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Topic: Presidents In My Lifetime, Compared To Obama {KING}
msharmony's photo
Tue 09/09/14 11:45 AM
nope, sounds like awareness of the history of words,,,

a female can tell someone to stop being such a girl,,,even if she is a boy,, if its offensive to him, it could only be because he feels being a girl is something derogatory

similarly , a 'negro' can say negro please to someone, and if its offensive to them, it can only be because they feel being a negro is something derogatory

or at least assumes a negro feels being a negro is derogatory

however, for a white person to call someone negro who is negro,, well, it is reasonable FROM THE HISTORY OF THE WORD< to feel that white person is not saying it to equate to equal status but to inferior status

,,but I tire of explaining the significance of CONTEXT,,both situational and historical.

willing2's photo
Tue 09/09/14 11:47 AM

Negro please!http://youtu.be/izCaEJ9l8kY


One. I'm native, not negro.

Two. Prime example of racial double standards.

If I had used the word NEGRO in that context, I'd probably get banned.

If it's cool for one to use the word negro in a derogatory fashion, all should be free to.

negro please is not derogatory

its just slang ,amongst 'negros' for give me a break

it is not slang amongst natives, so the context would be decidedly different,,,,

If I'm offended by the term, Negro please, it doesn't count cuz I'm not negro but, negros can be offended if a non-negro says it?

Sounds pretty double standarish ta me.

Here. Pretty simply put.

I was offended by the term.

Nothing will come of it.

That would be racist.

willing2's photo
Tue 09/09/14 02:56 PM
One more thing.

I don't insist my opinion is the only valid opinion. That would make me look a bit self righteous.

Also. You made a false accusation towards me. Claiming I had made racist comments. If that were so, my posts would have been deleted and I would possibly been banned.

That is defamation.

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/09/14 08:12 PM

Negro please!http://youtu.be/izCaEJ9l8kY


One. I'm native, not negro.

Two. Prime example of racial double standards.

If I had used the word NEGRO in that context, I'd probably get banned.

If it's cool for one to use the word negro in a derogatory fashion, all should be free to.

negro please is not derogatory

its just slang ,amongst 'negros' for give me a break

it is not slang amongst natives, so the context would be decidedly different,,,,

If I'm offended by the term, Negro please, it doesn't count cuz I'm not negro but, negros can be offended if a non-negro says it?

Sounds pretty double standarish ta me.

Here. Pretty simply put.

I was offended by the term.

Nothing will come of it.

That would be racist.

yep, and I am offended by SO MANY THINGS< but this is a website so I have the option to IGNORE IT,,,

I wont go crybabying about it and so nothing will be done about it

and even if I did report some of the things I find offensive, I doubt it would make much ado unless there were a number of similar complaints,,,

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/09/14 08:14 PM
false, what is deemed racist or offensive is too broad for any website to be able to ban all such posts

offensive is subjective a standard,, some people would get offended by being called a woman,, but being that it is educationally a valid description of a female, Im doubting such posts would be deleted

slander only applies when something can be proven untrue,, that a website doesn't delete or ban something only proves that the website didn't perceive it the same way

if I had said you killed someone, well , that would be slander
my opinion of your posts or views, is an opinion, so is therefore not a case of slander,,,

mr_king_solomon's photo
Wed 09/10/14 03:53 AM

nope, sounds like awareness of the history of words,,,

a female can tell someone to stop being such a girl,,,even if she is a boy,, if its offensive to him, it could only be because he feels being a girl is something derogatory

similarly , a 'negro' can say negro please to someone, and if its offensive to them, it can only be because they feel being a negro is something derogatory

or at least assumes a negro feels being a negro is derogatory

however, for a white person to call someone negro who is negro,, well, it is reasonable FROM THE HISTORY OF THE WORD< to feel that white person is not saying it to equate to equal status but to inferior status

,,but I tire of explaining the significance of CONTEXT,,both situational and historical.


michelake's photo
Wed 09/10/14 05:49 AM
Edited by michelake on Wed 09/10/14 05:51 AM
In my opinion someone can just be proud of his race and heritage. Black, white, yellow etc.
Adressing someone in a different way. Like in this case with the word
"negro" Does not mean that the one that is offended by this. Is "per say" a racist.
Because he/she simply does not share the association with the word. That has been placed on him/her. In my opinion it clearly puts a label on him/her.
And i think labeling someone is never a good thing. It can be interpreted by someone in a wrong way. Even when it is not meant to be. For example if someone would adress me as "boss"
Then i would also feel uncomfortable with that. Eventhough it is meant in a very friendly way perhaps. But it differs from the role pattern that i see myselve in. And feel comfortable with.
Words like Geek, Nerd, Jock etcetera. Are made to put people in "boxes"
And it does not fit the description. Because people are too diverse for that. They might fit in many "boxes" And it categorises people without seeing the whole picture of someone his/her personality and heritage.

mr_king_solomon's photo
Wed 09/10/14 06:09 AM
It's OBVIOUS that he is not a "negro", so I'm not "labeling" him anything.

That would be like me labeling you as Chinese. It's preposterous on it's face.

Therefore, I was using a colloquialism that is common in the American lexicon.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 09/10/14 07:00 AM

Negro please!http://youtu.be/izCaEJ9l8kY


One. I'm native, not negro.

Two. Prime example of racial double standards.

If I had used the word NEGRO in that context, I'd probably get banned.

If it's cool for one to use the word negro in a derogatory fashion, all should be free to.

negro please is not derogatory

its just slang ,amongst 'negros' for give me a break

it is not slang amongst natives, so the context would be decidedly different,,,,

If I'm offended by the term, Negro please, it doesn't count cuz I'm not negro but, negros can be offended if a non-negro says it?

Sounds pretty double standarish ta me.

Here. Pretty simply put.

I was offended by the term.

Nothing will come of it.

That would be racist.

yep, and I am offended by SO MANY THINGS< but this is a website so I have the option to IGNORE IT,,,

I wont go crybabying about it and so nothing will be done about it

and even if I did report some of the things I find offensive, I doubt it would make much ado unless there were a number of similar complaints,,,

Gee..... no stereotyping or profiling in that statement

willing2's photo
Wed 09/10/14 07:01 AM

and even if I did report some of the things I find offensive, I doubt it would make much ado unless there were a number of similar complaints,,,

So. You saying, the way to get someone banned is to gang report anything one person feels offended by?

Let's say, just an example. You was to become overwhelmed with emotion and posted R and or offensive attacks. Leading you to get banned.

You could call in Sharpie and file a racial suit, no?

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/10/14 07:19 AM

Negro please!http://youtu.be/izCaEJ9l8kY


One. I'm native, not negro.

Two. Prime example of racial double standards.

If I had used the word NEGRO in that context, I'd probably get banned.

If it's cool for one to use the word negro in a derogatory fashion, all should be free to.

negro please is not derogatory

its just slang ,amongst 'negros' for give me a break

it is not slang amongst natives, so the context would be decidedly different,,,,

If I'm offended by the term, Negro please, it doesn't count cuz I'm not negro but, negros can be offended if a non-negro says it?

Sounds pretty double standarish ta me.

Here. Pretty simply put.

I was offended by the term.

Nothing will come of it.

That would be racist.

yep, and I am offended by SO MANY THINGS< but this is a website so I have the option to IGNORE IT,,,

I wont go crybabying about it and so nothing will be done about it

and even if I did report some of the things I find offensive, I doubt it would make much ado unless there were a number of similar complaints,,,

Gee..... no stereotyping or profiling in that statement

please learn what a stereotype is

all the comments were about MYSELF,,,,,no stereotype or profile present

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/10/14 07:26 AM

and even if I did report some of the things I find offensive, I doubt it would make much ado unless there were a number of similar complaints,,,

So. You saying, the way to get someone banned is to gang report anything one person feels offended by?

Let's say, just an example. You was to become overwhelmed with emotion and posted R and or offensive attacks. Leading you to get banned.

You could call in Sharpie and file a racial suit, no?

I have no idea what you are talking about

no, I don't know how to get one banned as I have NEVER tried to

I would suspect that banning a person comes after many people have complained about them on the boards

I don't know what a 'gang' report is, because I do believe only individuals can send an individual report of abuse, and they don't have to be aware of whether ANYONE else has reported the person

I could not call Sharpton about a public media board, as he is a civil rights activist, who is busy with protecting RIGHTS,, which doesn't apply to a website at which one AGREES to terms and conditions and does not have to sign up

If I were going to be litigious on an issue, I would use whatever resources are available and relevant

in civil rights suits, naacp, aclu, Sharpton's NAN, and NOW are all networks that would be helpful to me personally as an African American FEMALE

mr_king_solomon's photo
Wed 09/10/14 08:49 AM

no photo
Wed 09/10/14 03:05 PM
Edited by fleta_n_mach on Wed 09/10/14 03:07 PM
Why can't you people see beyond color in this thread?

Beating a dead horse here.

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/10/14 03:39 PM
I believe the thread was strolling along with only information on past presidents, without color

until black and white America, and massahs, and uncle toms were interjected into the discussion

but I do think the op pretty much covered the presidents ,,,,,,

regardless of race,,,

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