Topic: taste in music important? | |
There is nothing like's a human connection. Personally, I put a lot of value on someone's musical tastes...some songs really get to my heart...and that is the essence of who I am.
But, I don't find that others put as much value on it. I mean, when I tell someone I love Bob know, if that doesn't mean something to them, then fahgetabahdit.:) |
hmm i guess i never thought about it that much
I agree that a music is an important human connection and it is natural that one likes to find others with similiar musical tastes as their own. I do not think I would write someone off as not being compatible if they did not know a particular artist or group that I did. I would want to, at least, give them an opportunity to explore that first.
There are so many types of music, groups, artists that one person cannot be intimately familiar with all. I have found lots of different types and styles of music I have enjoyed that I may not have listened to had someone not first introduced it to me. For instance, violin music - I would think "mmm, okay". But a friend took me to a Bowfire concert and it was fabulous, very lively and entertaining, way beyond what I may have imagined it to be. |
You have a good point. There is a lot of good music out there...hell I like some Tupac even though I come from a different sub-culture.
But I think it says a lot about a person....we all know who the major players are...they wouldn't have got that far without being the best. Popular music has become more about advertising than getting to the heart. But, true value is the only thing that lasts. |
What about taste in food? Clothes? cars?
What if someone was to like the colour blue? Would you say forget about it? My point being, who wants a clone of themselves? Is it ok if they aren't so great in sports, or in the arts, are unemployed, with seven kids from six different fathers, as long as they have a passion for Bob Dylan? Let me ask you, what is it you love about Bob Dylan? |
He's got one hell of an imagination. He is a social-commentator...he gets to the real nitty gritty. He is concise and profound. Perhaps, most of all, he creates a sense of awe.
So he can verbalise what it is you feel?
You resonate with his lyrics? That's all well and great, we can all say that about some performers...even Pink took a bite from the social conscience of the US and the world...with her MR President. To narrow one's paramteters to ONLY selecting someone who 'gets' Bob Dylan's music as you do, is to narrow down your parameters in life. |
I listen to everything,literally everything, someone else doesn't have to like everything I listen to,.It is not going to be a deal breaker if I like some one and they don't listen to Bob Dylan,Pink or Tupac...I would at the very least expect them to at least try it and if they still don't like it then so be it.You don't have to have absolutely everything in common with someone to be with them...that would get hella boring.
I think there is such a wide variety of music, everyone has their favorites. I'm not going to out much emphasis on whether he likes the same music as I do. I would much rather have interests in common...the love of the outdoors, parks, beaches. What's the point becoming involved with someone if your not going to enjoy doing the same things....TOGETHER!!! something that people can adapt to, being with an "indoor" kind of person...would not suit me. |
This kinda thing is the small stuff... you know the sort of thing you are not supposed to sweat?
I find all most all music interesting. Even the sounds in shows about Australia, the abo's music, all interesting. Only thing I have a hard time with is what I call "gangster rap".
Just think some of the language is unnecc. Deal breaker over music, don't think so. Have learned a lot from others music. |
I've realized that music is not that important unless that person has one cd and listen to it over and over and over 24/7. Then I think the person is either simple or has emotional or psychological problems.
Maybe we are just old and creepy...who knows?
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I do too, i would never date a guy who was into 80s hair metal. No offense to any fans of this genre.
bob dylan as an artist? ughh was lacking in my opinion but he was an awsome writer
Not sure i would choose my pardner by her taste in music...probably be a short lived relationship We can't help our taste in music. |
Music is a form of love in its own rite...
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Taste is relative......I find that if a person were to judge me only on my taste in music, then I would say that person is immature and needs to grow up!!!
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the beautiful thing of music is the connection it automaticly has on people,It is so universal,And everything is musical. A heart beat the sound of the wind.The noise of the waves.Being a song writer i get so much insperation off everything.It really is a magical thing I belive everyone loves
music is Very cat died last wk so i've listened to tool's jerk-off over and over for 9 days...i go for a drive just so i can blast everyone on the road with are sooo lucky you can make music...i can only be an appreciator
Having been a DJ I can listen to ANY sort of music. But I draw the line at Foul and disgusting language in songs.
Almost, but not all modern rap music tends to be monopolised by expletives. ![]() Is this because the so called performers have a limited vocabulary?. Don't these artists realize that they are corrupting young kids minds a lot sooner than is necessary, and explicit lyrics are are unecessary and sometimes insulting. Maybe they just think that it's cool to sing and write such trash. Or am I out of touch with other peoples thinking? Any musicians out there PLEASE note. Good music does not need to be offensive. |