Topic: Ahmadinejad , Iran's President
Mac's photo
Fri 09/21/07 10:24 AM
You have got to be Kidding me, How can a college of this United States of America allow and proven murderer of US Troops,Civilians, and one of the Hostage Takers of Americans during Jimmy Carters Presidentcy, not to mention the recent supplying of weapons,and support of the enialation of Isrial, to speak to a student body freely.....The only thing I can think of is that it's a perfect oppertunity to have him assinated as most police officers will refuse to protect him. and if we are forced to protect the Axis of Evel leader, Let them all be of jewish decent. this man need to go. I am appauled that we would allow such thing. If we have to do this may it be from closed circut TV from His own Sand Pit in the Pre Nuked Country of Iran that will soon be wiped off the map itself........... Go US Airforce!!

Belushi's photo
Fri 09/21/07 10:11 PM
All Ill say is that the US trained Osama Bin Laden.

The Brits trained Martin McGuinness and he now sits in the Houses of Parliament (that he tried to blow up 25 years ago for the IRA) as a duly elected representative of the British people.

You'll get there ... it will just take time