Topic: do you believe in life after death | |
Do you believe in life after death i do based on researching psyhical research/parapsychology and my own experiences.
It can be no other way as far as I’m concerned. We were necessarily here before our bodies were born and we’ll necessarily be here after they die. We are this universe. Period.
It’s not a one-way deal. Both ends of life are open-ended. Our true nature is either spiritual or it’s not. I’m completely convinced that it is. The entire universe is ‘spirit’. Simply meaning that there is no such thing as a physical world other than what the spirit provides as an illusion. However, once you fully realize this it should become apparent that you did not come into being when your body was born anymore than you’ll cease to exist when your body dies. It’s a two-way thing. |
I totally agree with Abra,
... and yet, i'l argue that there is no life after death. How can that be??? You ask. This energy tht we all are part of and made of is eternal IMO. Always been, always will be. Eternal in the sense of no connection with time. So from the perspective where we are one with this universal energy, I totally agree with Abra. But from the perspective where the question is asked, a very human and 'body' based perspective, which all religions have long understood was the best way of signing up followers, there is no life after death. There is no life that this particular consciousness that we struggle with in our human dimension, will experience, or 'live after' our human death. It's a religious trick, entertaining the fear of death of the ego. Ego, body, time and space, along with all other conscious or unconscious signals of human forms: beliefs, limited knowledge, fear, love, ect. cease to exist upon death. This all encompassing energy, with which we're one, absolutely lives on. As Abra said earlier, "... can be no other way". DISCLAIMER: 'not THE TRUTH, but certainly what I sense and understand to be true for myself at this time.' |
{{{{Is this deja vous...
![]() ![]() I already responded once to this thread, saw it posted and then was gone.. replaced with this one...Okay....whatever....}}}} I absolutely believe in Life after death... ![]() a hierarchy of things... ![]() hopefully a collective consciousness ![]() Even if a person says they don't believe in God... ![]() and I don't need to fully understand physics ![]() to know that energy doesn't just die... ![]() It has to go somewhere ..... ![]() ![]() ![]() So, until all the questions are answered... ![]() I am content knowing this isn't all there is... ![]() |
sorry but that energy does not mean you it's a misunderstanding however I think there is a non physical energy that are soul is made off plus a lighter form of matter.
I feel continuum is appropriate for me.
Death of a physical body perhaps, but that's about all. |
I’ll have two helpings of Continuum
A side salad of Appropriate and Jess’s physical body to go! ![]() Oh,… and a large can of Playdough! |
I was gonna ask Leo what he meant...
But his profile went ....poof.... ![]() gone....deactivated.... Bye....Leo.... ![]() |
Maybe he wasn't real?
Maybe he was just a figment of our imagination. ![]() |
![]() email us from the other side!!! |
Yes, Maybe he was a figment of our imagination...
![]() And wouldn't it be nice ![]() if he did email us from the other side... ![]() Just think of what he might say.... ![]() |
yes i do!!!!
![]() |
Deja vu? Didn't Abra just post a (very interesting!) thread on this a few weeks ago??
Well at the risk of repeating myself, yep I think there is something after we "die". And to me, reincarnation seems like the most likely scenario. I also think that we are by no means restricted to this planet or time frame, etc. to be reincarnated on... there is so much variety in the universe. This planet is beautiful but why would we be so stuck in space and time when we "die"? Assuming we have some kind of input (not necessarily conscious) why not even evolve pure energy forms or other entitys in other universes... Why would we, and our creator, not wish to try many things? I know that the many portrayals of god as a human are because that is what is familiar to people, but to me I know I am far from "godlike" so why would I imagine god to be like me? These labels and limits may aid some in comprehending or communicating certain concepts but they also limit us... there are so many possibilities.. |
What happens to a person when he dies? Is he still alive somewhere? Will the living ever again be able to enjoy on earth the company of those now dead? To answer such questions, it will be a help for us to know what happened to Adam at his death. When he sinned, God told him: “You [will] return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:19) Think of what that means. Before God created him from the dust, there was no Adam. He did not exist. So, after he died, Adam returned to that same state of nonexistence. Simply stated, death is the opposite of life. The Bible shows this at Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10. According to the Authorized or King James Version, these verses say: “For the living know that they shall die; but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” This means that the dead cannot do anything and cannot feel anything. They no longer have any thoughts, as the Bible states: “Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish.” (Psalm 146:3, 4) At death man’s spirit, his life-force, which is sustained by breathing, “goes out.” It no longer exists. So man’s senses of hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste, which depend upon his being able to think, all stop working. According to the Bible, the dead enter a state of complete unconsciousness. When they are dead, both humans and animals are in this same state of complete unconsciousness. Note how the Bible makes this point: “As the one dies, so the other dies; and they all have but one spirit, so that there is no superiority of the man over the beast, for everything is vanity. All are going to one place. They have all come to be from the dust, and they are all returning to the dust.” (Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20) The “spirit” that makes animals live is the same as that which makes humans live. When this “spirit,” or invisible life-force, goes out, both man and beast return to the dust from which they are made. |
Mainline Christianity, believes the "real" you lives inside the body. When the body dies, according to the Bible, the "real" you leaves the body and goes on to eternity, whether your decision is eternal life or eternal damnation. How do you choose? What do you do with Jesus? Do you believe? Even satan himself believed..... Religion doesn't save you from eternal damnation.....only a RELATIONSHIP with Christ, and that choice is yours. He doesn't force himself. You likely wouldn't accept marriage with a person who was forced upon them....the Lord is no different. He wants you to have a RELATIONSHIP with Him because you want to. Beliefs do not in any way save a person.
As far as having no senses, thoughts, etc.....only the physical realm.. read the story of Lazarus and the rich man. The spirit man continues on with full faculties. |
Im gunna rot like a peach when im gone.
Ahhh but free, if you "rot like a peach when you're gone" doesn't that mean that you DO in fact believe in reincarnation?
because a rotting peach is so likely to turn into a peach tree in time. ![]() Peace to all.... I'm off to the beach... |
Hmmm... When im gone, the only thing left of me will be memories. Hold onto your idea's if it's make you feel good though. Hope is a very good thing, I just try to be realistic as I see realistic. Im one of those who need some kind of proof before i'll believe in something. As soon as I see some, i'll be converting my idea's quickly. Im not holding my breath though. For now, im just going to continue to be the best person I can be, and try to have as much fun as possible while im here. Maybe im too logical for my own good, but I just can't have faith in something that doesn't seem logical to me. Not without hard evidence that I can logically consider as proof.
Maybe I should have used a banana peel instead. I think when it rots it's pretty much gone for good, just as I will be, at least thats how I feel right now. Im just a need proof kinda guy, and blind faith is something im just not capable of as of yet. As a mechanic, blind faith has always bitten me, so I always have to look for solid proof as to what the problem really is. It just saves alot of wasted time and money, or in this case, my mental health. Religion is all over the world in many forms, and I just don't go along with any of it. I honestly believe that if there were no religions at all, and everyone just treated everyone as they like to be treated, the earth would be a better place. The fact is, some people simply don't need to believe in a god to be thoughtful, kind, honest, and happy. Of all the people I know, it seems like the one's who think like me, have less, but care more. I've made it 54 years without believing in any gods exsistance, and I have a feeling that it's not going to change. I hope this doesn't offend you in any way, I just have to be me, and I have to go with my logical way of looking at stuff. It's just that to me, having blind faith in anything is just gambling, and I only like sure things, good or bad. I can't see wind or temperature, but I at least can feel them, and see their effects on things, and the only effects I see from religion are negetive. Dennis |
Re: "and everyone just treated everyone as they like to be treated, the earth would be a better place. The fact is, some people simply don't need to believe in a god to be thoughtful, kind, honest, and happy." We had a couple of really nice threads on the golden rule here recently (ok one was mine)... And I, and many who post here, do not believe in Hell or sin or any of those concepts that assume behavior is based on some kind of reward system so you are not alone... Being a good person is it's own reward... Gotta go. Have a great night. ![]() |
Not blowing my whistle or anything, but I have for some reason always been senisitive and compassionate to others. I first realized my sensitivity when I was a little guy. I used to cry a little watching that show "Lassie". Today, at 54, I still can't watch certain kinds of shows because im too darn sensitive, and I get bummed out. Mean people suck !