Topic: White Male
willing2's photo
Mon 05/26/14 10:43 AM

the point youre trina make is irrelevent, not the opinion you have. Doesnt make sense to what is being discussed. or in general. his being a dem or rep has nothing to do with the problem at hand.

Entitlement has everything to do with the topic.
great, so talk about that and not the dems or reps

This is an open, public forum. I/we may post what we feel is suitable.
If white male is interjected, political leanings are relevant.

just sayin the point youre making doesnt make sense. may i post what I think suitable? you are free to post whatever nonsensical bits you like. my apologies if I made you feel excluded.

When evaluating sociopath typical behaviors, all variables are relevant.

Like the statement about the unsupervised child syndrome.

The welfare stats will show, kids from welfare state homes, with the Mother, allegedly, caring for the child, has a higher rate of turning into a psyco killer than the a turnkey child.

msharmony's photo
Mon 05/26/14 10:47 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 05/26/14 10:48 AM
that would be interesting information to lookover

any links to such studies?

mind you , ending up in the penal system can mean anything from theft to drugs or murder and we are speaking in this thread about psycho



Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 05/26/14 10:47 AM

looking at info on mass shootings here

it seems like they stem back to 1982. starting with working age men who couldnt handle rejection,,from a job or a partner,,,etc,,,

these were men that were raised in the era of one working parent homes,,,,so Im not sure if the answer lies there

I think something in the way society treats the kids, not preparing them for disappointments,,, enabled in many the inability to handle pitfalls and setbacks,,,exposing them to such much sex and violence in media , and the ease with which to attain a weapon that can kill so many so quickly was probably the WORST environment for those types to be raised in,,

Yes. My child got a good idea of who the real authority was in the mid 90's. my 11 year old daughter was having a fit because she was grounded and said she was going to call 911 on us. we told her go ahead. we thought this would be a good lesson for her. Boy were we surprised she called then hung up on the operator and the cops showed up. we told them what happened and we got scolded for not controlling our child and letting her call 911. said basically nothing to my daughter. she learned a lesson alright.

willing2's photo
Mon 05/26/14 10:52 AM

that would be interesting information to lookover

any links to such studies?

mind you , ending up in the penal system can mean anything from theft to drugs or murder and we are speaking in this thread about psycho



I'm stating what comes across MSM and the net.

You want a study?,
Google is a very handy tool when we have too much time on our hands.

msharmony's photo
Mon 05/26/14 10:58 AM

looking at info on mass shootings here

it seems like they stem back to 1982. starting with working age men who couldnt handle rejection,,from a job or a partner,,,etc,,,

these were men that were raised in the era of one working parent homes,,,,so Im not sure if the answer lies there

I think something in the way society treats the kids, not preparing them for disappointments,,, enabled in many the inability to handle pitfalls and setbacks,,,exposing them to such much sex and violence in media , and the ease with which to attain a weapon that can kill so many so quickly was probably the WORST environment for those types to be raised in,,

Yes. My child got a good idea of who the real authority was in the mid 90's. my 11 year old daughter was having a fit because she was grounded and said she was going to call 911 on us. we told her go ahead. we thought this would be a good lesson for her. Boy were we surprised she called then hung up on the operator and the cops showed up. we told them what happened and we got scolded for not controlling our child and letting her call 911. said basically nothing to my daughter. she learned a lesson alright.

happened to us too, the police and the family ALL got after my daughter,,,its too bad that didn't happen in your situation too.

some people have an insane idea that it is possible to literally watch another human every second of every minute and 'control' everything they do or don't do,

we have always said though that its ok to call 911, while explaining exactly what happens when the police come,,

they are taken someplace with hundreds of other kids, no tv of their own, no video games, eating what they are fed when they are fed it, strict bedtimes,,etc,,, while the parents have to undergo parenting classes and therapy and PASS before the kids can come back home,, all the while saving plenty of money and being able to completely take care of and worry about themselves for a change,,,lol

when kids understand it will only make things worse for THEM instead of their parent, they usually change their mind about unwarranted abuse claims,,,

msharmony's photo
Mon 05/26/14 11:00 AM

that would be interesting information to lookover

any links to such studies?

mind you , ending up in the penal system can mean anything from theft to drugs or murder and we are speaking in this thread about psycho



I'm stating what comes across MSM and the net.

You want a study?,
Google is a very handy tool when we have too much time on our hands.

thats ok, a claim was made that 'welfare stats' would show kids from welfare homes were more likely to become psycho killers

just thought the one claiming something existed would be able to provide WHERE it existed

but being that said thing doesn't exist,,,no harm done,,,

msharmony's photo
Mon 05/26/14 11:10 AM

happened to us too, the police and the family ALL got after my daughter,,,its too bad that didn't happen in your situation too.

some people have an insane idea that it is possible to literally watch another human every second of every minute and 'control' everything they do or don't do,

we have always said though that its ok to call 911, while explaining exactly what happens when the police come,,

they are taken someplace with hundreds of other kids, no tv of their own, no video games, eating what they are fed when they are fed it, strict bedtimes,,etc,,, while the parents have to undergo parenting classes and therapy and PASS before the kids can come back home,, all the while saving plenty of money and being able to completely take care of and worry about themselves for a change,,,lol

when kids understand it will only make things worse for THEM instead of their parent, they usually change their mind about unwarranted abuse claims,,,

Im gonna get a mani/pedi! lol

lol, my family tries to get me to have those all the time, had one once and just didn't quite fall for it,,,

it is nice for others to pamper us sometimes though,,,

TBRich's photo
Mon 05/26/14 12:49 PM
I hung out with Lt. Col. David Grossman (I if I remember his name correctly its been years) he is the author of On Killing, which I highly recommend or go see him talk. I saw a news blip that the guy felt he kept being rejected by pretty women- as my dad used to say "no matter how pretty a woman is, there is at least one guy who can't stand the sight of her anymore". I don't believe in "magical lady parts" that could make me do anything.

willing2's photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:13 PM
For every one spoiled white dude, OP made it racial, acting badly, I can post ten videos of ghetto rats acting badly.

msharmony's photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:15 PM
the op wasnt talking about 'acting badly'

but about mass and serial killers,,,

willing2's photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:17 PM

the op wasnt talking about 'acting badly'

but about mass and serial killers,,,

And, that's not acting badly? laugh laugh laugh laugh

msharmony's photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:19 PM

the op wasnt talking about 'acting badly'

but about mass and serial killers,,,

And, that's not acting badly? laugh laugh laugh laugh

yes, but 'acting badly' is a much broader topic than mass killers or serial killers

it would be like comparing apples to ALL Fruits,,,

TBRich's photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:28 PM
Why don't you two just kiss and get it over with?

msharmony's photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:32 PM

no photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:42 PM

Why don't you two just kiss and get it over with?

laugh excellent suggestion... drinks

willing2's photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:46 PM

Why don't you two just kiss and get it over with?

laugh excellent suggestion... drinks

I only kiss real women. :wink:

msharmony's photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:49 PM

no photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:53 PM
Edited by AthenaRose2 on Mon 05/26/14 01:53 PM

Why don't you two just kiss and get it over with?

laugh excellent suggestion... drinks

I only kiss real women. :wink:

Now, now willing2... play nice... :tongue:

Love the tutu BTW... laugh

msharmony's photo
Mon 05/26/14 01:57 PM

Why don't you two just kiss and get it over with?

here I was thinking I might kiss you, I see how it is now,,,,,

TBRich's photo
Mon 05/26/14 02:07 PM

Why don't you two just kiss and get it over with?

here I was thinking I might kiss you, I see how it is now,,,,,

All good things to those who wait...