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uche9aa's photo
Wed 10/01/14 03:53 AM
Edited by uche9aa on Wed 10/01/14 04:04 AM
Research and experiences have proved that divorce is more stressful to men than women.Many lives of men in their millions have been cut short because of divorce experiences.A Woman's emotion and body was designed to absolve shock and deal with it without much harm,but not that of men.If only you know the havoc you wreck on us when you file a divorce suit over frivolous and trivial issues that could be resolved if only more patience and time are allowed.Pls,consider these when next you are are provoked by our damned ego

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 10/01/14 04:28 AM

Research and experiences have proved that divorce is more stressful to men than women.Many lives of men in their millions have been cut short because of divorce experiences.A Woman's emotion and body was designed to absolve shock and deal with it without much harm,but not that of men.If only you know the havoc you wreck on us when you file a divorce suit over frivolous and trivial issues that could be resolved if only more patience and time are allowed.Pls,consider these when next you are are provoked by our damned ego

This thread calls for popcorn.

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 05:37 AM

Research and experiences have proved that divorce is more stressful to men than women.Many lives of men in their millions have been cut short because of divorce experiences.A Woman's emotion and body was designed to absolve shock and deal with it without much harm,but not that of men.If only you know the havoc you wreck on us when you file a divorce suit over frivolous and trivial issues that could be resolved if only more patience and time are allowed.Pls,consider these when next you are are provoked by our damned ego

Blanket statements such as this does not bode well for the common good...

uche9aa's photo
Wed 10/01/14 05:38 AM

Research and experiences have proved that divorce is more stressful to men than women.Many lives of men in their millions have been cut short because of divorce experiences.A Woman's emotion and body was designed to absolve shock and deal with it without much harm,but not that of men.If only you know the havoc you wreck on us when you file a divorce suit over frivolous and trivial issues that could be resolved if only more patience and time are allowed.Pls,consider these when next you are are provoked by our damned ego

This thread calls for popcorn.

Yea,thanks.Bu I like honey popcorn,not sugar

sparkyae5's photo
Wed 10/01/14 08:21 AM

Research and experiences have proved that divorce is more stressful to men than women.Many lives of men in their millions have been cut short because of divorce experiences.A Woman's emotion and body was designed to absolve shock and deal with it without much harm,but not that of men.If only you know the havoc you wreck on us when you file a divorce suit over frivolous and trivial issues that could be resolved if only more patience and time are allowed.Pls,consider these when next you are are provoked by our damned ego

poo poo

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 09:32 AM

Research and experiences have proved that divorce is more stressful to men than women.Many lives of men in their millions have been cut short because of divorce experiences.A Woman's emotion and body was designed to absolve shock and deal with it without much harm,but not that of men.If only you know the havoc you wreck on us when you file a divorce suit over frivolous and trivial issues that could be resolved if only more patience and time are allowed.Pls,consider these when next you are are provoked by our damned ego

Probably because some men shout a lot, a bit like you have shouted this topic at everyone by using capital letters to write it.

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 09:36 AM
Edited by fleta_n_mach on Wed 10/01/14 09:37 AM
eh, not from my experience with divorce. My ex, lawyers and court system broke my immune system with stress and pain. Stress can be loosely defined.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 10/01/14 09:42 AM
Lmao divorce effects men more then women nahh no way. 90% of the time the women end up with the kids while the man goes his merry way. Thinking that what little money they send and picking up the kids every other week if in fact they do either... Yea that is really hard on them. While the women have to figure out how to make ends meet, work a full time job, come home and tend to kids and the home..

Yea I can really see how that is more emotional on a man.

As far as divorcing over trivial issues I guess when the man decides to unzip their pants and see if the grass is greener on the other side that is trivial to some men..

I'm not bashing men and I know women do the same. But the Topic is about how stressful divorce is to a man. And pretty much saying that the women could have avoided the situation. And she can handle the stress..slaphead

Funny for I have never known anyone that got a divorce over frivolous or trivial reasons.... The ones that I know that are divorced is due to one or the other cheated... Or there was abuse either verbal or physical.

Both parties involved in a divorce are stressed out..... but to believe it stresses the men more I can not even agree with that at all...

ridewytepony's photo
Wed 10/01/14 10:18 AM
Edited by ridewytepony on Wed 10/01/14 10:25 AM
I don't know anything about research or am I talking about divorce in particular but its been my finding through life that many woman have the ability to 'turn it off' fast.It appears the pattetn I have experienced, they seemed very fickle.
Loving you madly one day, begging to take the relationship further and when you're completely committed they are going the other way.
It was a much older female friend that said to me when I was 29 that;

Woman fall fast but its more of a surface love and men take a long time but go deep.

thats been true in my life.
I think in some cases its just been an infatuation stage and they have been confused due to chemical releases.
I also have found that despite men getting a bad rap for not wanting to communicate, again its always been the other way around
and woman don't want to talk about the tough stuff and put the work in.waving

valtheponytail35's photo
Wed 10/01/14 10:33 AM
Speak for yourself, monkey-man. I'm fine with women having the equal choice of how and with who to spend their lives. And where's your source anyway?

mysticalview21's photo
Wed 10/01/14 10:44 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Wed 10/01/14 10:45 AM
what do the studies show... who ask for a divorce first ... man or women ... and I agree with TXs on this one... and if you have children it hits them pretty hard too...

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 10/01/14 11:27 AM

Research and experiences have proved that divorce is more stressful to men than women.Many lives of men in their millions have been cut short because of divorce experiences.A Woman's emotion and body was designed to absolve shock and deal with it without much harm,but not that of men.If only you know the havoc you wreck on us when you file a divorce suit over frivolous and trivial issues that could be resolved if only more patience and time are allowed.Pls,consider these when next you are are provoked by our damned ego

care to post some Links to support your Assertions?

And your Ego,Latin for "I" is only damned if you don't live up to it's potential!
Getting tiresome people using Latin to describe something,that is supposed so damn evil!laugh

HeadnHeart's photo
Wed 10/01/14 12:04 PM
Change Passionate to preposterous
and you might have somethin....

Goofball73's photo
Wed 10/01/14 12:07 PM
Man I love the Enquirer magazine. :thumbsup:

dreamerana's photo
Wed 10/01/14 12:21 PM
divorce is worst on the children.
adults have the opportunity to make choices, whether they are positive or not.
the children are the ones who get dragged through it. some parents use children as a bargaining tool for more money or in revenge against the other parent if they move on to a new relationship.
children are caught in the middle when their parents can't be civilized with each other and try to make a child pick one over the other.

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 12:32 PM
Divorce is not an easy path In life..think n think before U act....go for to families n good friends...its never easy ..please do not stay if spouse R violent n abusive.

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 12:47 PM
I think it depends on the relationship and the situation...

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 10/01/14 02:02 PM

Man I love the Enquirer magazine. :thumbsup:

Me too! It's where I get all my news.

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 03:15 PM

divorce is worst on the children.
adults have the opportunity to make choices, whether they are positive or not.
the children are the ones who get dragged through it. some parents use children as a bargaining tool for more money or in revenge against the other parent if they move on to a new relationship.
children are caught in the middle when their parents can't be civilized with each other and try to make a child pick one over the other.

You have the best answer to this topic.

no1phD's photo
Wed 10/01/14 03:18 PM
puts a hand full of popcorn in his mouth.. And thinks quietly to himself.
..hmmm.. very intresting..

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