Topic: Self-Control | |
No means no why would I try to win a woman over if she does not find me attractive.
No means no why would I try to win a woman over if she does not find me attractive. Clearly you have never been stalked. Nobody knows. |
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Sun 08/03/14 01:56 AM
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I just like being treated as a woman
Self control..that the very important to me sometimes even I get mad I control myself..I talk first and I tel my feelings so I can avoid to be mad:-)
No means no why would I try to win a woman over if she does not find me attractive. Clearly you have never been stalked. Nobody knows. I apologize I thought I was commenting on self control which I have but as far as stalking I think its a mental illness that should be addressed by the proper authorities as soon as possible. |
If she says No, assume it means No and keep it in your pants. If she says No and means Yes ... she should probably just learn to say Yes. It would likely make things far less confusing in the future.
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Mon 08/04/14 11:21 AM
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No means no, unless she's dressed like Nova from Planet Of The Apes, or Slave Leia...
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Thu 08/07/14 12:22 PM
Interesting conversation, regardless of any situation no means no, if the girl is drunk and comes on to you, it is still no... it's about respect for her and your self..... there are reasons why she is saying no.... and for a guy to right her off a girl for saying no to sex they don't have self control.... the world has made sex a game and not something that is supposed to be special at the right time and place.... I perfure marriage, sex can just complicate that more expecially for women
If she says No, assume it means No and keep it in your pants. If she says No and means Yes ... she should probably just learn to say Yes. It would likely make things far less confusing in the future. ![]() ![]() for legal purposes, this is great advice realistically, when it comes to passion, no with the mouth doesn't always mean no, depending upon what is happening with the body, but that is no legal argument..obviously,,lol |
Does no always mean yes to a man?
How can any man answer this? The only option is "yes." Because if "no" always means "yes" then any man that answers this question with a "no" is really saying "yes." You will be unable to trust or verify any answer to this question that comes from a male, who will have first person direct experience in their intentions. So you are either looking for only women to answer, which would offer you a biased, useless, answer, or asking rhetorical questions you already know (or think you know) the answer to but feel the need to vent, complain, and moan, drum up support for misandry, all while trying to maintain the illusion that you aren't. Who here truly has self-control
Self control isn't an absolute. I would put forth everyone that participates in forums as proof. Does the person that doesn't start a rhetorical thinly veiled man bashing thread have less self control than the person that doesn't? Does the person that ignores such a thread rather than respond have greater self control than one who doesn't? If the same person does one and not the other, do they have self control, or some degree of it, and how do you measure and compare? Who here truly has self-control when a woman is clearly not interested?
How would you determine the veracity of anyone who answers here? Talk is cheap, right? I would say the only people that could prove their self control are those that don't respond to your thread. But that doesn't really help. IOW you are basically putting people in a corner with your thread. If they respond, they can't but help offer their opinion to you, denoting a lack of self control. If they don't respond, they offer no evidence to the contrary of what you posit in the OP. Win win for you. |
what are your thoughts on chivalry..then.. you know. placing his coat upon a puddle.. helping you down from a high spot.. you know like off of a carriage.. Are a buggy..
Most of that isn't really a matter of "chivalry" so much as practicality. Women, in the pursuit of their role and place, had a certain type of fashion that made reaching out, bending over, or even seeing their feet, pretty much impossible. They wore corsets and petticoats. Suck in the waist, flare the hips, can't twist, breath, or bend. If your dress poofs out farther than your arm reach, you can't reach a door. If your corset keeps you from bending at the waist or swiveling your body, it's more difficult to open a solid wooden door that wasn't installed with modern considerations. If you try to manage a door, or climbing down from somewhere, or lifting your skirt to step over a puddle, then you show your legs, or ankles which makes you a whore, or ruin what could possibly be your only "nice" clothes since there was no wal mart 3 for 10 bucks tshirt packs. If you can't see your feet or, within a 3 foot radius, and you try to step down from something without a guiding hand you greatly increase your chances of tripping, falling, and severely hurting yourself, even a scrape to the knee can cause serious problems. People tend to forget about the whole judgments and gender roles and life situations involved in chivalry, and pretty much interpret it based on modern conveniences and lifestyles they take for granted, ascribing some sort of altruistic and loving motive to behavior. |
No means no, unless she's dressed like Nova from Planet Of The Apes, or Slave Leia... Or Neytiri from Avatar... ![]() |
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Tue 08/12/14 10:40 PM
okay so what are your thoughts on chivalry..then.. you know. placing his coat upon a puddle.. helping you down from a high spot.. you know like off of a carriage.. Are a buggy.. ... I am just trying to get a true sense. of what I may encounter out there. in this dating world. before I was married.. you could offer to buy a lady a drink. and she would not presume. there was anything attached to it.. Just a man offering to buy a lady a drink.. nothing more.. . exchanged pleasant conversation... nowadays it seems like.. there is a hidden agenda in everything you do.. when you're on a date.. not to mention the terminology... hookups. . baby mama.. sugar daddy.. it sometimes is very overwhelming... .. I feel I need and want to be myself. . but I also don't want to be dated. . that is I mean out of the loop... it is truly a zoo out there... thank God for miracles.. like mingle... and of course true ladies like yourself Missy... ![]() ![]() ![]() I am truly humbled by your words No1. Thank you. As for dating now a days, I really can't say. The whole world has changed so much, but I have found that no matter what the rest of the world does, I have to be true to myself. I will never use a man for my own self-interest, not even in dating. I always appreciate a man helping me down from a carriage, were I riding in one, which in the U.S. is almost unheard of (although I have been for several carriage rides). It's a story book romance type thing, which every woman might dream about; however, not every woman does. It's individual to each woman and they can be as individual as the men they are dating. Times are not what they used to be, but we can dream that they could be...sometimes I think that defines the age range we should be looking for. Someone who feels the same thoughtfulness which was expressed when we were growing up...someone who doesn't laugh at us because we might expect a door to be opened for us. Someone who is not so stuck to a cell phone that they have time to look into ours eyes and truly communicate, if not with words, with silence but volumes spoken. In the long run, it can only be what one chooses and it's up to us to choose wisely. We need to choose what we can live with and the type of individual we would truly want to be in our lives. So, bottom's confusing, but still up to us to choose one who would make us the most accepting of ourselves and of them...and live in the life that only those two can create. JMHO I agree more than 100% ![]() ![]() |
Does no always mean yes to a man? Who here truly has self-control when a woman is clearly not interested? ![]() |
Speaking for my Hormones , It can be Hard :) to fight your man bits :) But sex is only part of the bonding process.......
Rape is ignoring and disrespecting the wishes of the women....... |
If she Say yes and in the last when get to know that I am poor girls block you by saying u r are rude that's hurt and 2nd here I made account no 1 trust me they think I just got my pix from google why people this ( I am.sorry if u mind but this is reality