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Topic: TRUE Love
CaliChristWisdom's photo
Sun 09/21/14 11:23 PM
Who, if anyone, is really here for true love? Love that bears the burdens of others, love that forgives and lets go, love that understands, love that encourages, love that comforts, love that is willing, love that is unconditional, love that lasts FOREVER, I'm talking about the love that God gave to us...does anyone understand, or want this anymore? Or am I one of the only people on here that is looking for such a thing? (I post this to get other peoples feelings on this subject, but also to potentially draw that women out of hiding on this website so that I may get to know her:))Thank you all for reading, I respect everyone's opinion, feel free to share your thoughts.

no photo
Mon 09/22/14 12:08 AM
When I first began to read this content of your subject, I felt I was listening to marriage vows.

Good luck bringing them in with this thread.

CaliChristWisdom's photo
Mon 09/22/14 12:40 AM
Your probably right...but if she doesn't bother reading, then it wasn't her right now unfortunately:/

mikey5360's photo
Mon 09/22/14 01:08 AM
Good luck man....I feel there is someone here for everyone...drinker

valtheponytail35's photo
Mon 09/22/14 11:34 AM

Who, if anyone, is really here for true love? Love that bears the burdens of others, love that forgives and lets go, love that understands, love that encourages, love that comforts, love that is willing, love that is unconditional, love that lasts FOREVER, I'm talking about the love that God gave to us...does anyone understand, or want this anymore? Or am I one of the only people on here that is looking for such a thing? (I post this to get other peoples feelings on this subject, but also to potentially draw that women out of hiding on this website so that I may get to know her:))Thank you all for reading, I respect everyone's opinion, feel free to share your thoughts.

it sounds a lot like smth that's going on between parents and children.

However the love between a man and a woman is definitely not unconditional, there are rules, there are gives and takes, there is be passion that u never ever felt before, there is touch.... her hand in yours... U can shake hands all your life and nothing feels like the hand of that special person. And that love is intense...really really intense. When fresh you can get lost into it and step in front of a bus not noticing it cuz there's nothing else in your mind and heart. I'd sure want to feel it again.

And the way I see it, it has nothing to do with God. In fact it seem to cross easily even religious boundaries. an atheist can be happy with a catolic, lutherian can live with a buddhist, not sure about the islam... u tell me.

And while Gods own love seem to be boundless (space is also boundless, but I don't feel it), then Gods view about that other love the "Eros" seem to be much narrower 2. Corinthians 6:14-16 says

14Don’t be tied up as equal partners with people who don’t believe. What does righteousness share with that which is outside the Law? What relationship does light have with darkness? 15What harmony does Christ have with Satan? What does a believer have in common with someone who doesn’t believe? 16What agreement can there be between God’s temple and idols? Because we are the temple of the living God.

See the parallels?
Feels good to be compared with "darkness, Satan, idols" doesn't it?

But it seems Paul "the bachelor" is missing the point here. When love is involved you let your spouse worship her god or gods her own way and even that, though you may never believe becomes dear to you because it is part of the woman you love.

I'm not sure that women feel the same way when guy's faith is different. What the neighbours would think? what relatives would say when they find out? that might get in a way of being supportive or at least impartial.

Despite its obviously religious nature you started an interesting topic. I'd like to see where this is going.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 09/22/14 11:51 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 09/22/14 11:55 AM
"Bringing In the Sheaves"..............bigsmile

what's love got to do with Religion?
To Love is To Value!

Not to reduce oneself to a Pimple on the Backside of Others!

CaliChristWisdom's photo
Mon 09/22/14 01:20 PM
Edited by CaliChristWisdom on Mon 09/22/14 01:20 PM
The love God calls us to have is unconditional, but not everything is permissible, such as cheating, which is one of the only ways God agrees with divorce. But someone with a understanding of God's unconditional love would not cheat. And the reasons why I as a Christian do not want to be with someone who is an unbeliever is because I more than FULLY believe the God of the bible is real, which means I want my partner to love God more than she loves me, then and only then, may she love me more than any women of a "worldly" mindset. This is why "religion" matters(even though I don't consider myself religious at all), because this is God's definition of love, and not mans, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance". A women or man of another "faith" would have they're own understanding of love(as most of you do), but I define love the way God has told me too. A women of this understanding is the true definition of priceless.

456tessa's photo
Mon 09/22/14 01:39 PM
Yes, i think there are (some) people here and everywhere who believe and search for this kind of love...flowerforyou

It's the kind of love beyond all ego, beyond all illusions and wrong conceptions of love ... that's why it's rather hard and long to get there, and it's rare...though there are some who find it at 20, some maybe much later, some never ... And there are many who don't believe in it and don't pursue it at all, and it's their decision and right...

CaliChristWisdom's photo
Mon 09/22/14 01:56 PM
Amen Tessa, I believe that as well..

valtheponytail35's photo
Mon 09/22/14 02:23 PM
There is no point of calling something unconditional, when next thing you do is introduce the conditions.

The undonditional love that has conditions is not unconditional, it is CONDITIONAL.

Cheating is not an accepted practice in any relationship. see?

Nonono there is gotta be more than that. With a believer woman you'll get this
1. Corinthians 11:3
3... and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God
but why stop there, lets explore more of the Corinthians... same chapter continues

6If a woman doesn’t cover her head, then she should have her hair cut off. If it is disgraceful for a woman to have short hair or to be shaved, then she should keep her head covered.

8Man didn’t have his origin from woman, but woman from man; 9and man wasn’t created for the sake of the woman, but the woman for the sake of the man. 10Because of this a woman should have authority over her head...

and more

I. Corinthians 14:
34the women should be quiet during the meeting. They are not allowed to talk. Instead, they need to get under control, just as the Law says. 35If they want to learn something, they should ask their husbands at home. It is disgraceful for a woman to talk during the meeting.

So Yes a believer woman, who submits herself to the teachings of the Bible that i just copy-pasted from, is indeed a blessing to you. No doubt this is also part of the god's unconditional love or more likely- few of many conditions to get this the unconditional love.

Good luck finding such a woman

But what about the freedom of expression? What about the right to make her own desicions and feel like a person, not as an asset?
What about her dreams?

Beachfarmer's photo
Mon 09/22/14 02:35 PM
I knew the honeymoon was over
and love a wilting flower
when she waltzed in the bathroom
to $h!+ during my shower

mrld_ii's photo
Mon 09/22/14 03:25 PM

The love God calls us to have is unconditional, but not everything is permissible, such as cheating, which is one of the only ways God agrees with divorce... But someone with a understanding of God's unconditional love would not cheat...

...A women of this understanding is the true definition of priceless.


So God calls us to provide unconditional love, but then gives us a way out for cheating?!?

Hmmm. love for my mate is NOT unconditional: I will NOT be with a murderer and/or child molester, for instance...even though several who have such a complete "understanding of God's unconditional love" think it's A-OK to have sex with young boys after choir practice.

I'll save "unconditional love" for my children, siblings, and parents...and will hold their hand, comfortingly, after they've been sentenced appropriately for murder...which I turned them in for.

<---NOT a "priceless" woman...though, I am relatively inexpensive...all things considered. biggrin

no photo
Mon 09/22/14 03:31 PM
Pets give unconditional love. Get yourself a dog. :thumbsup:

stan_147's photo
Mon 09/22/14 03:49 PM
Let's go sailing...

CaliChristWisdom's photo
Mon 09/22/14 04:38 PM
You people don't understand...unconditional love ACCEPTS the past, the present, and future, doesn't mean that it gives PERMISSION for the other to do as he/she pleases, but it allows acceptance of all things, which means you can love them even if you must in the end, let them go(it has nothing to do with accepting a murder, child molester, or a rapist while staying married to them). And Mr.Ponytail, you really aren't fully understanding Corinthians, yes a women should submit to her husband, but the husband should also submit to his wife, nevertheless the man is the "head"(leader) overall of the relationship, for women was made for man. And that whole "covering of the head" thing is a symbolic respect that God asks for from godly women, it symbolizes submitting to the authority that God has put into place. And the not speaking during a "meeting" is referring to being at church, not just out anywhere...

CaliChristWisdom's photo
Mon 09/22/14 04:40 PM
And bro, I would sail with that batcat anywhere! That's one cool cat: D

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 09/22/14 04:44 PM
I believe in true love and I believe I will find it. Maybe here. Maybe not. But somewhere. :smile:

mrld_ii's photo
Mon 09/22/14 05:00 PM
Edited by mrld_ii on Mon 09/22/14 05:00 PM

You people don't understand...unconditional love ACCEPTS the past, the present, and future, doesn't mean that it gives PERMISSION for the other to do as he/she pleases, but it allows acceptance of all things, which means you can love them even if you must in the end, let them go(it has nothing to do with accepting a murder, child molester, or a rapist while staying married to them). And Mr.Ponytail, you really aren't fully understanding Corinthians, yes a women should submit to her husband, but the husband should also submit to his wife, nevertheless the man is the "head"(leader) overall of the relationship, for women was made for man. And that whole "covering of the head" thing is a symbolic respect that God asks for from godly women, it symbolizes submitting to the authority that God has put into place. And the not speaking during a "meeting" is referring to being at church, not just out anywhere...

Nahhhhh...YOU'RE not are expecting everyone else to subscribe to YOUR understanding of what God said, based on several generations' and cultures' and linguists' interpretations of what (a) God (allegedly) said.

I understand just fine; IF God came to me directly and said to me directly that I - and everyone else - MUST "accept EVERYone's pasts, with unconditional love",

I'd remind Him that that's HIS sovereign job...NOT mine, as I am a mere mortal, according to HIS good word, written in HIS Good Book.

By the way, only certain Christian faiths (Catholics, for instance), *require* that the "woman must cover her head"; several other Christian faiths (Episcopalians, for instance) DON'T subscribe to it, and are as equally *saved* as all the others.


CaliChristWisdom's photo
Mon 09/22/14 05:22 PM
And one more thing about the, "But what about the freedom of expression? What about the right to make her own decisions and feel like a person, not as an asset?
What about her dreams?", God doesn't take any of that away, but He wants you to submit the freewill HE GAVE you back to Him, so that you will learn to do things His way(the right way) and not be all over the place mentally, physically, and spiritually. Both men and women are free to follow a dream of theirs, that God allows, but ultimately this life is about spreading God's truth, building His kingdom, and saving peoples lives, that's SIMPLY it. Passions, and desires are of the "flesh", not of God. Why would God create you to be a boxer, football player, owner of a business? That doesn't make sense, your life must have TRUE purpose, and TRUE purpose only comes through knowing God, and working to fulfill His will, not ours.

CaliChristWisdom's photo
Mon 09/22/14 05:32 PM
God has asked you to forgive EVERYONE just as Jesus Christ has forgiven you... Bless your mind, wisdom, and understanding Miss, I'm not catholic or any of those other "mumbo jumbo" religions, I am known as a Christian which means, "a follower of Christ", someone who believes ONLY in the word of God, and both you and Mr.Ponytail have misinterpreted and confused the meaning of the Lord's word. And I'll set your Corinthians straight by showing you 1 Corinthians 11:15,"And isn't long hair a women's pride and joy? For it has been given to her as a COVERING." <----You see that, that's what God is referring a women to use as a COVERING, her OWN God given long hair.

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