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Topic: Dallas hospital isolates possible Ebola patient
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Wed 10/01/14 07:33 PM
Airborne is Dropplet spread. Expelled during coughing. Yes, airborne dropplets. Standard Precautions....

I do not get fevers. I have a low body temp., 97.4* Never get a fever. Not everyone's immune system raises body temp to fight infection.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 10/01/14 07:34 PM

This is from the CDC as well.

Incubation to death is an average of 12 days.

... By your chart 100% of them die after 12 days. I could not find anything within the CDC site that would give a timeline or a chart... They do say that it kills between 50% -90% of the people that contacted Ebola.. And seems the length of time depends on what care they were getting and if it was caught in the early stages.. Which even the early stages it is hard for them to detect.

Ohh and I would like to see your source on the chart it is not from CDC. Oh yea it is actually from ...........VOA News instead... yeppiers one I would trustnoway


The source of the picture is printed on the picture.slaphead rofl rofl

Where, on that chart is there any mention of 100%. Mah eyes must not bes a'woikin real good.laugh

Better look again that does not say CDC it says

U.S Centers of Disease and Control BBC

The drawing was done by Melina Yingling which is Graphics Reporter for a Newspaper.

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 07:35 PM

This is from the CDC as well.

Incubation to death is an average of 12 days.

... By your chart 100% of them die after 12 days. I could not find anything within the CDC site that would give a timeline or a chart... They do say that it kills between 50% -90% of the people that contacted Ebola.. And seems the length of time depends on what care they were getting and if it was caught in the early stages.. Which even the early stages it is hard for them to detect.

Ohh and I would like to see your source on the chart it is not from CDC. Oh yea it is actually from ...........VOA News instead... yeppiers one I would trustnoway


The source of the picture is printed on the picture.slaphead rofl rofl

Where, on that chart is there any mention of 100%. Mah eyes must not bes a'woikin real good.laugh

Better look again that does not say CDC it says

U.S Centers of Disease and Control BBC

The drawing was done by Melina Yingling which is Graphics Reporter for a Newspaper.

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 07:38 PM
Lets try to gleen what we can

from everyone..

we make Less mistakes than the Media and

our elected Officials

Keep in Mind We Pay the Bills


Read between the Lines... thanks detail

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 07:41 PM
Quarantine and Martial Law Operational Details: Those Afflicted Will Be Incarcerated And Isolated Against Their Will

excerpt from
Dave Hodges
September 19th, 2014

We also now know that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has put $560 million into the Global Fund which will be in charge of globally distributing and managing the disbursement of not only the Ebola vaccine, but the soon-to-be released HIV and TB vaccines as well. The fact that the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) is involved suggests that either the Ebola virus, or the vaccine, or both, have been weaponized.

It is time for a common sense quiz. Do you think that these aforementioned entities are going to expect a return on their collective investments? If the obvious answer is yes, then it is a foregone conclusion that millions of Americans are going to be victims of this Hegelian Dialectic and subsequently infected with the virus in order to set the stage for enormous profits derived from the implementation of the mandatory vaccine and the forced incarceration for the non-compliant.

Health Conditions Used As a Tool of Political Subjugation

The Obama administration has dusted off an old Executive Order (13295) and updated the EO and turned benign health conditions into a matter of national security and those afflicted with these benign health conditions will be incarcerated and isolated against their will.


Executive Order 13295 was amended by President Obama on July 31, 2014. Subsection (b) was replaced with the following:

(b) Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled. This subsection does not apply to influenza.

The later interpretation of Executive Order 13295 finds that anyone with Asthma, temporary upper respiratory illness and pneumonia can, and will be, quarantined. Asthma? Asthma is not contagious in any form. It is genetic, but not contagious. However, an estimated 10% of the population has asthma in some form. Considering the fact that is not contagious but widespread, it is likely that this Executive Order provides a means for administration to eliminate a chunk of dissidents by enforcing the asthma, upper respiratory infection and pneumonia patient quarantine policies of this executive order. None of these conditions have nothing to do with Ebola, however, the potential for political abuse should be apparent. Additionally, all health records are now sent to the IRS under Obamacare policies and procedures. This is strongly suggestive of prior planning along these lines.

Operational Details of the Coming Quarantine and Subsequent Martial Law

DHS will be in charge of the coming quarantines and martial law implementation. Yes, this means that the military will be subservient to the DHS dictates. The simple reason for this development is that Obama trusts the DHS a lot more that he trusts the military. Remember, Obama has seen fit to fire over 260 senior command officers. One of my former military sources has introduced to me, in the very early hours, of December 21, 2013, a General who was fired on December 14, 2013. The fired Generals job, among other duties, was to coordinate the various national guard units into a cohesive fighting force and to uniformly respond to a national threat (i.e. a pandemic outbreak). The performance reviews of this general had been stellar. However, he had seen an increasing Department of Homeland Security usurping of his authority over the past couple of years. As he related to me, the major problem started when he was ORDERED BY DHS TO STAND DOWN AND TURN OVER CONTROL OF THE NATIONAL GUARD EMERGENCY RESPONSE OPERATIONS PLANNING TO DHS. When he refused to sign off on the transfer of operational protocols, without the Presidents or a Joint Chiefs signature ordering him to do so, he was fired. If he had been given these orders from the chain of command he said he would have uniformly transferred National Guard authority to DHS. HE WAS FIRED BY DHS! SINCE WHEN DOES DHS RUN THE MILITARY? As he was fired he stated that he and his family were threatened if he went public. Further, my primary military source states that DHS will be in control of the American military when the Ebola crisis begins.

willing2's photo
Wed 10/01/14 08:08 PM
A 50 to 90% mortality rate in the Dallas/Ft Worth area sure would look good on Barry's jobs created resume, no?smokin

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 08:22 PM

A 50 to 90% mortality rate in the Dallas/Ft Worth area sure would look good on Barry's jobs created resume, no?smokin
Think about the Infrastructure and Real Estate they can

Refinance and Restructure and Resell???

Kind of like Iraq.... huh

Its like we've seen this before

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 08:24 PM

no photo
Wed 10/01/14 09:33 PM

A 50 to 90% mortality rate in the Dallas/Ft Worth area sure would look good on Barry's jobs created resume, no?smokin
Think about the Infrastructure and Real Estate they can

Refinance and Restructure and Resell???

Kind of like Iraq.... huh

Its like we've seen this before

except they want too kill the hardest working state aside from alaska

and the dakotas

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