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Topic: When she dodges your call...
Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/27/06 06:50 PM
I'm not generally one to just stop talking to someone...but sometimes
that's what it takes for the person to get the message that things are
just over.

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 06:59 PM
ok ok everyone,

So i tuk all the comments into consideration and emailed him.

We were actually talkin for goin on 6 months but certain things about
him just started annoyin me. Well it was the same things that annoyed me
before, i just accepted it as him and thawt it'd be ok. But what you
hate one moment is not gonna just go away. When my mom passed he was not
there for me like I needed him to be; he constantly drank on the
weekends, which jus so happened to be the only time we cud be together
b/cuz he works and I go to work and school thru the week. But when he
drank he was loud or sluggish, or wanted to go out with the boys. So I
said cool, y get upset? I'd go out wit my girls but he didnt like that
b/cuz he said I'm too friendly. I love sex, and wanna do it at least for
longer than 30 mins and he'd fall asleep after his first cum-- i'm like
what the hell?! but I'm a faithful person, so I'd just hav to charge
another nite to the game. He jus turned 30 and for his b-day I got him
this jacket and laptop bag he's ben talkin so much about. But enuf was

I'm trying to grow, and improve myself, and I can accept cristiscm. So I
wrote him, and told him my reason for just stopping to call, I'll let
you know what he says, if anything (he's one of those I'm-hard type
dudes, so nothing phases him)

gterry05's photo
Fri 10/27/06 07:40 PM
Ok, here is what I think. Whether it is a Man/Woman that you are no
longer interested in. There is still this thing called, "RESPECT". You
should ALWAYS let the other know WHY it is not working for you anymore!

Now, on the other hand, once you have handled this person in a
respectful way and if they just will not RESPECT your wishes then you go
to the "what we all do when someone is flipping us out", stage.. Me I
seem to pick people that do this CHANGE somewhere in our relationship.
But ALWAYS come at someone with respect and treat them the way YOU would
want to be treated and if that don't work then change your #!!!!! ;)

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:02 AM
"GTERRY",,,another good point,,,it's all about th respect you give
others and yourselves..........................M.

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:43 AM
Ok everyone. SO I tuk ur advice n emailed him. He actully wrote me bak,
which surprised the hell outta me, but I feel better having set things
straight I guess. I had planned on jus lettin things die off. At least
he knows, and he thanked me for tellin him. He said no hard feelins and
he wished me the best

ellgee1976's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:58 AM
i fully understand the respect aspect..

i've completely stopped talkin to a guy, cuz i found out he lied to me
over and over and over again...

when i called him on the first lie, he was pissed, and insulted (so he
said) swore up and down how he was being truthful..but the facts showed

he still emails me once in a while, and i've told him it's done, and
refuse to reply to his emails..

im big on lies...when you lie, you can't trust, when you can't trust,
you have nothing :|

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 10:11 AM
SO SO TRUE elgee!!! I HATE a liar, and once I find out you HAVE lied to
me I WILL cut you off-- and no, i WONT feel bad about not callin if
THATS the case! I feel like if you dont value our convo when we do hav
it by lyin to me, then why the hell shud i waste my time talkin to

badblast's photo
Sun 10/29/06 02:28 PM
be my friendly wether you still proud of ur nationality

ellgee1976's photo
Sun 10/29/06 02:49 PM
amen monique..
i tried explainin this to him...
it never got thru apparently..so i stopped talkin to him...

it's done..im done, and i don't do that back and forth shit..that's for
kids and head games

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 05:51 PM
no games here,,,you wanna RIDE to th beach with me?.......M.

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