Topic: Stalking stalker signs ... | |
I stalk hot men. ![]() Me too. Nothing wrong with eye candy. Just keep it to a minimum. ![]() |
^^^^ no touch, just look
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I've seen a few people mention how stalking can be self-inflicted. But how can it be, unless the victim gave a "Come hither!" look, or flirted first? Unless you have abs, I think you've answered your own question. |
I've seen a few people mention how stalking can be self-inflicted. But how can it be, unless the victim gave a "Come hither!" look, or flirted first? When I was 18, my boyfriend and I had a disagreement while he was driving us home from a date night out and I told him to pull over because I wanted to get away from him until he calmed down. We were just a few blocks from our place and I felt secure walking the short distance in our small town community in Texas. Shortly after he pulled away I noticed a man ride by me on a bike, then he disappeared around the corner just ahead. Suddenly from out of no where he silently came up from behind me, jumped off his bike startling me, and just as quickly was on me with a knife to my throat. Right there beside us was an alley he began pushing me toward while saying if I screamed he would kill me. I was so petrified, hysterical and mindless of anything besides just living, surviving this attack, that I began to scream anyway. It was a natural reaction. But he was bigger, stronger, and obviously practiced at capturing and raping women so he had me in the dark alley and on the ground within a matter of a minute it seemed. Realizing my screams were useless I began weeping and asking the man why he was doing this to me, and he said I was getting what I deserved for being on the street at night. He actually said I had asked for it! After he got a nut he left me unharmed and rode away on his bike while I walked home to tell my boyfriend what had just happened to me, and he responded with anger as well as tears. There was nothing he could do but try to comfort me. And now I felt dirty and used, although extremely thankful to God that I was still alive. My point to revealing these personal details is this... Regardless to the circumstances, nobody has the right to stalk and abuse others in any way, or to amuse themselves at another's expense. Normal, well adjusted people know this. But when/if predators do find delectable prey whether in person or on the internet it is NOT their target that is to blame for the actions that ensue once contact is made. |
I Hate Drama...
And Wont Let Anyone Try To Control Me If You Take A Stalkers Power Away.. They Have No Power.. Every Action Has A Reaction... Make Sure You Know How To Take Control In A Positive Manner... |
I've been stalked online. Very annoying...
But better than this ![]() It's all in your perspective. |
I've seen a few people mention how stalking can be self-inflicted. But how can it be, unless the victim gave a "Come hither!" look, or flirted first? Unless you have abs, I think you've answered your own question. that does not mean it is self inflicted, honestly that is just ignorant (ignorance of the victimization model). First the tendency to blame the victim is normal it seems but also not correct. I am sure people are going to continue to flirt. But we are not responsible for another's person's response to that. No one asks to be victimized. It is also possible that by the time someone realizes that they have a stalker on their hands the process of victimization has already started. The answer is not for people to stop flirting. The answer is for stalkers to be arrested and receive both punishment and treatment they need (in actual crminal stalking cases) |
Regardless to the circumstances, nobody has the right to stalk and abuse others in any way, or to amuse themselves at another's expense. Normal, well adjusted people know this.
But when/if predators do find delectable prey whether in person or on the internet it is NOT their target that is to blame for the actions that ensue once contact is made. ^This ![]() |
I think stalking is a sign of mental illness and should be taken very serious.
First the tendency to blame the victim is normal it seems but also not correct. "No one asks to be victimized." It is also possible that by the time someone realizes that they have a stalker on their hands the process of victimization has already started. You're absolutely right about victims being blamed. And if we put ourselves in positions that may leave us vulnerable we might in fact even blame ourselves for being so stupid. But it's very hard to gauge who has the propensity (character) to become stalkers. When we meet strangers and become acquaintances or online friends first we have no idea how they will take rejection especially if the connection has elements of fondness. |
O if anyone knows about Stalking it is Atthena, Goddess of Trolling! You are why I don't post. I put one post up and she trolls mine. You got some nerve talking about Stalkers and Your a Professional. Figured I owed you a Troll for a Troll! Your a perfect example of why I don't post on any forums.
Edited by
Thu 06/19/14 12:15 AM
O if anyone knows about Stalking it is Atthena, Goddess of Trolling! You are why I don't post. I put one post up and she trolls mine. You got some nerve talking about Stalkers and Your a Professional. Figured I owed you a Troll for a Troll! Your a perfect example of why I don't post on any forums. Everybody whose interested can find your posts and see what an alleged troll that I am. How many times did I ever comment on anything you posted? Once? Yeah, I'm definitely a professional and a troll. ![]() Way to capture the spotlight dude... Bravo... ![]() |
I think stalking is a sign of mental illness and should be taken very serious. I agree. ![]() And the best thing about posting on forums is that everyone can see who the stalkers are. We can especially see who may be prone to the types of mental illness that can be harmful to others by the things we say and how we interact with our peers. Some people seem to think because its so easy to hide behind fake photos and empty profile profferings that they can do and say whatever they like and get away with it. But if they are a SERIOUS threat to others I'm sure that Homeland Security could track them down via their IP address or however else terrorists are tracked, or are "professionally stalked" by our own government. ![]() |
I think it could be hot.. I know it usually makes for a great Lifetime T.V. movie..
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When someone you've only spoken to on the phone is standing over your bed when you wake up with a breakfast tray in their hands that's a sure sign you're being stalked... either that or you really need to quit drinking ![]() ![]() |
I think it could be hot.. I know it usually makes for a great Lifetime T.V. movie.. ![]() Do you mean a Lifetime movie about "obsession"? Try this plot line on for instance... One person develops a crush on another and learns everything they can about their target so they can pretend to be interested in the same likes and dislikes. They may even begin doing the same things the person they're obsessed with is doing just so they can have something in common to relate over. Or so they can garner the same amount or type of attention they see their target receives and that they envy. They may also appear as many different people (online profiles) trying to interact with the intended just to see if they can get a different reaction from their prey via alternate personalities. To discern this kind of pattern just pay attention to the initial joined Mingle2 date under a person's profile picture when they post. And if it shows that they just joined and this is their first or second post, yet what they say to the OP looks and sounds like they are longtime acquaintances, this can be a clue that a stalker has just created a new profile so they can interact differently on the forums without being detected by any newbies around. Some stalkers may be extremely loving, sympathetic and kind. While others may be arrogant, hateful and argumentative. But overall its about the "competition". Predator and prey, hunter and hunted, passive and aggressive. Then, when the predator types see that their charades aren't working to feed their otherwise empty and self centered existences they may gravitate toward more straight forward attacks like public humiliation type tactics. Let's say they try to catch their prey off guard by pretending to be well acquainted with them while making bold, accusatory, and flaming comments to bring negative attention from unknowing onlookers. While predators also feign to be their prey's victim. Keep in mind, this made for TV movie's script and characters can be edited and adjusted to fit whatever format will elicit the highest ratings the advertisers can bank on. And so the story goes... ![]() |
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Fri 06/20/14 10:16 AM
unfortunately, in public places and forums there really is no 'stalking', people have the right to be there however often they wish,,,near whomever they wish,, just ask zimmerman,,,
I consider harassment or stalking to be an invasion of 'personal' space more than a sharing of public space, although someone going out of their way to follow another in the cyber world or in a REAL TIME situation is a scary situation to be in,,, there isn't an official crime unless there is a restraining order in place or physical contact or verbal threat occur,,,, |
Zimmerman is probably being stalked right now. So see how the tables turn.
Do they have a temp service where I can hire a stalker??.. I just need one for a couple days.