Topic: Passive Aggressive | |
Do you think passive aggressive people are lovable? Why passive aggressive people are hard to love... They are bullies... They are manipulative... They are dishonest... They are abusive... They are hostile... They are stubborn... They are sarcastic... They procrastinate... They have a negative attitude... They are sullen... They are resentful... They are in denial... They take no responsibility for their actions... They see themselves as victims... They vacillate... They are abrasive... They are discontented... Dangerous, but not impossible to love...Enter at your own risk... ![]() This... wonder how it would go if ... they both had the same behavioral issue would it work out ... ![]() I'm guessing one jailed for life, one six feet under? ![]() |
I swear sometimes women are SO vicious to one another! Was just trying to hear some jazz last night, but had the nights mixed up....and the college crew was there.
I heard these 2 sentences in order. -Oh MY GOSH!!! You look SOOOOOOO CUUUUUTE in that mini skirt! ![]() -I....Tooooootally was going to wear my "SLUTWEAR" tonight too! ![]() |
I swear sometimes women are SO vicious to one another! Was just trying to hear some jazz last night, but had the nights mixed up....and the college crew was there. I heard these 2 sentences in order. -Oh MY GOSH!!! You look SOOOOOOO CUUUUUTE in that mini skirt! ![]() -I....Tooooootally was going to wear my "SLUTWEAR" tonight too! ![]() What a snippy little biotch!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 09/17/14 02:49 PM
![]() ![]() EDIT!!!! 3rd person!!! ![]() |
![]() ![]() EDIT!!!! 3rd person!!! ![]() Saved by the edit!! ![]() Here azzhole!!... ![]() |
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Edited by
Wed 09/17/14 04:35 PM
![]() *Gently blows on perfectly manicured nails, brushes them across a luscious bosom, bats big blue eyes, smiles sweetly and says*..."Your happiness is my happiness darling."... ![]() *Takes another break, all calmed down after expelling negitive energy. checks thread to see whats new. Reads Leighs arrogant, cocky response and goes absolute ballistic. Eccos of a long violent desperate scream cracks through the fjords like thunder. Feels a shaking sensation rushing through body accompanied with dizziness. Hurls chainsaw way down the mountain side. Drops to knees in distraught followed by waves of cries. lifts head realizing what had just happened Quietly calls out a name and then gets to feet repeating name louder and louder into an even more desperate cry "WIIILLLLSOOOON! WIIIIILSOOOOON! Wilson! wilson! WIIILLLSOOONN! WIIILLLOOOONN! WHERE ARE YOU WILSON? I'M SORRY WILSON! Maneuvers awkwardly down the fall & buck of wislons destruction, traversing log over log 25ft above the natural ground crying wilson. Gets to estimated location of wilsons disapearance and frantically pulls timber falling axe out of sheaf* "'Charlie' help me...something terrible have happed to Wilson" *cuts cedar bows with 'axe' and looks down a 20ft hole yelling for wislon finds wilson in arms reach stuck by a limb just below the deck. Grabs Wilson and says I'm sorry Wilson! I'm so sorry Wilson! Never again Wilson! never again! Fills Wilson up with gas and dogs into a 7 foot ceder tree. Fells tree and kisses Wilson for such a great preference Pull over and over on Wilsons cord. Holds him and spins him by the pull cord until fully extended Thinks about the words never again wilson never again and stops before throwing Wislon way down the mountain side to disappear through the Fall & buck Repeats to self Never again wilson never again. Grabs other saw at heli pad and makes undercut and backcut Throws wilson in the undercut as the tree begins to fall crushing Wilson into hundreds of fragments and says Never again wilson never again. And the moral of the story is.... don't name your saw a guys name or the crew will think you I can't remember. Which brings me to my next point kids. Stay in school and don't do drugs. click here to repord Dyslexia |
![]() *Gently blows on perfectly manicured nails, brushes them across a luscious bosom, bats big blue eyes, smiles sweetly and says*..."Your happiness is my happiness darling."... ![]() *Takes another break, all calmed down after expelling negitive energy. checks thread to see whats new. Reads Leighs arrogant, cocky response and goes absolute ballistic. Eccos of a long violent desperate scream cracks through the fjords like thunder. Feels a shaking sensation rushing through body accompanied with dizziness. Hurls chainsaw way down the mountain side. Drops to knees in distraught followed by waves of cries. lifts head realizing what had just happened Quietly calls out a name and then gets to feet repeating name louder and louder into an even more desperate cry "WIIILLLLSOOOON! WIIIIILSOOOOON! Wilson! wilson! WIIILLLSOOONN! WIIILLLOOOONN! WHERE ARE YOU WILSON? I'M SORRY WILSON! Maneuvers awkwardly down the fall & buck of wislons destruction, traversing log over log 25ft above the natural ground crying wilson. Gets to estimated location of wilsons disapearance and frantically pulls timber falling axe out of sheaf* "'Charlie' help me...something terrible have happed to Wilson" *cuts cedar bows with 'axe' and looks down a 20ft hole yelling for wislon finds wilson in arms reach stuck by a limb just below the deck. Grabs Wilson and says I'm sorry Wilson! I'm so sorry Wilson! Never again Wilson! never again! Fills Wilson up with gas and dogs into a 7 foot ceder tree. Fells tree and kisses Wilson for such a great preference Pull over and over on Wilsons cord. Holds him and spins him by the pull cord until fully extended Thinks about the words never again wilson never again and stops before throwing Wislon way down the mountain side to disappear through the Fall & buck Repeats to self Never again wilson never again. Grabs other saw at heli pad and makes undercut and backcut Throws wilson in the undercut as the tree begins to fall crushing Wilson into hundreds of fragments and says Never again wilson never again. And the moral of the story is.... don't name your saw a guys name or the crew will think you I can't remember. Which brings me to my next point kids. Stay in school and don't do drugs. ![]() You do know you're the only timber faller posting here, right?... ![]() |
I've hooked up with a few very aggressive pacifists. ![]() And what where the time of death moments on those? ![]() |
Hmmm agressively passive I know a few. I wish I was someone like that. it would be Awesome. Ehhh, I'll stick with beat it with my logic stick till it either goes away or turns to a pile of mental goo.
YAY for mental goo!!! I think that's why people don't like arguing with me. Ahh well. C'est la vie. |
I hope he knows how much we need our paper and wood products. We appreciate the fact that we don't have to use bidets.
I hope he knows how much we need our paper and wood products. We appreciate the fact that we don't have to use bidets. Don't know exactly but If appreciation for a production hand faller was measerd by wages in the Pacific Northwest then I would say us BC Canadians are appreciated 2-1 on average more than my Brothers in the Ak WA and ORE |
Couldn't tell you. I know they make good money if they have their own pickers/skidders up here in Wisc.
I hope he knows how much we need our paper and wood products. We appreciate the fact that we don't have to use bidets. I was at the library this evening, and discovered they have a public bidet... Or, at least I thought it to be a bidet. I was busy rinsing my buttcrack, and the librarian ran up, and began furiously screaming at me to dismount their drinking fountain, and pull my pants up. Or, she was "gonna call the poh-leece." ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 09/17/14 09:08 PM
Couldn't tell you. I know they make good money if they have their own pickers/skidders up here in Wisc. Apples and oranges Lol...I would hope considering its their own show. From what I understand an interior production hand faller wouldn't make great money there just working for the man. But at least that job exist and doesn't hold the danger in comparison to the coast. Where here, production interior dry belt cutting is all Mechanic these days(fellerbuncher) I think alot of the wage difference is do to the outrageous workers comp % there in many states for that activity.Back as far as '94 in the Alaskan panhandle their rate was 30% and on an arborists site someone said recently they pay 38% in their state in the interior. We are mainly dependant contractors and pay are own compansation. Mine is only 8.63% we have a high training standard with certifacations and as I grandfathered in some time ago its been closed for many years and POTENTIAL upcomers have to go through a 30 day training course at a tag of $18,000 and pass a 24 page field evaluation and 50 question writen then train under a certified supervisor for 180 days to work up to full rate...if he makes it he has officially joined the profession of the most dangerous job in North America. The supervisors cert is another one as well as him been a cert faller. Fishing and pilots round off the top three most dangerous jobs. its said Alsaka king crab fishing is the most dangerous. Maybe compared to all hand fallers in NA but no comparison to west coast falling. |
Edited by
Wed 09/17/14 09:06 PM
Edited by
Wed 09/17/14 09:05 PM
So true, everything can be loved.
Really? Even someone's murderous rage? I think not.