I can tell your heart a tale
Or light a poets fire.
Blow the dust from histories pain
Or speak pure loves desire.
I can whisper in your eyes
And cause the rains to fall,]
Or still the ghostly autumn winds
And answer springtimes call
With all the mastery of my word,
Build castles in the air.
With power in my broken heart,
Take you safely there.
With light caress of tender heart
Or reminiscence pure.
Pions fiery victory
To make our love endure.
I've wrestled a 650 lb Siberan tiger, been stalked by a Jaguar in South America, been bitten by a rattlesnake, stalked by 3 mountain lions, died for 10 hours on the operating table, pulled a young girl out of a burning truck just before she burned up, and enough other adventures to fill 3 books (which have been written). Whoever chooses to walk by my side must have a urning for adventure as well. The wonderful journey continues.
Want to join me?
Profession: Entraupaneur