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Topic: the coffee date
jester0012009's photo
Tue 07/15/14 01:45 PM
how many love a coffee date

no photo
Tue 07/15/14 01:51 PM
I just Love Coffeelove

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Tue 07/15/14 02:48 PM
Not into those...just a cheap version of someone assessing your assets and if you are worthy...I don't even drink coffee....

manontheland's photo
Tue 07/15/14 02:54 PM
coffee is just too good and it plus the women make the world a great place....:)

pkh's photo
Tue 07/15/14 03:17 PM
I don't drink coffee, I just love a date

no photo
Tue 07/15/14 03:31 PM

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 07/15/14 03:41 PM
Honestly the only time I went on a coffee date is when I suggested it. Hey was not sure it would work, and and did not want to be tied down if it did not... It didn't was a good call...

Heck even suggested one to meet me at a Whataburger for a soda...bigsmile actually went out with him again to some really nice restaurant's. And dated him for a few months..

But on a regular thing no I would not do the coffee thing..

Myself I prefer a restaurant and doing the dutch thing which I make it very clear from the very beginning... If we go out again then if he picks up the tab I'll offer to leave the tip...

I do assume that what you mean by the coffee date thing it is to meet those from online... Cause if I was dating someone and that is where they took me I may just leave them there lmao... Cause to me that is just to meet those you have ran across online.

maxsand's photo
Tue 07/15/14 04:24 PM
I rather say coffee meeting.......:tongue:

no photo
Tue 07/15/14 04:55 PM

Ha ha ha...right:laughing:

no1phD's photo
Tue 07/15/14 05:39 PM
I do the drive by...
I arrange for you to be standing on a corner..
then I Drive by you really "fast"..
if I like what I see.. i circle the block..
and drive by you slower with my windows down... playing really loud Hispanic music... oh yes and I have my dark sunglasses oglasses laugh :banana: shades n...shades ..
and I say ... Chiquita... what's appening...

Jarsno's photo
Wed 07/16/14 06:20 AM

no photo
Wed 07/16/14 12:25 PM
Coffee breath smells like an open sewer. Not a good idea if you want to kiss one another.

no photo
Wed 07/16/14 12:26 PM

Coffee breath smells like an open sewer. Not a good idea if you want to kiss one another.

Just because it's brown liquid doesn't mean it's coffee.

tman_62's photo
Thu 07/17/14 11:50 AM
The face to face coffee date can be a little awkward on first meeting. I prefer just a walk somewhere or browsing the bookstore together. There's no pressure that way.

luvmeforlife's photo
Thu 07/17/14 11:56 AM
I love the smell of coffee :)

no photo
Thu 07/17/14 12:00 PM
dinner and movie that's a date. coffee is just for haniging out and shooting the ****.

no photo
Thu 07/17/14 12:01 PM
No thx, don't drink coffeenoway

no photo
Thu 07/17/14 12:04 PM
Might as well be like this for a 1st date, that way she can drink her coffee quickly and leave sooner when she sees I'm not what she had in mind for a date...slaphead

gibbs1602's photo
Thu 07/17/14 12:11 PM

Might as well be like this for a 1st date, that way she can drink her coffee quickly and leave sooner when she sees I'm not what she had in mind for a date...slaphead


no photo
Thu 07/17/14 12:13 PM

Might as well be like this for a 1st date, that way she can drink her coffee quickly and leave sooner when she sees I'm not what she had in mind for a date...slaphead


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