Topic: Candidate Getting Death Threats Of Mexican Flag Flap
karmafury's photo
Mon 09/29/14 02:34 AM
Edited by karmafury on Mon 09/29/14 02:49 AM
If they are illegal I'd tell them to leave also. It's not like I haven't before or when I'm in a store or at a restaurant and you hear them speaking another language (which is god damn rude), I usually stop and remind them where we are at and what language we speak here.

So Quebec tourists should stop spending money in FL or other southern states since they speak French between each other?noway I should not speak in French to my wife (whose French lessons are coming along quite well):smile: ?

No, I would remind you what damn country you are in and that ENGLISH is the language here and if you don't like it get the hell out and that's a statement I have made on many occasions.

What you do is plain rude. Maybe when I hear Americans speaking English in Montreal I should remind them of where they are, the language spoken here and let them know they are rude and should just get the hell back to the States?

That wouldn't be freedom of speech, that would be freedom of expression. If they like their country so god damn much they should go back there. Hell, they are probably illegal's anyway.

Guess I shouldn't wear my Canadian flag on my shoulder either when I go there. Better yet ..... come and take it off.devil

As for 'knowing' whether someone is there legally or not .... only sure way is to ask for a Green card or naturalization papers. Which you can't do.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/29/14 04:19 AM

If they are illegal I'd tell them to leave also. It's not like I haven't before or when I'm in a store or at a restaurant and you hear them speaking another language (which is god damn rude), I usually stop and remind them where we are at and what language we speak here.

So Quebec tourists should stop spending money in FL or other southern states since they speak French between each other?noway I should not speak in French to my wife (whose French lessons are coming along quite well):smile: ?

No, I would remind you what damn country you are in and that ENGLISH is the language here and if you don't like it get the hell out and that's a statement I have made on many occasions.

What you do is plain rude. Maybe when I hear Americans speaking English in Montreal I should remind them of where they are, the language spoken here and let them know they are rude and should just get the hell back to the States?

That wouldn't be freedom of speech, that would be freedom of expression. If they like their country so god damn much they should go back there. Hell, they are probably illegal's anyway.

Guess I shouldn't wear my Canadian flag on my shoulder either when I go there. Better yet ..... come and take it off.devil

As for 'knowing' whether someone is there legally or not .... only sure way is to ask for a Green card or naturalization papers. Which you can't do.

No, I said if you live here. Tourists are a whole different story and I never said I would touch someone.

Actually when I am at work and I catch one for stealing (which actually is on a regular basis), yes I can ask for that because it's their Consulate Issued I'd cards don't qualify as identification. Unfortunately, at work I have to be PC. tears

People do not see the negative effect these criminals have on our economy. and every last one are Criminal's, Felons.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 09/29/14 04:21 AM

... when I'm in a store or at a restaurant and you hear them speaking another language (which is god damn rude), I usually stop and remind them where we are at and what language we speak here.

If they aren't talking to you, then it doesn't matter what language that they speak.

A display of xenophobia isn't pretty.

Yes it is, it is plain rude. You have no F'ing clue what they are saying or if it's about you, your family or about planning a god damn crime.

You don't have to know what others are saying during their private conversations, and it is certainly wrong to automatically assume that a Spanish-speaking person in the USA is in the USA illegally.

karmafury's photo
Mon 09/29/14 04:29 AM
Problem is .... you can't tell if someone lives there or is a tourist.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/29/14 04:45 AM

... when I'm in a store or at a restaurant and you hear them speaking another language (which is god damn rude), I usually stop and remind them where we are at and what language we speak here.

If they aren't talking to you, then it doesn't matter what language that they speak.

A display of xenophobia isn't pretty.

Yes it is, it is plain rude. You have no F'ing clue what they are saying or if it's about you, your family or about planning a god damn crime.

You don't have to know what others are saying during their private conversations, and it is certainly wrong to automatically assume that a Spanish-speaking person in the USA is in the USA illegally.

I didn't say just because they speak Spanish I think they are illegal, I said I remind them of where were at and if they don't like it they can go home.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/29/14 04:47 AM

Problem is .... you can't tell if someone lives there or is a tourist.

The hell I cant. I live in one of the tourist capitols of the world, Lake Tahoe\Reno. Between Lake Tahoe, Hot August Nights, Street Vibrations(kind like the Sturgis rally). I see and deal with tourists on a daily basis.

It's pretty easy to tell the difference.

no photo
Mon 09/29/14 05:14 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Mon 09/29/14 05:26 AM

So, freedom of speech for thee (flying the U.S. flag), but no freedom of speech for me (flying the Mexican flag)?

That wouldn't be freedom of speech, that would be freedom of expression. If they like their country so god damn much they should go back there. Hell, they are probably illegal's anyway.

Many immigrants to the US are defensive about their identity because culture values are important to them...This is as it should be Don...In the United States we have immigration laws, one of which is a requirement to learn English...The purpose of this law is to help insure a safe and successful transition to their new country...The US not only welcomes immigrants, we encourage immigration...Census Reports tell us there are over 40 million immigrants living here and 337 languages being spoken...What this means is standardization is necessary, but what it also means is America is about diversity...English is the national language, however no official language exists at Federal level...Twenty-eight out of fifty states have established English as their official language and Hawaii has established English and Hawaiian as theirs...For employment opportunities and safety, education and requirements of daily living it is necessary for immigrants to learn English, but the language they choose to speak at home and in public is entirely their choice and should be respected....

Cool, they can practice their culture in their own homes. I have no problem with people coming to this country LEGALLY. Do you realize the billions of dollars were wasting having to print every F'ing thing in English and Spanish (you would think the Libbo environmentalists would be going nuts over that also but I guess it's ok to kill trees and create green house gasses under certain circumstances. I am tired of calling the bank or customer service or any business for that fact and hearing a message for English Press 1 for Spanish Press 2.

Not only do I realize the money we spend accommodating non English speaking immigrants, I biotch about it on a semi regular basis Don...I happen to agree with many of the things you are complaining about, I just don't agree with your attitude or method of expression...If you read all of my post, you read that I said standardization is necessary...And some of the things Will speaks about are just as illegal as the illegals you are biotching about, so what about that?..It's up to us to fix the problem not take advantage of it!!...I shopped a convenience/gas store in Texas a few years ago and I had to have a Spanish speaking "customer" translate my needs to the cashier who DID NOT SPEAK ENGLISH!...I was pizzed and I was appalled...But not at the cashier, she was just trying to survive..I was pizzed at the person who hired her, pizzed at corporate for exploiting cheap labor, pizzed at government for the mess they are making in MY country....

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/29/14 05:36 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 09/29/14 05:41 AM

as usual, there were some details omitted.
in the interview she forgot to mention the family in question also has the American flag in their yard. she forgot to mention that while she was approaching this family on their own property, questioning their freedom of speech, she also told them at least 4 times to leave the country.

this woman is the one who was bullying a family on their own property.

she recorded herself in an act of disrespect, discrimination and harassment. she posted her video on the internet in an effort to either gain attention or support for her ignorant ideas. it happens that it was her own actions that backfired and landed her in a world of trouble.

If they are illegal I'd tell them to leave also. It's not like I haven't before or when I'm in a store or at a restaurant and you hear them speaking another language (which is god damn rude), I usually stop and remind them where we are at and what language we speak here.

Really? So you go around asking for a valid Green Card when you hear others speaking in different languages and if they cannot produce one then you have the right to tell them which language they must speak, although our own constitution does not require them to do so? Or maybe you determine their legality in being here as what they look like? Which is it LPDon? Do you have credentials proving you have the authority to tell others to leave this country or are you self appointed? How do you determine whether someone is "illegal" to reside in the U.S.?

As for rudeness, it is my opinion that cursing is rude also but that doesn't give me the right to tell others not to do so in public or in private. If I don't like certain aspects of what I consider "rude", I can solve that problem by just walking away from the conversation which I consider rude!

Did I say I would go around asking for green cards? No, I said if I know they are Illegal I would tell them to get the hell out. Learn how to read. I don't care if I have the authority or not. I have the right under the Constitution of the United States of America to speak my mind when and where I want and yes I have the MORAL authority because I am not a god damn criminal like they are. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL.

I have the right to say whatever the hell I want. If I am walking in the store I don't want hear that gibberish. It is down right F'ing rude, plain and simple. If I were to move to another country I would adapt to their culture, not expect them to adapt to mine. This Liberal PC mentality has got to go.

that's very sad, truly

if wyou just 'walk in a reastaurant' , by the way, how the 'hell' do you know the background of anyone in there? how do you know if they aren't just visiting and not very fluent yet in English, or if they are in the process of learning English and still speak their native tongue to each other

its rude to feel like people engaged in PRIVATE conversation have some obligation to make sure a third party can understand them,,,

d that in a land of 'freedom' anyone should worry about a verbal assault for not assimilating to American language / culture in their private time or on their private property,,,

I wonder, if someone that has stated a belief that striking others for not 'respecting' the flag,, were to be verbally assaulting someone while approaching them,,,, if the intentionally imposed fear would be justification for that person to be shot

nothing I would ever wish on anyone, there are ways to express differences and times to do so,, but bullying is not cute,,,and in this FREE country can be deadly,,,

willing2's photo
Mon 09/29/14 06:53 AM
Many folks jut blew Barry off when he said ya's better learn Spanish.

Let me predict the future.

Mexican Spanish will be a required subject in schools and to qualify for a job, you will need to be fluent.

metalwing's photo
Mon 09/29/14 08:32 AM

So, freedom of speech for thee (flying the U.S. flag), but no freedom of speech for me (flying the Mexican flag)?

That wouldn't be freedom of speech, that would be freedom of expression. If they like their country so god damn much they should go back there. Hell, they are probably illegal's anyway.

Many immigrants to the US are defensive about their identity because culture values are important to them...This is as it should be Don...In the United States we have immigration laws, one of which is a requirement to learn English...The purpose of this law is to help insure a safe and successful transition to their new country...The US not only welcomes immigrants, we encourage immigration...Census Reports tell us there are over 40 million immigrants living here and 337 languages being spoken...What this means is standardization is necessary, but what it also means is America is about diversity...English is the national language, however no official language exists at Federal level...Twenty-eight out of fifty states have established English as their official language and Hawaii has established English and Hawaiian as theirs...For employment opportunities and safety, education and requirements of daily living it is necessary for immigrants to learn English, but the language they choose to speak at home and in public is entirely their choice and should be respected....

Good post. I think the problem identified is the fact that many Spanish speaking immigrants (pretty much all illegal) don't bother to learn English because their community is so large, they don't have to!
Instead of adapting to our culture, they simply bring their language and culture with them which poses communication problems for society.

no photo
Mon 09/29/14 09:44 AM
Edited by Leigh2154 on Mon 09/29/14 09:46 AM

So, freedom of speech for thee (flying the U.S. flag), but no freedom of speech for me (flying the Mexican flag)?

That wouldn't be freedom of speech, that would be freedom of expression. If they like their country so god damn much they should go back there. Hell, they are probably illegal's anyway.

Many immigrants to the US are defensive about their identity because culture values are important to them...This is as it should be Don...In the United States we have immigration laws, one of which is a requirement to learn English...The purpose of this law is to help insure a safe and successful transition to their new country...The US not only welcomes immigrants, we encourage immigration...Census Reports tell us there are over 40 million immigrants living here and 337 languages being spoken...What this means is standardization is necessary, but what it also means is America is about diversity...English is the national language, however no official language exists at Federal level...Twenty-eight out of fifty states have established English as their official language and Hawaii has established English and Hawaiian as theirs...For employment opportunities and safety, education and requirements of daily living it is necessary for immigrants to learn English, but the language they choose to speak at home and in public is entirely their choice and should be respected....

Good post. I think the problem identified is the fact that many Spanish speaking immigrants (pretty much all illegal) don't bother to learn English because their community is so large, they don't have to!
Instead of adapting to our culture, they simply bring their language and culture with them which poses communication problems for society.

Agree!...And living in Texas I am sure you see the effects much more than I do here in Tennessee..What I do see here is how rapidly illegal immigration is growing as evidenced on our farms (produce pickers), poultry plants, lawn and garden services, and even building contractors....Mexican labor is cost effective and boy do they WORK LONG HARD HOURS!!!....So I will say it again, the answer to the problem is right in front of our eyes...Stop exploiting illegal immigrants and fire Washington.....

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 09/29/14 10:39 AM
its rude to feel like people engaged in PRIVATE conversation have some obligation to make sure a third party can understand them


I am not paranoid enough to need to understand what complete strangers are saying to each other in a public setting.

no photo
Mon 09/29/14 11:22 AM
If were very nice and ask politely, maybe we can get Mexico to take California back.

willing2's photo
Mon 09/29/14 11:25 AM
Edited by willing2 on Mon 09/29/14 11:29 AM
No BS. Californicate voted English as it's official IDIOma.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 09/29/14 12:47 PM

If were very nice and ask politely, maybe we can get Mexico to take California back.

Only if they take the Californian politicians, too.

no photo
Tue 09/30/14 12:09 AM
wish them Cali, Austinites would leave us alone

they dont understand ya cant crap in ya own

state,,, they made Cali, a wreck and broke

now they wreak havoc here... not like we

dont have enough stomach aches...

oh thats right they don't care...

it aint their state...

it;s make a believe California

Lpdon's photo
Tue 09/30/14 10:23 AM

... when I'm in a store or at a restaurant and you hear them speaking another language (which is god damn rude), I usually stop and remind them where we are at and what language we speak here.

If they aren't talking to you, then it doesn't matter what language that they speak.

A display of xenophobia isn't pretty.

Yes it is, it is plain rude. You have no F'ing clue what they are saying or if it's about you, your family or about planning a god damn crime.

You don't have to know what others are saying during their private conversations, and it is certainly wrong to automatically assume that a Spanish-speaking person in the USA is in the USA illegally.

I didn't say I assume they are here illegally, I just said I tell them to go back to their own F'ing country if they wanna speak that gibberish.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 09/30/14 10:53 AM

Problem is .... you can't tell if someone lives there or is a tourist.

The hell I can't. I live and grew up in one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world. I can spot them a mile away. Between Lake Tahoe and Burning Man we get tourists from around the world.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 09/30/14 10:59 AM

So, freedom of speech for thee (flying the U.S. flag), but no freedom of speech for me (flying the Mexican flag)?

That wouldn't be freedom of speech, that would be freedom of expression. If they like their country so god damn much they should go back there. Hell, they are probably illegal's anyway.

Many immigrants to the US are defensive about their identity because culture values are important to them...This is as it should be Don...In the United States we have immigration laws, one of which is a requirement to learn English...The purpose of this law is to help insure a safe and successful transition to their new country...The US not only welcomes immigrants, we encourage immigration...Census Reports tell us there are over 40 million immigrants living here and 337 languages being spoken...What this means is standardization is necessary, but what it also means is America is about diversity...English is the national language, however no official language exists at Federal level...Twenty-eight out of fifty states have established English as their official language and Hawaii has established English and Hawaiian as theirs...For employment opportunities and safety, education and requirements of daily living it is necessary for immigrants to learn English, but the language they choose to speak at home and in public is entirely their choice and should be respected....

Cool, they can practice their culture in their own homes. I have no problem with people coming to this country LEGALLY. Do you realize the billions of dollars were wasting having to print every F'ing thing in English and Spanish (you would think the Libbo environmentalists would be going nuts over that also but I guess it's ok to kill trees and create green house gasses under certain circumstances. I am tired of calling the bank or customer service or any business for that fact and hearing a message for English Press 1 for Spanish Press 2.

Not only do I realize the money we spend accommodating non English speaking immigrants, I biotch about it on a semi regular basis Don...I happen to agree with many of the things you are complaining about, I just don't agree with your attitude or method of expression...If you read all of my post, you read that I said standardization is necessary...And some of the things Will speaks about are just as illegal as the illegals you are biotching about, so what about that?..It's up to us to fix the problem not take advantage of it!!...I shopped a convenience/gas store in Texas a few years ago and I had to have a Spanish speaking "customer" translate my needs to the cashier who DID NOT SPEAK ENGLISH!...I was pizzed and I was appalled...But not at the cashier, she was just trying to survive..I was pizzed at the person who hired her, pizzed at corporate for exploiting cheap labor, pizzed at government for the mess they are making in MY country....

I don't care who agrees with my approach, I am an a$$hole and I freely admit it. I am seeing the country I love go to hell, the Constitution used as toilet paper by our Golfer in Chief and it makes me madder then hell.

If she was just trying to survive then she should learn English, we are in America and I would lay you 5 to 1 odd's she is an illegal.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 09/30/14 11:01 AM

as usual, there were some details omitted.
in the interview she forgot to mention the family in question also has the American flag in their yard. she forgot to mention that while she was approaching this family on their own property, questioning their freedom of speech, she also told them at least 4 times to leave the country.

this woman is the one who was bullying a family on their own property.

she recorded herself in an act of disrespect, discrimination and harassment. she posted her video on the internet in an effort to either gain attention or support for her ignorant ideas. it happens that it was her own actions that backfired and landed her in a world of trouble.

If they are illegal I'd tell them to leave also. It's not like I haven't before or when I'm in a store or at a restaurant and you hear them speaking another language (which is god damn rude), I usually stop and remind them where we are at and what language we speak here.

Really? So you go around asking for a valid Green Card when you hear others speaking in different languages and if they cannot produce one then you have the right to tell them which language they must speak, although our own constitution does not require them to do so? Or maybe you determine their legality in being here as what they look like? Which is it LPDon? Do you have credentials proving you have the authority to tell others to leave this country or are you self appointed? How do you determine whether someone is "illegal" to reside in the U.S.?

As for rudeness, it is my opinion that cursing is rude also but that doesn't give me the right to tell others not to do so in public or in private. If I don't like certain aspects of what I consider "rude", I can solve that problem by just walking away from the conversation which I consider rude!

Did I say I would go around asking for green cards? No, I said if I know they are Illegal I would tell them to get the hell out. Learn how to read. I don't care if I have the authority or not. I have the right under the Constitution of the United States of America to speak my mind when and where I want and yes I have the MORAL authority because I am not a god damn criminal like they are. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL.

I have the right to say whatever the hell I want. If I am walking in the store I don't want hear that gibberish. It is down right F'ing rude, plain and simple. If I were to move to another country I would adapt to their culture, not expect them to adapt to mine. This Liberal PC mentality has got to go.

that's very sad, truly

if wyou just 'walk in a reastaurant' , by the way, how the 'hell' do you know the background of anyone in there? how do you know if they aren't just visiting and not very fluent yet in English, or if they are in the process of learning English and still speak their native tongue to each other

its rude to feel like people engaged in PRIVATE conversation have some obligation to make sure a third party can understand them,,,

d that in a land of 'freedom' anyone should worry about a verbal assault for not assimilating to American language / culture in their private time or on their private property,,,

I wonder, if someone that has stated a belief that striking others for not 'respecting' the flag,, were to be verbally assaulting someone while approaching them,,,, if the intentionally imposed fear would be justification for that person to be shot

nothing I would ever wish on anyone, there are ways to express differences and times to do so,, but bullying is not cute,,,and in this FREE country can be deadly,,,

What you call verbal assault I call freedom of speech. It's not bullying, it's standing up for my beliefs.