Topic: answer me!!!!!!!
no photo
Wed 10/25/06 05:49 PM
tell me
what do you do when
you've been in a relationship for two years
and theres no trust (me towards him)
when you feel confused on what you feel
but deny it's love

get angry when the thought of him with another female
i'm not wipped on the slong
so leave that out

i have the gut feeling he's no longer in love
i'm the type of female that don't sweat things
if you not happy wit me then tell me
i'm a real bitch when you do it behind my back
not every one is wit they perfect person
what i want to know what do i do
where do i stand

lookforyou's photo
Wed 10/25/06 06:04 PM
so may I ask if the Distrust that you feel is justified or it is it
something that you feel in yourself, and just want to feel justified in
the way you are feeling
. i am not trying to be rude, just the question...

no photo
Wed 10/25/06 06:05 PM
I was in a relationship for 7 1/2 years and the last year was like that,
you need trust in any relationship whether its friendship or courtship
but sometimes people will try to test how far they can go and whether or
not you will take it but just by reading their is a lack of trust and
respect. I left my situation and even though it was hard and dating can
sometimes be a headache I am much happier. So I would think about what
you really want, what makes you happy and fell good, plus if he love and
respect u he will tell u so ask. After all those years I found out it
was not love just comfort.

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Wed 10/25/06 06:52 PM
Bottom line...
IF you cannot trust the person you are with, it's not gonna
work...regardless if he/she trusts you
IF you dont respect the one you are with, it's not gonna work...
Mutual respect is essential in a relationship...

xxxfinchkidxxx's photo
Wed 10/25/06 06:55 PM
your beating a dead horse....if you will

Morena350's photo
Wed 10/25/06 06:58 PM
If after 2 years there is no trust
then the relationship is not working
trust is a mayor issue in a relationship,
and it can cause serius problems, if you can't
work it out, there is no reason to continue

that is just me, you know?

EFP's photo
Wed 10/25/06 07:06 PM
Communicate, with that person, You definitely, have a trust issue with
that individual. Love, honesty, trust and respect is a very important
part of the foundation to build a relationship without any of that it
will surely crumble. You feel angry and hurt but, your questioned to him
was if he's not happy with you then tell you. The real question is are
you happy with him? You should never feel unhappy with a person you
love! Do what's right for yourself and your situation.....


no photo
Wed 10/25/06 07:09 PM
EFP is on point

Morena350's photo
Wed 10/25/06 07:16 PM
he is always on point.

Teddybear66's photo
Wed 10/25/06 07:36 PM
I have learned to trust my little voice inside! It has always been
right. Are you Happy? If not take care of it now, life is to short not
to be happy! Longer it goes with ill feelings the worse it will be down
the road, mine ended after 18.5 yrs and a child was involved!! The
trick is not to find the perfect person to live with, but find the one
you can't live without!
Good Luck :)

michael1313's photo
Thu 10/26/06 05:43 AM
if your mis-trust in him is Justified,and he has lost it for you...kick
th dog to th curb,(so to speak),and find another...M.

TheShadow's photo
Thu 10/26/06 05:58 AM
If I were you I would take a good look at what is it that you really
don't trust about him amd make sure that it is not what is going on with
you. Because sometimes the miss-trust is something we build up inside
with out knowing what is really going on. So when you are sure of what
it is,have a talk with him and get it out in the open. If you don't it
will just keep building up.

newguy's photo
Thu 10/26/06 06:37 AM
Love comes from the've been with that person for 2
years?...I say...look him in the eyes and ask the questions that are
causing your mistrust....then feel what your heart is telling you.
Worked for me. Trust me when i say....your eyes can't lie!

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 10/26/06 07:00 AM
Well, I'm totaly impressed with all the wisdom that has been handed to
you in this post. For each and everyone has a very good point everyone
has a unique way in putting it. Without trust in a realantionship you
have nothing for trust is one of the foundations of a lasting
relantionship that can not be overlooked.

EFP, I've read your responses to the post in the past and yet you still
impress me of your knowledge and unquie way you put your words to the
ladies someone that has the honor of receiving your love will find out
she has found someone truely with a heart of gold. Ladies better take a
second look at this one. (Sorry EFP had to throw that shamelest plug in
for ya)

But honest latinflavor I think you already know the answer to this one
but we all need a little reassurance from time to time about our gut
feelings. One thing I have learned from my past is trust that feeling we
have it is like a insight we have but must learn to listen to it also.

As far as the eyes cannot lie Ohhhhhhhhh sooo true for you

The Eyes are the windows to ones soul!

Good luck in what ever choice you do make.

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 08:43 AM
i don't know anything about your relationship but i agree with the
advice of talk to him if the trust issue is not justified. the other
thing that i would bring up is, are you jealous because you are falling
in love and don't want him to be with anyone else?