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Topic: Leave an ANONYMOUS or NOT SO ANONYMOUS MSG - part 27
no photo
Mon 09/22/14 12:16 PM
What the flip... It is still here?noway grumble

michele63's photo
Mon 09/22/14 12:21 PM

i always wondered what it would be like to do twins lol

That would suck if you called out the wrong name right?
lolnoway laugh laugh

I personally think If I had a twin, I would worry that the world would implode under the sheer weight of our weirdness going critical whenever we are in the same room.

wouldnt that be the best part though? each other knowing each others thoughts without saying a word. you would be ruling the room together and no one else would know. im thinking that is pretty awsome myselfbigsmile drinker

Yeah that's true... Now if only i could find a twin of the female vereity that I wouldn't be related to. Well at least not initially.

bigsmile drinker

well keep on the lookout. maybe you will get lucky and find her. worth the time you put in if you get something out. lol.drinker bigsmile bigsmile

no photo
Mon 09/22/14 12:28 PM
Dearest Kid... Recall the care package your grandparents dropped off for you at home? Scratch that.. I ate all of the protein bars... Love, Mom:heart: laugh

no photo
Mon 09/22/14 01:55 PM
drool truth be known..I would eat him like a med-rare steak..smokin :laughing:

Gotta roll...see you sweet peeps tonight!waving

no photo
Mon 09/22/14 02:16 PM

drool truth be known..I would eat him like a med-rare steak..smokin :laughing:

Gotta roll...see you sweet peeps tonight!waving


Is that with a baked potato, wild rice or some sort of VEGGIE MEDLEY! *giggling*

no photo
Mon 09/22/14 02:20 PM

drool truth be known..I would eat him like a med-rare steak..smokin :laughing:

Gotta roll...see you sweet peeps tonight!waving


Is that with a baked potato, wild rice or some sort of VEGGIE MEDLEY! *giggling*

Mmmmmmmm..I would have to have the potato too.....they just go together...Yummmmm....Makes my mouth water now....wishing I ughhh..

#Mansteak....smokin shades :laughing: :angel:

Beachfarmer's photo
Mon 09/22/14 02:21 PM
To the lady who let me ahead with my 2 items flowerforyou smitten I SO appreciate "courtesy" ......Again.smitten

To the lady that gave HER a dirty look........:wink: you forgot your stool softener.

no photo
Mon 09/22/14 03:19 PM
just want to say thank you to all who helped me....greatly appreciated!!:heart: flowerforyou

Beachfarmer's photo
Mon 09/22/14 03:38 PM
pretends to be suave, but incredibly nervous. Should I?

no photo
Mon 09/22/14 03:41 PM
yes.....you definitely should....:smile:

Beachfarmer's photo
Mon 09/22/14 03:43 PM
scared mkay.......oh crap....

no photo
Mon 09/22/14 03:45 PM
never know unless you try.....take deep breath...

Beachfarmer's photo
Mon 09/22/14 04:03 PM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Mon 09/22/14 04:06 PM
laugh shut uplaugh

and thanks for YOUR support HunnyBunny!!!

michele63's photo
Mon 09/22/14 04:49 PM
monkeyman is turning to be an awsome person and good friend. can say anything and my sad and woes and he is always there to brighten things up. it will never be more than friends, dont mesh that way but a great man. to you monkeyman and may some wonderful chicky sweep you off your feet. loldrinker drinker drinker bigsmile bigsmile :banana: :banana:

stan_147's photo
Mon 09/22/14 04:49 PM
And now fresh from the request line, we have a little ditty dedicated to "she knows who" from "that guy"...

From the 80's...

Hurricane with "I'm On To You"

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 09/22/14 04:49 PM
Feel better soon. flowerforyou

no1phD's photo
Mon 09/22/14 05:39 PM
Hmm...lol.. welcome back pink....
... I would give you a big carrot right now !!..but my photobucket isn't working.. perhaps there is something else I could give you...hmmmmm..jk
.. nice to see you back on the funny farm. .waving

dreamerana's photo
Mon 09/22/14 06:14 PM
thank you for listening when I needed to vent. talking to you really helped make my day better
flowerforyou flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 09/22/14 06:58 PM

m3k4y's photo
Mon 09/22/14 07:02 PM
Wanna say thank u to that friend who helped me fix my profile..thank u..:wink: :smile:

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