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Topic: bush
no photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:00 PM
bush is very selfish
america never had as many problems as we have today
clinten was getting his dick sucked but had things on point
he was wrong butstill had things on point
he sending our troops to war
war is when you defend your right
bush is trying to rule the usa and any other country or state
cause he starting war for what ? to finish something his dad didn't
he's killing america
why he can't leave them people alone
why cause the mother fucker wants to make history
he is worster then hitler
why cause the sick bastered is making our troops believe they dieing for
there country
when theres no reason to die in the first place
america will never be what it was with bush
he's pleasing himself
he don't care what we think feel
did you see him smiling when katrena
the fucker was smiling saying
"help is comming on the way
while people dieing
he don't care for no one
as long as he's ok and he full
fuck america
well i say fuck bush
i hate him with pasion
and hate is a strong word for someone you don't know
but bush
i wish him luck on jugdement day

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:02 PM
Dude...your grief is misplaced...!

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:04 PM
what you mean
and please chick

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:05 PM
thats my news and my event

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:06 PM

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:12 PM
what do you mean by misplaced
and i'm a lady not a dude
not trying to be rude

chismah's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:26 PM
This post sure is HAIRY ^_^

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:49 PM
No offense Babe...but in California, Women are also Dudes...its a
Universal Term Babe

So anyway babe... your grief is not balanced based on the circumstances
inwhich Bush had tossed in his lap... he dealt with the headaches in an
appropiate and effective manner.

Jaguar8u2's photo
Thu 10/26/06 11:21 PM
I met with Bush last Thursday. You have no idea what you are talking
about. I believe you demonstrate the ideas of a traitor. Why don't you
move over to Iraq and take part in the idealistic acts of murder that
are committed on innocent children in 9/11 as well as other acts of
murder accross the world. These people are murderers and will murder
you if given the chance. Bush is in a position that no other president
in history has had the repsonsibility to be in. We are in a world that
has deteriorated to the point that we all stand in jeopardy of loosing
our freedoms and lives if we ignore the evil that stands before us.
Bush is a hero just having to put up the like of the ignorance of people
like you. What would you do if you were him? Pull out of Iraq and let
then gain a safe haven to prepare to destroy America? That is their
goal! Nothing less! Good luck in the future if that happens, traitor.

kellyshawn's photo
Fri 10/27/06 12:37 AM
If there is one thing to say about Bush we can say the U.S. is in worse
shape. We shall be dealing with the aftermath of the war for oil. Oh
sorry the war on terror, with the freedom fighters fighting freedom.
Just like fire fighters, um, fight fires. Another thing that needs to be
addressed besides the self absorbed, oil baron, Navy deserting. All the,
over sensitive people, sticking their noses into other peoples business.
It reminds me of the bullies in elementary school. The U.S. was founded
against these issues, which are now appearing with this deluded Bible
thumper in office. He says he reads the Bible everyday, but he never
says which Bible. He is one of those that Jesus said you don't
understand. I'm sick of the religious mafias influencing people in my
life. It's worse than Constantine, or King James the Third. Lead by
example. Is that right? It is. There is no doubt of how correct that
statement is. Jesus loved everyone no matter who they were. So if your
so called god is the one that appointed this water head then deal with
it otherwise stop complaining. Plus Hitler converted to Christianity.
Yeah let’s not forget that. The Bible is a story to learn from, not to
obsess about, and go on a killing spree. The fact that anyone would call
anyone else a traitor for speaking out against something they don't like
is highly un-American, and very sad to boot. My Irish, German, and Dutch
ancestors fought and died for this country. You can trace us back to the
U.S. Merchant Marines. Bush is ignorant a puppet saying the lines he was
told to when the people in charge let him out of their pocket. A traitor
would be someone that didn't have the best interests of the people in
mind, like lining your oil baron pockets. I will die for my country at
any given moment if it means my fellow Americans will be safer, or be
able to have the knowledge of the truth about what is really going on.
If you think Bush is a hero, I fell sorry for you. I mean what kind of
hero would go AWOL several times on the Navy leaving his comrads behind
to deal with the aftermath? And no he shouldn't pull out look what
happened during Vietnam. My father got stabbed, shot at and then fucked
over by the government, but worse by the people voting out the props
that would have helped the Vets. You can always tell when Bush is saying
something diffrent than what he knows to be true. I'm a casino dealer
and I see it all the time. P.S. You REALLY NEED to look into 9/11 they
didn't lie to us for our safty.

michael1313's photo
Fri 10/27/06 03:17 AM
Like th Bush,Lick th Bush,and you can fuck th Bush,but don't vote for th

and thots ubout all ah have ta say ubout that.....F.G.

michael1313's photo
Fri 10/27/06 03:39 AM
"JAG",,,to answer your queston,,,I try to not talk politics,,,
Bush is feeding Bush,making others go without,yea,he is fighting th
"Good fight",but also filling his pockets at th same time with his oil
interests...not only on this "War"
but from Americans,who did more suffering than he will ever know
I used to live in La. and my heart goes to those who still do.

My proof?
what happened to all those boxes and boxes(more than a ton),
of those crisp US $100.oo bills they found?and that "Gold"
plated asault rifel?Hummmmmm?why th deficit?
Did 10 cents of that make it to N.O.??? Hummmm?
those are but a few examples,where are all those WMD's they were talkin'
Agreed...that Terrorists need to be stopped!
but we should declare "Marshal Law" over there 'till th Iraqi's can take
back th country,then get th hell outta there,this should NOT take more
than a year to root out th insurgents,try them,or hang them,whatever,
place a curfew on th cities,and shoot anybody who has a gun,
and out after curfew,and sweep th place every day for road side fuck-ups
who just want to kill just to be on th news.
now do you see why I don't talk politics?Fuck th Bush.....M.

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 08:46 AM
Whats the use in bitching about him. I think he has done a terrible job,
and obviously so does 80% of the U.S. He went back and tried to finish
what his daddy started. Before any of you Bush lovers get on here and
say Im shallow or dont know what Im talking about, let me say that I
know plenty about all our civic leaders, and Im not impressed. I stay up
with all current news, and I have close friends that are Congressmen. A
change is in need.

michael1313's photo
Fri 10/27/06 08:48 AM
same here.....M.

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 09:02 AM

KoolDude79's photo
Fri 10/27/06 09:59 PM
All I going to say is Bush right-wingers piss me off, and stop watching
O'Reilly he's the biggest hypocrite of them all!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 10/28/06 01:15 AM
What I find interesting, is after all the smoke cleared and the mirrors
were busted...there was absolutely NO evidence that suggests Iraq was
involved with 9/11. Not ONE of those terrorists was from Iraq either. Is
your memory really that short? Last I heard, bin ladin and al-qaida(SP)
were responsible
And so what if you met with Bush...lotsa Germans met Hitler and thot he
was just a swell guy too.
One last point, by removing Saddam from Iraq the US caused itself MORE
problems. You claim Jaguar, that Iraq would become a safe haven for
terrorists if the troops pulled out. Ironically, when Saddam was ruling
Iraq, an organization like al-qaida would never have gotten into Iraq
because they are way to fanatically religious and Saddam was very
When it comes to foreign policy, the US is its own worst enemy.

CrazyJ's photo
Sat 10/28/06 05:18 AM
The ONLY bush I like is a shaved one... oh wait if it's shaved then it
would be gone right? ok I dont like bush.

michael1313's photo
Sat 10/28/06 07:12 AM
Bush is a puppet,controlled only by his greed and th people who really
run this country $$$$$ inc.
that is big money corps.,....................M.

Ontario's photo
Sat 10/28/06 08:41 PM
Okay Grief Meisters... so you think bush could have done worst then
Gore, or Kerry...?

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