two black holes meet, they could release as much energy as 100 million supernova explosions as they shatter their galaxy, a new study finds.

dcastelmissy's photo
Sat 01/10/15 04:48 PM
Edited by dcastelmissy on Sat 01/10/15 04:49 PM
Welcome to a new time and spacial dimension then ! drinker

davidben1's photo
Sat 01/10/15 06:53 PM

the exciting events of time travel...

we can already time travel on earth, albeit in intentionally delimited fashion...

by ascending out of the body and returning to it.

it is only the current molecular structure of the "physical body", that is not able to "time travel"...

and certainly it cannot be missed, that nearly ALL that was placed upon screen and print from just one generation ago, has now been made "reality"...

the subconscious minds of all "releasing" data into the world thru screen and print to then be "created"...

and it was fore writ by ancient wise sages that after 3 complete cycles of 6666 years of earth time for that "batch" of humans, evolution would begin the next advancement of the "human" child god species, into the ability of forward and reverse time as possible...

the "soul" of one self, or "self" in spirit form, being able to exit the body at will, and travel outside the restrictions of the human body.

this has already been done by many down through time, and in present days.

it has just not been broadly taught to ALL of humanity yet, but by 2018 it will be common occurrence...

children will be the easiest to teach, quickly mastyering witout fear such things...

as their minds are more "open" to portal or spirit data...

and some "christian" parents will harshly deem such things as "act of the devil and of "satan"...

and children will run away from parents homes, from seaing it on the "web", just for the opportunity to be around such "free thinkers", and accomplish such feats...

the world will be literally split down the middle as to a "satan" half, and a "god half"

all alive will have to decide which side they them self will choose.

a wild wild new world it shallbe.


tamitateo's photo
Sat 01/10/15 08:51 PM
Oh my I think i just swooned a little

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